
Occupy Wall Street Protests Poised to Grow Rapidly With Union Support

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The “Occupy Wall Street” protests, now entering their third week, are poised to get a whole lot bigger than its core of 200 to 300 people, potentially even exceeding the protesters original goals of 20,000 demonstrators, thanks to recent pledges of support from some of New York City’s largest labor unions and community groups.

On Tuesday, over 700 uniformed pilots, members of the Air Line Pilots Association, took to the streets outside of Wall Street demanding better pay.

On Wednesday night, the executive board of the New York Transit Workers Union (TWU Local 100), which represents the city’s all-important train and bus workers, voted unanimously to support Occupy Wall Street. TWU Local 100 counts 38,000 active members and covers 26,000 retirees, according to its website.

The Union on Thursday used Twitter to urge members to take part in a massive march and rally on Wednesday, Oct. 5. That effort is being co-sponsored by another eight labor and community outreach organizations.

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getting interesting...


The “Occupy Wall Street” protests, now entering their third week, are poised to get a whole lot bigger than its core of 200 to 300 people, potentially even exceeding the protesters original goals of 20,000 demonstrators, thanks to recent pledges of support from some of New York City’s largest labor unions and community groups.

On Tuesday, over 700 uniformed pilots, members of the Air Line Pilots Association, took to the streets outside of Wall Street demanding better pay.

On Wednesday night, the executive board of the New York Transit Workers Union (TWU Local 100), which represents the city’s all-important train and bus workers, voted unanimously to support Occupy Wall Street. TWU Local 100 counts 38,000 active members and covers 26,000 retirees, according to its website.

The Union on Thursday used Twitter to urge members to take part in a massive march and rally on Wednesday, Oct. 5. That effort is being co-sponsored by another eight labor and community outreach organizations.


This is why we need laws that prevent unions in the public sector.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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TWU Local 100 counts 38,000 active members and covers 26,000 retirees

Yup. It's the latter group that is the problem for unions all over. Unions promising retirement benefits that they cannot pay for and in order to pay for it, they must either squeeze more money out of employers (or taxpayers) or part with some of that money themselves.

Ha! Unions deciding to forego some of their own financial strength to take care of those they represent. Ha Ha! I slay me.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance." - Thomas Jefferson
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more union backup...


Other labor-oriented solidarity actions have been undertaken by professors at the City University of New York affiliated with the Professional Staff Congress union (of which this author is also a member). Their group, Solidarity with OWS, is organizing a demonstration against police abuse this Friday afternoon. (Other notable lefty academic allies include Frances Fox Piven, Christian Parenti, and Stanley Aronowitz.)

According to Crain's New York Business, local unions are collaborating with community-based groups such as Make the Road New York, Coalition for the Homeless and Community Voices Heard -- all organizations that are in daily contact with the struggles of the city's poor and working-class.

The city's doormen, security guards and maintenance worker see common ground with the occupation, too. The Huffington Post reports that their union, SEIU 32BJ, said that a planned October 12 rally would embrace the current protests' theme:

"The call went out over a month ago, before actually the occupancy of Wall Street took place," said 32BJ spokesman Kwame Patterson. Now, he added, "we're all coming under one cause, even though we have our different initiatives."

The General Assembly, a proudly amorphous body that is helping coordinate the demonstrations, has set up a Labor Support and Outreach Working Group, which, according to September 29 meeting minutes posted to the Assembly's website, has encouraged protesters to join a demonstration of the Communication Workers of America nearby. Organizers are reportedly gearing up "to carry out a very creative direct action in support of the phone workers."

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"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance." - Thomas Jefferson

You're out of context and misquoting as usual, and a dead man this time who can't defend himself. The first sentence is from TJ's 1816 letter to John Taylor in whch TJ agrees with Taylor's book that says a government-authorized, privately owned, currency-controlling central bank is doomed to corruption. Back then it was called "The Second Bank of the United States." Today it is called the "Federal Reserve." Ron Paul agrees with Thomas Jefferson by advocating abolishment of the Federal Reserve.

So you're saying that you and the protesters are supporting Ron Paul.:)
And BTW, your second sentence appears to be completely fabricated unless you can cite its source.

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I'm just not sure what the Occupy Wall Street protest is supposed to accomplish. Looks like a lot of people just venting their outrage at their lot in life.

