
What would Reagan do

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>Its would be nice if we could agree on cutting spending, Vs this continue
>desire to start providing new programs.

Yep. We have to cut spending AND increase taxes if we want to get out of this hole - but neither side is willing to agree to both.

We have a spending problem not a revenue problem

We have to cut spending and GROW the economy. Even Obama has admited you do not increase taxes when you want to stimulate the economy

He is today, campaining for re-election by pandering to to the class warefare rase the taxes kooks of which he is a part

Growing the economy will increase revenue
NO ONE can say they have seen a decrease in gov revenues while the economy is growing significantly
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Even Obama has admited you do not increase taxes when you want to
>stimulate the economy

Nor do you cut government programs and lay off tens of thousands of people if you want to stimulate the economy. But we've reached a point where we've been "stimulating the economy" by cutting taxes and increasing spending for about a decade, and both have gotten us into this hole. Both have to be fixed.

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>Even Obama has admited you do not increase taxes when you want to
>stimulate the economy

Nor do you cut government programs and lay off tens of thousands of people if you want to stimulate the economy. But we've reached a point where we've been "stimulating the economy" by cutting taxes and increasing spending for about a decade, and both have gotten us into this hole. Both have to be fixed.

What has to be fixed is only what is broken

The spending is what is broken

Incoming tax money is not a problem

A smart person does not fix what is not broken
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>What has to be fixed is only what is broken

Yep. And Dreamdancer (and a lot of democrats) think that the problem is that rich people aren't paying their fair share. The GOP think that the problem is that there is too much spending.

Who's right? Both are. But until they both agree to fix the problems, nothing will happen.

This forum is an interesting cross section of people. We have people like yourself advocating pure GOP platforms, and we have people like Dreamdancer advocating the more extreme democratic platforms. If the day comes where both of you can compromise, I'll see it as a sign that we may just be able to fix this problem.

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How I prefer to remember Reagan.

Has Quade seen this?

I can't really speak for how other people across the Atlantic came to see him in that time period, but my guess is they didn't travel into our time to do it, pick the brains of a lot of left leaning Hollywood elites and then time travel back to make that video.

Like it or not, it is how they saw Reagan in his own time.

Not everybody then was as enamored with Reagan as the Republican party wants to remember him now.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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>advocating pure GOP platforms, and we have people like Dreamdancer advocating the more extreme democratic platforms..

to be fair - if you want to characterize the "only cut spending and don't raise taxes on anyone" position are "pure" GOP.

then you need to call the other side a "pure" DFL platform - not "more extreme"

I think Bolas characterizes the real fiscally conservative position: cut dramatically and also raise taxes (but those raises occur via simplification of the tax code and elimination of subsidies to everyone in every income level - not just targetting a good sound bite by impotent taxing gestures) call it GOP, DFL, or PDQ or whatever.....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>to be fair - if you want to characterize the "only cut spending and don't
>raise taxes on anyone" position are "pure" GOP.

>then you need to call the other side a "pure" DFL platform - not "more

I guess I have not seen a democratic proposal that involves only raising taxes, but almost all GOP proposals I have seen involve no tax increases and spending cuts. (Indeed, the GOP has signed pledges not to raise taxes; I have seen nothing like a "no spending cuts" promise by democrats.)

Have you seen a "no spending cuts" democratic position?

>I think Bolas characterizes the real fiscally conservative position: cut
>dramatically and also raise taxes . . .

Agreed there.

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On Liberalism

Ronald Reagan also had this to say discussing his former political faith as a Democrat:
"The party of Jefferson and Jackson had headed down a different road altogether"under the banners of Marx, Lenin and Stalin."

If you're going to portray Reagan as one of the great leaders of modern times, you might want to choose a better quote than that one, which is entirely idiotic.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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On Liberalism

Ronald Reagan also had this to say discussing his former political faith as a Democrat:
"The party of Jefferson and Jackson had headed down a different road altogether"under the banners of Marx, Lenin and Stalin."

If you're going to portray Reagan as one of the great leaders of modern times, you might want to choose a better quote than that one, which is entirely idiotic.

UMMM...OK, "Government is like a baby, an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."

"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them."

That's two of my favorites.

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UMMM...OK, "Government is like a baby, an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."

"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them."


