
I am Surprised that Nobody has Picked on This!

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Of course, the UK being marginalized, pushed out of the EU!

That's a great victory for the United States of Europe! I was getting tired of those British asses anyways!

US, Canada take care of your own? I am glad once they are out of our continental European hair! All yours! We don't want them!!!


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Thanks for the embedded link.

W/ close to 26 out of 27 member nations signing of on the new treaty. The old joke was: "Fog in the channel. The continent cut off from England."

Who cares about England anymore? I don't! The rest of the world doesn't either. Here's to fog...:)


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Nice under that bridge is it? Say hello to the billy goats gruff for me.

That aside, God bless Dave, he's stopped us from paying for the circus that is Europe. Tobin tax? No friggin way, of course the French and Germans want it because they have no financial market worth speaking of, 80% of financial transaction happen in London. Why should we the UK who saw the Euro for the joke that it is and never bought in to it pay for the failures of the idiots who did? Nice one Dave!
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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UK pushed out? Might as well kick out Germany & France?

It appears to me the UK has opted out more than anything. And they are not the economic powerhouse, just the tranaction clearinghouse. Germany is the current economic muscle.

And they decry the calls for austerity? Maybe they want the smoke and mirrors treatment our leadership in the US is selling these days.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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I want them out! They have nothing to offer to Europe!!!

Hate their asses and bad, BAD teeth! Freddy Mercury is their only accomplishment. But then, the Brits hated him, too!


Why don't you all calm down.

The Brits still are EU members, just have to leave the hall when it comes to Euro questions.

Man, a lot of smoke about nothing.


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Of course, the UK being marginalized, pushed out of the EU!

That's a great victory for the United States of Europe! I was getting tired of those British asses anyways!

US, Canada take care of your own? I am glad once they are out of our continental European hair! All yours! We don't want them!!!


United Europe my ass.

"With this in mind, the most obvious point about the recent summit is that the “fiscal stability union” that it proposed is nothing of the sort. Rather than creating an inter-regional insurance mechanism involving counter-cyclical transfers, the version on offer would constitutionalize pro-cyclical adjustment in recession-hit countries, with no countervailing measures to boost demand elsewhere in the eurozone. Describing this as a “fiscal union,” as some have done, constitutes a near-Orwellian abuse of language."

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I want them out! They have nothing to offer to Europe!!!

Hate their asses and bad, BAD teeth! Freddy Mercury is their only accomplishment. But then, the Brits hated him, too!


Why don't you all calm down.

The Brits still are EU members, just have to leave the hall when it comes to Euro questions.

Man, a lot of smoke about nothing.


Freddy Mercury (Farrokh Bulsara) was African born in Zanzibar and grew up there and in India, and Queen was one of the most popular bands in the UK.:S:S:S Really 'Must try harder'.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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The Tories are one of the world's most enduring political parties. But this long life is built on its cultural attractiveness to parts of the English middle class, especially in the home counties, rather than on its political judgments, which have, over the centuries, been almost continuously wrong, especially in foreign policy.

It was wrong to resist revolutions in France and the US; wrong to go slow over abolishing the slave trade; wrong to champion the Corn Laws; wrong to embrace appeasement in the 1930s; wrong to contest the decolonisation of India. The British right's instincts – jingoistic, imperialistic, anti-progressive and isolationist – have consistently led this country into calamities. Today, once again, the Conservative right, indulging its atavistic instincts and egged on by a no less atavistic right-of-centre press, is landing the country in the soup.

There might have been a case for David Cameron to veto the use of the EU treaties for the eurozone bailout if Britain's national interests had really been threatened. But they were not. Much of British finance in whose name Cameron exercised his veto – routine banking, insurance and accounting – was wholly unaffected by any treaty change. The financial services industry in Britain constitutes 7.5% of GDP and employs a million people; the City represents perhaps a third of that and, in turn, that part threatened – if it was threatened at all – some fraction of that. This is a tiny economic interest. If the coalition is serious about rebalancing the British economy, it is preposterous to place a fragment of the City at the forefront of our national priorities.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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Hate is a very strong emotion, usually used by the immature, emotionally unstable,
and people to mentally impaired to use logic.