I am having a tough time too right now, trying to find a job/& running out of money, but I just keep trying. I don't see how marching around and shaking my fist at "the System" is going to get anything done.
Speed Racer

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I saw some of these guys protesting in downtown colorado springs, a lot of them had signs talking about the evils of big corporations and how these companies need to be brought down. Ten minutes later I noticed a number of them taking a break from protesting so they could get coffee from Starbucks and sandwiches from Subway.......hmmmmm

I'm sure if there is one thing that can be taken away from all of this its that people who decide to spend their entire life performing an entry level job that could be done by a half-educated high school dropout absolutely deserve huge paychecks and oversized raises every year that outpace the CPI.


History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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I'm sure if there is one thing that can be taken away from all of this its that people who decide to spend their entire life performing an entry level job that could be done by a half-educated high school dropout absolutely deserve huge paychecks and oversized raises every year that outpace the CPI.


it's good enough for the bankers - so it's good enough for the rest of us too :)
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Variant: I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the Government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

This is an earlier variant which contains a portion of the above statement and appears in Life Work of Thomas L. Nugent (1896) compiled by Catharine Nugent. Both of these expressions appear to mix a well documented statement that is to be found in Jefferson's published letters, and poorly documented ones which do not. The only portions of them thus far definitely sourced to Jefferson occur in a letter to John Taylor (28 May 1816) [ME 15:23]: "I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale." This is quoted more extensively in the sourced section.

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Since you're suddenly such a fan of Jefferson, here's a few more of his quotes:

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. "
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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So now your spin begins.


This is an earlier variant

A "variant" of a quote is a misquote. A "variant" of the truth is a lie.


these expressions appear to mix a well documented statement that is to be found in Jefferson's published letters, and poorly documented ones which do not.

"These expressions?" You represented these to be quotations! "Poorly documented?" Please! You mean non-documented or in other words "fabricated." Wikiquote is your source of info?! When much of Jefferson's actual writting is available online, many of which are actual images in his handwriting?!


I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies

OK, there is the grain of truth hiding among your fabrications. In a private letter, TJ is agreeing with John Taylor's book. Elsewhere in that letter Jefferson specifically refers to it: "I found here the copy of your Enquiry into the principles of our government, which you had been so kind as to send me." In order to appreciate Jefferson's context, one must read the book and learn Taylor's opinion of a central banking system, like today's Federal Reserve, which he and Jefferson feared.


and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale

Now we're getting somewhere! Jefferson feared that America would spend and borrow excessively at the expense of future generations.

So you not only support Ron Paul, but also The TEA Party.:)

Variant: I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the Government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

This is an earlier variant which contains a portion of the above statement and appears in Life Work of Thomas L. Nugent (1896) compiled by Catharine Nugent. Both of these expressions appear to mix a well documented statement that is to be found in Jefferson's published letters, and poorly documented ones which do not. The only portions of them thus far definitely sourced to Jefferson occur in a letter to John Taylor (28 May 1816) [ME 15:23]: "I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale." This is quoted more extensively in the sourced section.

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i just found the quote in another article and thought it sounded good. i went to wikiquotes (first time there so interesting) to check its validity after you raised doubt about it and put the correct quote up (the bit in bold).

now, was jefferson talking just about the 'federal reserve' or the 'banking establishment' in general?
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getting interesting...


The “Occupy Wall Street” protests, now entering their third week, are poised to get a whole lot bigger than its core of 200 to 300 people, potentially even exceeding the protesters original goals of 20,000 demonstrators, thanks to recent pledges of support from some of New York City’s largest labor unions and community groups.

On Tuesday, over 700 uniformed pilots, members of the Air Line Pilots Association, took to the streets outside of Wall Street demanding better pay.

On Wednesday night, the executive board of the New York Transit Workers Union (TWU Local 100), which represents the city’s all-important train and bus workers, voted unanimously to support Occupy Wall Street. TWU Local 100 counts 38,000 active members and covers 26,000 retirees, according to its website.

The Union on Thursday used Twitter to urge members to take part in a massive march and rally on Wednesday, Oct. 5. That effort is being co-sponsored by another eight labor and community outreach organizations.


This is why we need laws that prevent unions in the public sector.

Do you remember how public sector workers, teachers, NPR employees. PBS employees, etc, trashed the stock market and wiped out the 401k plans and savings of millions of people, then asked for bailouts and walked off with $millions in bonuses?