Yep. And after saying those things, he got into office and proved it.
Speed Racer

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UMMM...OK, "Government is like a baby, an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."

"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them."


Yep. And after saying those things, he got into office and proved it.

I think its Nancy's fault really since its no big secret that she did not leave the governing of the country and the timing of Ronies work schedule to chance or fate. She has acknowledged that she consulted repeatedly with astrologers while in the White House. There is also plenty of evidence that suggests President Ronnie acted on the intelligence gleaned by Nancy during what were termed seances. Lord knows someone needed to be at the helm with his failing health and long naps during meetings.[:/] The biggest problem though was the boys in the basement running amock with all kinds of bullshit that turned out BAD. Its kind of amazing the amount of plausible deniability they gave Ronnie... whilke he was completely and utterly asleep at the Wheel of State.

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UMMM...OK, "Government is like a baby, an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."

"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them."


Yep. And after saying those things, he got into office and proved it.

You so funny...I wonder if Chim Chim is the smart one in your family.:P

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>Even Obama has admited you do not increase taxes when you want to
>stimulate the economy

Nor do you cut government programs and lay off tens of thousands of people if you want to stimulate the economy. But we've reached a point where we've been "stimulating the economy" by cutting taxes and increasing spending for about a decade, and both have gotten us into this hole. Both have to be fixed.


check out how Obama is spending our money. [:/]

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>check out how Obama is spending our money.

Yep. And check out how Republicans spent it:

The Republican Spending Explosion

by Veronique de Rugy
Executive Summary

When the Republicans gained control of Congress in 1994, they promised to eliminate the deficit and reduce wasteful spending. For several years, the GOP partly upheld its commitment by modestly curtailing spending growth and balancing the budget.

Unfortunately, the balanced budgets of the late 1990s created an "easy money" mindset in Congress, which began a spending spree that continues unabated today. Total federal outlays will rise 29 percent between fiscal years 2001 and 2005 according to the president's fiscal year 2005 budget released in February. Real discretionary spending increases in fiscal years 2002, 2003, and 2004 are three of the five biggest annual increases in the last 40 years. Large spending increases have been the principal cause of the government's return to massive budget deficits.

Although defense spending has increased in response to the war on terrorism, President Bush made little attempt to restrain nondefense spending to offset the higher Pentagon budget. Nondefense discretionary outlays increased about 36 percent during President Bush's first term in office. Congress has failed to contain the administration's overspending and has added new spending of its own. Republicans have clearly forfeited any claim of being the fiscally responsible party in Washington.

Looking ahead, Republicans need to rediscover the reforming spirit that they brought to Washington after the landmark 1994 congressional elections. Fiscally conservative Democrats should challenge big-spending Republicans and work to cut unneeded programs from both the defense and nondefense parts of the budget.

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>check out how Obama is spending our money.

Yep. And check out how Republicans spent it:

The Republican Spending Explosion

by Veronique de Rugy
Executive Summary

When the Republicans gained control of Congress in 1994, they promised to eliminate the deficit and reduce wasteful spending. For several years, the GOP partly upheld its commitment by modestly curtailing spending growth and balancing the budget.

Unfortunately, the balanced budgets of the late 1990s created an "easy money" mindset in Congress, which began a spending spree that continues unabated today. Total federal outlays will rise 29 percent between fiscal years 2001 and 2005 according to the president's fiscal year 2005 budget released in February. Real discretionary spending increases in fiscal years 2002, 2003, and 2004 are three of the five biggest annual increases in the last 40 years. Large spending increases have been the principal cause of the government's return to massive budget deficits.

Although defense spending has increased in response to the war on terrorism, President Bush made little attempt to restrain nondefense spending to offset the higher Pentagon budget. Nondefense discretionary outlays increased about 36 percent during President Bush's first term in office. Congress has failed to contain the administration's overspending and has added new spending of its own. Republicans have clearly forfeited any claim of being the fiscally responsible party in Washington.

Looking ahead, Republicans need to rediscover the reforming spirit that they brought to Washington after the landmark 1994 congressional elections. Fiscally conservative Democrats should challenge big-spending Republicans and work to cut unneeded programs from both the defense and nondefense parts of the budget.

And they did rediscover it... the defict had been chopped back down to ~150B in the 2007 budget...only to triple for 2008 once the Dem Congress took over and and skyrocket from there.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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