
Legal discrimination

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My wife and I live in a residential community with a property owners board, of which I am a member of. I gotta agree with you about the 'Napoleanic complex' members. We had a board president and one woman on our board who were out for 'control'. There was an item I wanted on the agenda about people letting their dogs run loose. We have a covenant that requires pets to be 'controlled'. The president refused to put it on the agenda.

in this example, weren't you the one trying to enforce the arbitrary rule?

wouldn't it just be easier to shoot any loose dog that makes a deposit on your lawn rather than have some impotent rule in the 'covenant'

and the word "covenant" isn't that a bit pretentious? I mean, seriously, it's not like you'll release the plague or anything.

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and the word "covenant" isn't that a bit pretentious?

Not really, in this context. It's standard terminology common to contracts related to real estate.

Now, my wife's cedar chest, which we got when we were married, is just "the cedar chest"; it's not "The Ark of the Covenant".

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My wife and I live in a residential community with a property owners board, of which I am a member of. I gotta agree with you about the 'Napoleanic complex' members. We had a board president and one woman on our board who were out for 'control'. There was an item I wanted on the agenda about people letting their dogs run loose. We have a covenant that requires pets to be 'controlled'. The president refused to put it on the agenda.

in this example, weren't you the one trying to enforce the arbitrary rule?

wouldn't it just be easier to shoot any loose dog that makes a deposit on your lawn rather than have some impotent rule in the 'covenant'

and the word "covenant" isn't that a bit pretentious? I mean, seriously, it's not like you'll release the plague or anything.

For some reason, my response didn't go through.

Yes, I was trying to get something done in regard to our 'rules'. The dog chases our p/u and nips at my horse's hocks when I'm riding. The dog is supposed to be 'contained'. Also, shooting the dog would not be the right answer. We don't allow hunting or target practice. I was tryig to point-out how some people with a little authority, let it go to their heads. As a board member, part of the job is to respond to complaints by residents here. Anywhere you go, you are going to run into rules, regulations and laws. As for our 'covenants', these are quite common in residential communities. About the only way they can be enforced is through the courts, by filing a civil complaint. We try to settle things through talking with the party involved and going through the 'process' and avoid civil action.


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Talked to a few more of the younger folks.

Everyone is pissed about the no washing your car thing.
They are pissed that the old fucks park their three cars on the community parking and their garages are full of shit, but the moment they bring their boat over to their condo to wash it off at the end of the season they get hit with a $300 bill from the association.

They hate it that the old folks don't have any skin in the game. And that one of the old fuckers is fucking the owner of the company that is in charge of the lawn and thus we are paying threw the fucking nose and the SOB's mow the fucking lawn every day of the fucking week!

They hate it that the old fuckers won't allow any block parties or any kind of organized get together that utilizes the shared space.

They hate it that the old fuckers hold association meetings at 6pm and no one knows what the fuck is going on and wonders why they are getting letters and not emails and why the meetings are not broadcasted on goto meeting.

The old fuckers have got to go!

We live in NJ not fucking Ohio where housing is cheap and any fucker can forgo eating out for a year and build up the 30% needed for a down payment. We live in NJ one of the most expensive places for young folks to live and we are going to take over the board and ass rape these old fuckers and get this FHA first time home owners thing overturned. WE may put in a stipulation regarding good credit score but other than that these old fuckers have got to go!

It's about time I lived up to my name sake...the very well dressed very shallow very ruthless dictator the Shah of Iran.

Sorry old folks here are your choices....DIE or move the fuck out!
I for one hope you die. So that way your snot nosed kids can sell your POS property to someone younger and with a bit more life that you!

If I'm stuck in this property for the next three years you better get the fuck out!
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The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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If you want to take over the HOA, I'd suggest you start by getting in touch with the owners (i.e. the kids) of all the vacant units.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Do we need to notify the authorities of your comments?

You're almost making threats brother.


It's not personal it's business!
Hostile takeover for the betterment of the many at the detriment of the few!
And if that detriment means watching my Persian ass washing my car on a nice summer day in front of my garage so fucking be it you old fucking hag!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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You don't own a gun, do you?

No and this is why I don't.

Too many dead people! Though shooting old fucks hardly qualifies as sport it would be fun? Maybe use a 22 to take out their 02 bottles?

But not seriously it's legal discrimination against young folks by a bunch of old fucks!

And well these old fuckers need to be taught a serious lesson! Either move to a "home" or move to the nations home...Florida!

And when I take over the board with my friends we are going to make it known loud and clear that is what our intention is...to transform the community such that it is hospitable to young working professionals.

We will legalize car washing, encourage summer block parties and do all kinds of shit to either kill off the old fuckers or encourage them to move the fuck out!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Can you stop threatening the old bastards for a minute and answer a simple question? Were the rules in place when you moved in??

