
Farmers now required to have a license for 'bird bangers'

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Farmers now required to have a license for 'bird bangers'

Brad Klingele would trust his 13-year-old son to use his bird-scaring gun in the cherry orchard.

But to pack the noise-making gun, which looks more like a toy, Klingele will have to get a federal license and provide his fingerprints and photo identification.

To keep explosives out of the "wrong hands," the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is now requiring farmers who use them to get a license.

ATF gave the contraptions an acronym -- EPCD, for explosive pest control devices -- though farmers typically call them bird bangers, shell crackers or other variations of trade names.

Whatever they're called, many who use the guns to protect their fruit are not happy about the additional regulation...
Full story: http://www.yakima-herald.com/stories/2011/04/30/farmers-now-required-to-have-a-license-for-bird-bangers

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This part seems pertinent:


Retailers have had to comply with the regulations since 2002, when Congress passed the Safe Explosives Act. Technically, end-users such as farmers have had to comply, too, but the ATF has not enforced it.

That is supposed to change today, although it's unclear exactly how the regulation will be enforced.

The agency sent out a letter in November to all current license holders, such as distributors and retailers, to remind them of the rules and the enforcement deadline.

Whether or not you agree they should be regulated, folks have had nine years to either change or comply with the law, and six months notice before the latest "crackdown". The people complaining about the 90 day wait should have gotten to work on this a long time ago.

- Dan G

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Well, we have a 50-50 split in the poll.

The bird-bangers are simply a small shell that shoots up into the air and explodes with a "bang".

So, for those of you who believe that this should require a special license from the ATF, would you also require a special ATF license for citizens who want to shoot off fireworks on New Year's and Independence Day?

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I think it's animal cruelty to scare birds like that. Besides that's what birdshot is for, kill'em before they know what hit'em. Not much meat but I guess you could make some kabobs or something.

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...So, for those of you who believe that this should require a special license from the ATF, would you also require a special ATF license for citizens who want to shoot off fireworks on New Year's and Independence Day?

Sure, if it stops the idiots from blowing off really loud fireworks all night long for weeks before and after the 4th. :)
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The bird-bangers are simply a small shell that shoots up into the air and explodes with a "bang".

so, essentially, a "bottle rocket"

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[BrokenR1] I think it's animal cruelty to scare birds like that. Besides that's what birdshot is for, kill'em before they know what hit'em.

Many types of birds are protected and illegal to shoot, therefore scaring them off is the only option.


[wolfriverjoe] Sure, if it stops the idiots from blowing off really loud fireworks all night long for weeks before and after the 4th. :)

We should be careful about wishing for federal regulation just to stop a very infrequent nuisance.


[rehmwa] so, essentially, a "bottle rocket"

Yes, hence my analogy with celebratory fireworks.

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Many types of birds are protected and illegal to shoot, therefore scaring them off is the only option.

Yes I know, twas only sarcasm.

Although I have plenty of different caliber rounds that give off a nice bang which I would think would scare off a bird anyways. I can buy them over the counter too.

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Just more bullshit out of the .gov. If they didn't busy themselves with new ways to fuck with law abiding citizens they might actually have to deal with hardened criminals. It's about time that the people started fucking with the govt instead of the other way around.

Maybe farmers should start using large charges of Tannerite. You can even order it on the net. Perfectly legal also.

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