
Republican Debate

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Fires in 251 of 254 counties in Texas. Texas govt. cut funding to emergency services this year. Why isn't the governor of Texas there instead of politicking?

I believe that many of these fires were caused by a nutter with a match. Would you support a law that requires a mental examination of anyone wishing to purchase matches? Should we have a National Match Registry? Do you have any idea how many innocent people die every year from arson related fires?

I understand Texas to be in a drought this year? So you have an environment where fire season will be busy. Hot and dry = easy fire starts (though conversely, when CA has a good rain year, they still predict lots of fires due to the new fuel - can't win with the bastards).

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an idiot. Bachmann is. The others may well be.

Bachman was doing ok fiscally. Then she started commenting on social stuff.......and thusly confirmed her true idiocy.

Socially, she's just as bad as Obama - just on the other extreme. Put the two in the same room and both disappear in a flash of light and energy.

Please let her drop out and stop talking in public.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I didn't see the debate, but I voted anyway. I just wanted to be like the American electorate. :|

But the electorate you post about voted for Obama

So how did you vote?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Fires in 251 of 254 counties in Texas. Texas govt. cut funding to emergency services this year. Why isn't the governor of Texas there instead of politicking?

probably because he realizes (on some level) that more and more texans dislike him and he wants to promote out before so many dislike him that he's out of a job.

And not to come to his defense (because I wouldn't defend him), but wtf (other than touring and glad-handing and making statements on TV) is a gov supposed to do?

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Fires in 251 of 254 counties in Texas. Texas govt. cut funding to emergency services this year. Why isn't the governor of Texas there instead of politicking?

Too much praying and no action...

This guy is weak.

Ron Paul 2012
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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What is up with Perry and the HPV vaccine? Ramming this vaccine down the throat of Texans, that will only encourage their eleven year old daughters to be sexually active, with no fear of any repercussions. It does not seem all that long ago when this HPV vaccine was the battle cry of all good conservatives,

If Obama had done or proposed the same thing... oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I personally think preventing cancer is a good thing. It is kind of funny hearing Perry defer to science when it came to this subject, and yet be dismissive of science when it comes to evolution and climate change.

Ramming the vaccine down throats? Have you forgotten where that was *very* thoroughly debunked in your *other* thread, already?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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What is up with Perry and the HPV vaccine? Ramming this vaccine down the throat of Texans, that will only encourage their eleven year old daughters to be sexually active, with no fear of any repercussions. It does not seem all that long ago when this HPV vaccine was the battle cry of all good conservatives,

If Obama had done or proposed the same thing... oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I personally think preventing cancer is a good thing. It is kind of funny hearing Perry defer to science when it came to this subject, and yet be dismissive of science when it comes to evolution and climate change.

Ramming the vaccine down throats? Have you forgotten where that was *very* thoroughly debunked in your *other* thread, already?

Perhaps my sarcasm was not strong enough. The perception on the right was that he was ramming it down their throats. If a Democratic Governor today was to do the same thing as Perry, he would be rode out of town on a rail by the tea party.

When the majority of Tea baggers are confronted with an ideological contradiction with one of their own, they would rather bury their heads in the sand.

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I didn't see the debate, but I voted anyway. I just wanted to be like the American electorate. :|

But the electorate you post about voted for Obama

So how did you vote?


"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Fires in 251 of 254 counties in Texas. Texas govt. cut funding to emergency services this year. Why isn't the governor of Texas there instead of politicking?

Maybe because a good leader delegates authority and responsibility not mircomanage. Also, maybe he knows that money does not change natural disasters.


Money changes the effectiveness of responses to natural disasters. Maybe if Perry had shown more leadership instead of playing absentee governor the responses would have been more effective.

Not spending our future into bankrupcy would be more effective. Maybe if Obama had shown more leadership instead of vacationing and playing golf he would be more effective.
why are you always so one sided? if you are going to be critical of the stupid shit at least be fair. You know as well as most that Perry being in Texas does not change the fire situation just like the economy wont get better because Obama is in washington. Well, maybe it won't get worse when he is on vacation because he isn't doing anything stupid while playing golf.

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What is up with Perry and the HPV vaccine? Ramming this vaccine down the throat of Texans, that will only encourage their eleven year old daughters to be sexually active, with no fear of any repercussions. It does not seem all that long ago when this HPV vaccine was the battle cry of all good conservatives,

If Obama had done or proposed the same thing... oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I personally think preventing cancer is a good thing. It is kind of funny hearing Perry defer to science when it came to this subject, and yet be dismissive of science when it comes to evolution and climate change.

Ramming the vaccine down throats? Have you forgotten where that was *very* thoroughly debunked in your *other* thread, already?

Perhaps my sarcasm was not strong enough. The perception on the right was that he was ramming it down their throats. If a Democratic Governor today was to do the same thing as Perry, he would be rode out of town on a rail by the tea party.

When the majority of Tea baggers are confronted with an ideological contradiction with one of their own, they would rather bury their heads in the sand.

The pole taken said that most think Perry should be at the debate so his handlers probably considered that.

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