Yes they were but back then there were a good number of younger folks like me.
Many like me were married and a good number had little kids.
Since then some of them have moved out.
A good number, 14 old fucks have died off.
And for the past year 12 units have been sitting empty.
So yes back when people could barrow the20% needed it was not an issue. But now that people can't...it's an issue.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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>"So yes back when people could barrow the20% needed it was not an issue. But now that people can't...it's an issue."

So you think you will solve your problem by having more people like you buy a unit? someone who cannot afford the 20% and thus doesnt have enough equity to weather downturns in the market? If i were you i would prefer more people who can actually afford the condo's buy them. If you dont have 20% to put down, you have no business buying a property. have you not figured that out yet?

Oh and dont tell me how i need to learn business or NJ or real estate. I've worn a white collar for 20 years. i live in Bergen County. I own one property outright and have two others mortgaged. Put 20-30% down on all three of them. Untill i could afford to buy, i.e. the 20% down, i rented.

Maybe you should mock your elders less and try to learn from them.
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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We will legalize car washing, encourage summer block parties and do all kinds of shit to either kill off the old fuckers or encourage them to move the fuck out!

How do you plan to pay your personal defense lawyer when the elderly decide that you're violating the fair housing act and get a lawyer working on contingency to sue you?

Your house is underwater so you can't sell it or tap a home equity line of credit and don't make much money compared to a competent lawyer's hourly rate or even the cost of living in New Jersey.

One of my friends took a job in Antarctica with good pay and nothing to spend it on to pay his legal team although I wouldn't want to do the same thing.

I personally prefer living next to old people over breeders. The grandparent types' TVs get a little loud, but their parties aren't too raucous, and loud grand children only visit occasionally. When youngish people outgrow their omg-no-parents stage many make a hobby out of making babies that often don't develop indoor voices until their teen years. Little is as horrible as a screaming little girl.

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>How do you plan to pay your personal defense lawyer when the elderly decide
>that you're violating the fair housing act and get a lawyer working on contingency to
>sue you?

He could take out a second mortgage on his condo. Then he could add his lawyer and his lender to the list of people he wants to kill.

I have this image of him thirty years from now, in the same condo, still trying to pay it off, bitching about all the clueless brain-dead greedy kids who just want to sell their condos to make a quick buck.

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>How do you plan to pay your personal defense lawyer when the elderly decide
>that you're violating the fair housing act and get a lawyer working on contingency to
>sue you?

He could take out a second mortgage on his condo. Then he could add his lawyer and his lender to the list of people he wants to kill.

I have this image of him thirty years from now, in the same condo, still trying to pay it off, bitching about all the clueless brain-dead greedy kids who just want to sell their condos to make a quick buck.

That's right. Damn flippers screw up the real estate market for all of us. Why can't they just buy a condo and stay put?

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Hu...looks like the old fuckers want to kill the market....looks as if a few on the board are making it so that those first time home owners can't buy so that they may buy the property for their own good.

Well how do you fight greed?

You don't! You just join it I guess?

But still even the most cynical fuck....which apparently is a good bit of people who visit this part of the forum has to admit not allowing people to wash their cars in front of their garage using their own water is just not right.

Furthermore, the first time home owners 3% FHA loan is what feeds the middle class and keeps property values afloat in many areas and keeps communities from gentrifying into depends wearing bengay rubbing fucks.
And if you don't like that shit please pack up your fucking bags and fly out to Russia or Iran where unless you bring in huge sums of cash you can't do shit and where the rich get richer (you should see the rich in Iran!) the middle class move out (In Iran they all move out ASAP) and the poor well they die hungry with a bit fat shit eating grin in their face from eating so much of the rich motherfuckers feces.

Legalized discrimination of the young......

Well I can be pissed or know that I don't need any fucking pills to get my dick hard, any pills to not piss myself nor any powders to shit. And when I wake up in the morning I'm sporting wood and not a single fucking part of my body hurts......old fuckers.....they may want to fuck the rest of us in the condo but karma is a bitch...and apparently so is time!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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I'm sure they view you as some young(er) whipper-snapper with his snazzy car and morally decadent lifestyle. Probably think you are having sex orgies, associating with drug addicts, increasing the crime rate, causing property values to decline, your friends taking up all the parking spaces and now you want to be out in front on a warm day with nothing on but a bathing suit, washing your damn snazzy car.

Probably none of their views of you are true but it may be that your perceptions of them are equally wrong.

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I'm sure they view you as some young(er) whipper-snapper with his snazzy car and morally decadent lifestyle. Probably think you are having sex orgies, associating with drug addicts, increasing the crime rate, causing property values to decline, your friends taking up all the parking spaces and now you want to be out in front on a warm day with nothing on but a bathing suit, washing your damn snazzy car.

Probably none of their views of you are true but it may be that your perceptions of them are equally wrong.

Nope that's about 100% right!
but it's the old fuckers who are takign up all the parking spots since their grage is filled with shit!
So they have to park their 1990 POS rust buckets in the parking spots.

Buying this condo was the second worst mistake of my life. The more I dig into what it is the more I hate it. But now at least I can focus my hate on a group of folks who will be dead in under 10 years.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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