I have no love for the Germans and even less for the French on a
poltical front, they both seen hell bent on controlling Europe and are only interested
in their own political gains, as has clearly been shown by Merkel and Sarkozy

But rest assured that when the shit hits the fan like it did in the last centuary
the Brits will be there again to wipe the rest of Europes collective arses.

You can hate then but just remember that the freedom in Europe that you enjoy
is largley in part to the English, Scottish, welsh and some of the Irish.

Gone fishing

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The Tories are one of the world's most enduring political parties. But this long life is built on its cultural attractiveness to parts of the English middle class, especially in the home counties, rather than on its political judgments, which have, over the centuries, been almost continuously wrong, especially in foreign policy.

It was wrong to resist revolutions in France and the US; wrong to go slow over abolishing the slave trade; wrong to champion the Corn Laws; wrong to embrace appeasement in the 1930s; wrong to contest the decolonisation of India. The British right's instincts – jingoistic, imperialistic, anti-progressive and isolationist – have consistently led this country into calamities. Today, once again, the Conservative right, indulging its atavistic instincts and egged on by a no less atavistic right-of-centre press, is landing the country in the soup.

There might have been a case for David Cameron to veto the use of the EU treaties for the eurozone bailout if Britain's national interests had really been threatened. But they were not. Much of British finance in whose name Cameron exercised his veto – routine banking, insurance and accounting – was wholly unaffected by any treaty change. The financial services industry in Britain constitutes 7.5% of GDP and employs a million people; the City represents perhaps a third of that and, in turn, that part threatened – if it was threatened at all – some fraction of that. This is a tiny economic interest. If the coalition is serious about rebalancing the British economy, it is preposterous to place a fragment of the City at the forefront of our national priorities.


Its the Guardian, I'd expect nothing less than a critical piece about the Conservative party in it.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Hate is a very strong emotion, usually used by the immature, emotionally unstable,
and people to mentally impaired to use logic.

I have no love for the Germans and even less for the French on a
poltical front, they both seen hell bent on controlling Europe and are only interested
in their own political gains, as has clearly been shown by Merkel and Sarkozy

But rest assured that when the shit hits the fan like it did in the last centuary
the Brits will be there again to wipe the rest of Europes collective arses.

You can hate then but just remember that the freedom in Europe that you enjoy
is largley in part to the English, Scottish, welsh and some of the Irish.

Well said Sir.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I didn't say that I agree with the article, simply that i was what I'd expect in the Guardian with regards to the Government.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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and then there is the ever dependable telegraph...


Europe’s mishandling of its affairs is now grave enough to alarm the Pentagon, presumably well-briefed by the DIA, NSA, and ECHELON network of electronic eaves-dropping.

"We are extraordinarily concerned by the health and viability of the euro because in some ways we’re exposed literally to contracts but also because of the potential of civil unrest and break-up of the union,’’ said General Martin Dempsey, chair of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Many of those EU leaders who went along with this summit accord - including France’s Nicolas Sarkozy - must know that it is Medieval leech-cure treatment and can only drain the lifeblood from large parts of wasted Euroland.

They submitted because their financial systems are disintegrating and they have their backs to the wall, hoping that compliance will induce Berlin to unleash the European Central Bank act as lender of last resort.

"I wouldn’t call it a failure, but more needs to be done," said Italian premier Mario Monti, putting the best face on the grim reality unfolding in Europe and in Rome. The same day an anarchist bomb nearly blinded the Italy’s tax chief, no doubt a taste of things to come.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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One thing that is quite clear to me is that now Cameron
has carte blance to offer the big financial institutions,
multi-nationals and big investors more favourable terms
than the rest of Euro Europe.

Remember money has no loyalties.

Gone fishing

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TARP program was supposed to be 650 billion +/-
The Federal Reserve printed 7.7 trillion phony dollars out of thin air to prop up the banks. The fed loaned out the money at 0.01 percent interest. the banks lend it back to the the crooks in Washington (with interest) to spend.

The first 7.7 trillion dollars printed to bail out the banks and Europe ...failed to work.
Printed money is nothing more than a transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the banks.

Now Europe needs another printed wealth transfer to fund the lavish socialist life styles of Europe.

The housing market has not been fully liquidated and it too needs another printed wealth transfer.

This is a scam folks, I hope the Euro goes down...why?
It will take the globalist bankers to their knees...
Ron Paul is right...End the Fed

Ron Paul offers the only solution..


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