Neither do I.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I know Airline pilots and I wanted to do that job but the old vision test, you know. Many airline guys fly 75 hours a month and their pay, benefits, and retirement is pretty darn good. And don't tell me they are Gods, my Grandmother could go to school and learn to fly jets !!
Pilot Protestors: what is your major problem ?
Come out here and write computer software everyday ! A lot of you couldn't begin to do that.
and PS I have my commercial ticket, too.

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Do you remember how public sector workers, teachers, NPR employees. PBS employees, etc, trashed the stock market and wiped out the 401k plans and savings of millions of people, then asked for bailouts and walked off with $millions in bonuses?

The bailouts were forced upon all the banks by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. They had no choice in the matter. If you want to whine about bailouts at least get your facts straight.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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“The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.”
Thomas Jefferson

This one first appeared in 1994. Yes 1994. Not supported by any know documents and debunked here: http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/end-democracyquotation

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thought it sounded good.

:SThe truth is sometimes less appealing.


now, was jefferson talking just about the 'federal reserve' or the 'banking establishment' in general?

There was no Federal Reserve in 1816, but Jefferson's young nation had some experience with its predecessors, the First and Second Banks of the United States, hence his contempt for these. As far as his sentiment towards banks in general, I'm less certain of that. Consider his lack of any proposals for replacing or reforming the entire private banking system and how to take care of the saving and borrowing needs of the public without these. Until finding anything contrary, I'm willing to assume his tacit approval of capitalism in general. He was too much a realist to advocate tearing down an institution without first haveing an alternative in mind.

I'm trying to take the rest of the day off from history tutoring, but you are welcome to do your own research.

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Do you remember how public sector workers, teachers, NPR employees. PBS employees, etc, trashed the stock market and wiped out the 401k plans and savings of millions of people, then asked for bailouts and walked off with $millions in bonuses?

The bailouts were forced upon all the banks by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. They had no choice in the matter. If you want to whine about bailouts at least get your facts straight.

Hmmm - Hank Paulsen, wasn't he a career banker and head of Goldman Sachs before being appointed by GEORGE W. BUSH?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm just not sure what the Occupy Wall Street protest is supposed to accomplish. Looks like a lot of people just venting their outrage at their lot in life.

It may not be either side's intent, but I think Occupy Wall Street is a good thing in one sense, in that it gets people in Lower Manhattan focused on a different kind of controversy from all the 9/11 stuff. I see that as a healthy thing in general no matter who actually wins. Grieving over our losses on 9/11 was appropriate at the appropriate time but it is time to move on to other matters. Economic pain is a more pressing issue today for more Americans than the risk of a new terrorist attack. It's time for Lower Manhattan to focus on the real present issues.

That said--I'm not sure who's right and who's wrong in the "Occupy Wall Street" protests. I claim only that it is a debate whose time has come.
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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As far as his sentiment towards banks in general, I'm less certain of that.

i'm happy with that - enough research for me over a historical quote :)
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getting interesting...


The “Occupy Wall Street” protests, now entering their third week, are poised to get a whole lot bigger than its core of 200 to 300 people, potentially even exceeding the protesters original goals of 20,000 demonstrators, thanks to recent pledges of support from some of New York City’s largest labor unions and community groups.

On Tuesday, over 700 uniformed pilots, members of the Air Line Pilots Association, took to the streets outside of Wall Street demanding better pay.

On Wednesday night, the executive board of the New York Transit Workers Union (TWU Local 100), which represents the city’s all-important train and bus workers, voted unanimously to support Occupy Wall Street. TWU Local 100 counts 38,000 active members and covers 26,000 retirees, according to its website.

The Union on Thursday used Twitter to urge members to take part in a massive march and rally on Wednesday, Oct. 5. That effort is being co-sponsored by another eight labor and community outreach organizations.


This is why we need laws that prevent unions in the public sector.

Do you remember how public sector workers, teachers, NPR employees. PBS employees, etc, trashed the stock market and wiped out the 401k plans and savings of millions of people, then asked for bailouts and walked off with $millions in bonuses?

Neither do I.

2 wrongs don't make a right.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Hmmm - Hank Paulsen, wasn't he a career banker and head of Goldman Sachs before being appointed by GEORGE W. BUSH?

The same Goldman Sachs that donated over a million dollars to Obama's 2008 campaign? The same Goldman Sachs that has a former lobbyist as one of "Turbotax" Tim Geithner's top aides?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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