
Chances of your coming into being

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looks like all that repressed anger from "ignoring" me all those times finally lashes out when you get all sauced up...:D

It's ok sweetheart, I know the feeling...Just get some rest and we'll talk about this in the morning, m'kay?

Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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"If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."
-C.S Lewis

That is quite good.:)

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"If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."
-C.S Lewis

That is quite good.:)

It's not good at all, it's poor logic.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I realize that the chances of sentient life in general existing are much larger, but my point is that the chances of us existing in exactly the way we do today with all of our unique (as a species and as individuals) characteristics is unimaginably small.

Again, the uniqueness of the current state of all matter and energy in the universe is not an interesting observation given that we are standing to right of it having come to be this way on a timeline.


Off topic, but for things of similar unimaginability...

The value of pi was recently calculated to 10 trillion digits. If you wanted to store a 10 trillion digit number on your computer it would take just shy of 4 TERAbytes of storage... At DVD quality, 4TB is 2127 hours of video.

Off topic responses...

1) 4 terabytes is far from unimaginable. The computer I'm sitting at right now has 3.5 TB of attached storage.

2) "DVD quality" doesn't actually mean anything.

3) You don't need pi to fill up your hard drive with garbage. You could just noise load an amplifier, feed it into an A/D, and record the resulting "data" for all eternity if you wanted a non-repeating series of digits.

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That is quite good.:)

It's not good at all, it's poor logic.

To find one's self in such a complex universe devoid of meaning is highly illogical.

Again, the number of possible states in the universe does not speak to it being "complex."

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I realize that the chances of sentient life in general existing are much larger, but my point is that the chances of us existing in exactly the way we do today with all of our unique (as a species and as individuals) characteristics is unimaginably small.


According to Bayes Theorem, the probability of our existing just as we do today is exactly 1. (Or 100% if you prefer).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Why not?


Ya ya, typical Jakee indolence...resorting to argument by question and failure to state.

Both you and max made an extra-ordinary claim (that there is meaning). He's simply asking you to show why. The burden is really up to you.

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That is quite good.Smile In an evolving universe, if there was no meaning, we would not expend energy trying to find it.

Why not?

Erroneous behaviors that make inefficient use of available resources don't convey a competitive advantage to the individuals that possess them. Therefore they die out.

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Why not?


Ya ya, typical Jakee indolence...resorting to argument by question and failure to state.

Yeah, totally... if you ignore the detailed post I made upthread, in my own words.

You, however, through your parroting of Lewis are guilty of 'failure to state' - and through your last post of refusal to state. It does not automatically follow that a search for meaning proves there is meaning to be sought, so I see no reason to take seriously an assertion you either cannot or will not explain.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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That is quite good.Smile In an evolving universe, if there was no meaning, we would not expend energy trying to find it.

Why not?

Erroneous behaviors that make inefficient use of available resources don't convey a competitive advantage to the individuals that possess them. Therefore they die out.

How does searching for meaning impair a human being's reproductive chances?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Chances of your coming into being

Considerably higher than being thunk up by a flying spaghetti monster.

Take that back blasphemer!

....or he just might touch you with his noodley appendage...and not in the good way, either!;)
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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Erroneous behaviors that make inefficient use of available resources don't convey a competitive advantage to the individuals that possess them. Therefore they die out.

How does searching for meaning impair a human being's reproductive chances?

Searching for meaning has occupied the minds of the majority of people who have lived on this planet, excluding you of course. So therefore finding it must must be a common attribute of those who reproduce successfully. The nice thing about evolution is that those best adapted to reality live, the rest just die off.


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Searching for meaning has occupied the minds of the majority of people who have lived on this planet, excluding you of course. So therefore finding it must must be a common attribute of those who reproduce successfully. The nice thing about evolution is that those best adapted to reality live, the rest just die off.


Is this a variant of intelligent design?

The ability to reproduce has fuck-all to do with thinking about ones origins. In current times, sexual capability comes long before emotional maturity and full development of the brain.

Worse, a number of religions dictate that their most dedicated (pastors, monks, etc) not have sexual relations at all. If as per your hypothesis, the search of meaning contributes to evolutionary success, shouldn't this celibacy (at least heterosexual celibacy) hurt our species chances? Maybe the truth is the other way around - religion hurts the species?

(probably not with Irish Catholics or Mormons having gigantic families)

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The ability to reproduce has fuck-all to do with thinking about ones origins.

Reproduce : Thinking of origins

Considering a degree of development where one is able to "think", can you imagine that they may statistically correlate to a significant degree?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Since roughly 100 billion humans have existed on this planet at one time or another, I would venture to say the figures in the article are somewhat fucked up. :P

Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Erroneous behaviors that make inefficient use of available resources don't convey a competitive advantage to the individuals that possess them. Therefore they die out.

How does searching for meaning impair a human being's reproductive chances?

Searching for meaning has occupied the minds of the majority of people who have lived on this planet, excluding you of course. So therefore finding it must must be a common attribute of those who reproduce successfully. The nice thing about evolution is that those best adapted to reality live, the rest just die off.

Your reasoning breaks down on several fronts. First, evolution does not guarantee that every facet of a species represents the best solution for each problem. When an group of species goes too far down a certain path, further generations are sometimes stuck trying to bodge a particular adaptation to fit a completely different set of circumstances. Physiologically this is easy to see, for instance, whales have lungs. Whose great idea was that?

Second, even if searching for meaning is an advantageous behaviour this does not show that there is meaning to be found. Your statement that finding meaning is a common attribute of those that reproduce in fact works against your earlier statement that there is an objective meaning to the univerese. Of the many, many completely different 'meanings' that have been found by many, many different sects and creeds over the centuries most of them don't appear to have made any difference whatsoever to the reproductive abilities of the finders. Except for the ones that found meaning in Kool-Aid, obviously.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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