
Dem Rep. Jared Polis calls on Congress to end marijuana prohibition

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They should.

Legalize it and other drugs. Have the DEA be a bit more on QC.

Actually roll the DEA and ATF together.

Tax the drugs at the same rate as booze.

Make the age to buy and use the same.

I say the Feds cross the line and make a Federal law about the age of majority/consumption. Make it 18.

One standard across the board.

Buy a fifth, roll a pinner, pay taxes and join the Military all in one day.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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The Food and Drug Administration should be handling *all* drugs.

As for BATFE, alcohol and tobacco belong to FDA, and firearms and explosives belong to the FBI.

The DEA and BATFE should both be abolished.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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They should.

Legalize it and other drugs. Have the DEA be a bit more on QC.

Actually roll the DEA and ATF together.

Tax the drugs at the same rate as booze.

Make the age to buy and use the same.

I say the Feds cross the line and make a Federal law about the age of majority/consumption. Make it 18.

One standard across the board.

Buy a fifth, roll a pinner, pay taxes and join the Military all in one day.


I agree nearly 100%. I personally have a hard time with the 18 years old age. Although I do support a 19 year old age. The difference is simply high school. At 18 years old a lot of people are still in high school. Although i'm not stupid, and know that alcohol is prevalent at high school parties (gos knows I consumed a lot) and it really probably wouldn't change too much with 1 years difference, I still have a hard time swallowing that a person still attending high school could go sit in a bar.

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I say the Feds cross the line and make a Federal law about the age of majority/consumption. Make it 18.


I personally have a hard time with the 18 years old age.....
I still have a hard time swallowing that a person still attending high school could go sit in a bar.

Hear! Hear!
Back years ago, in the 70's Florida changed the drinking age to 18.

The bar we were going to at the time was a peaceful place...live bands, good drinks, good people. Then the age changed.

That very first night...fights all over the place...all youngsters who couldn't handle their booze. Killed the entire atmosphere of every joint in town.

Happily, they changed the law back shortly thereafter.

Imagine what would have happened if you had included legal drugs.

I don't agree with making drugs legal for kids. And yes, 18 is still a kid in my book regardless of the "military service" argument.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I have no use for either agency. Put whatever you want into your body. Just don't expect me to pay for your healthcare if it goes wrong. Don't endanger others. Stay off my (NOT public) assistance.

We have too many law enforcement agencies doing similar things. Waste of my money. We have too many laws telling people how to live their lives. We have too many laws about drugs protecting drug companies.

And since Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are all perfectly legal, why do we have a special agency to deal with them? DEA makes a little more sense, but aren't they just the FDA army? Meanwhile, where can you go in the US that doesn't have a police force, sheriff, and state police / highway patrol doing the same enforcement?

Waste of time and money to me.

Eat, drink and be merry. Tomorrow, we'll tax you to death.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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They should.
Legalize it and other drugs. Have the DEA be a bit more on QC.
Actually roll the DEA and ATF together.
Tax the drugs at the same rate as booze.
Make the age to buy and use the same.
I say the Feds cross the line and make a Federal law about the age of majority/consumption. Make it 18.
One standard across the board.
Buy a fifth, roll a pinner, pay taxes and join the Military all in one day.


I agree with all that except the age.
One BIG problem with legalizing pot is that there's no test as to whether a person is under the influance at a specific time. Alcohol gets out of your blood and you're considered sober. You may be hungover as hell but probably not "arrestable" for DWI. Pot stays in your system for a lot longer. Even after all the effects have worn off. If there was a test to compare with the BAC I think the authorities might be more acceptable to the idea. A "field sobriety" test is a little too subjuctive in my opinion but perhaps some thing is better than nothing.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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I say the Feds cross the line and make a Federal law about the age of majority/consumption. Make it 18.


I personally have a hard time with the 18 years old age.....
I still have a hard time swallowing that a person still attending high school could go sit in a bar.

Hear! Hear!
Back years ago, in the 70's Florida changed the drinking age to 18.

The bar we were going to at the time was a peaceful place...live bands, good drinks, good people. Then the age changed.

That very first night...fights all over the place...all youngsters who couldn't handle their booze. Killed the entire atmosphere of every joint in town.

Happily, they changed the law back shortly thereafter.

Imagine what would have happened if you had included legal drugs.

I don't agree with making drugs legal for kids. And yes, 18 is still a kid in my book regardless of the "military service" argument.

They would all have stormed into the local all night diner with a ferocious case of the munchies.:D

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They should.
Legalize it and other drugs. Have the DEA be a bit more on QC.
Actually roll the DEA and ATF together.
Tax the drugs at the same rate as booze.
Make the age to buy and use the same.
I say the Feds cross the line and make a Federal law about the age of majority/consumption. Make it 18.
One standard across the board.
Buy a fifth, roll a pinner, pay taxes and join the Military all in one day.


I agree with all that except the age.
One BIG problem with legalizing pot is that there's no test as to whether a person is under the influance at a specific time. Alcohol gets out of your blood and you're considered sober. You may be hungover as hell but probably not "arrestable" for DWI. Pot stays in your system for a lot longer. Even after all the effects have worn off. If there was a test to compare with the BAC I think the authorities might be more acceptable to the idea. A "field sobriety" test is a little too subjuctive in my opinion but perhaps some thing is better than nothing.

No... just dangle a package of Twinkies right in front of their faces and watch their pupils light up ...B|B|

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The bar we were going to at the time was a peaceful place...live bands, good drinks, good people. Then the age changed.

That very first night...fights all over the place...all youngsters who couldn't handle their booze. Killed the entire atmosphere of every joint in town.

Happily, they changed the law back shortly thereafter.

Imagine what would have happened if you had included legal drugs.

I have never seen any other drug cause the violent, unpredictable behaviour of alcohol.
So if anything, having legal pot, coke, etc, as an alternative, would have resulted in less aggression.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I say the Feds cross the line and make a Federal law about the age of majority/consumption. Make it 18.


I personally have a hard time with the 18 years old age.....
I still have a hard time swallowing that a person still attending high school could go sit in a bar.

Hear! Hear!
Back years ago, in the 70's Florida changed the drinking age to 18.

The bar we were going to at the time was a peaceful place...live bands, good drinks, good people. Then the age changed.

That very first night...fights all over the place...all youngsters who couldn't handle their booze. Killed the entire atmosphere of every joint in town.

Happily, they changed the law back shortly thereafter.

Imagine what would have happened if you had included legal drugs.

I don't agree with making drugs legal for kids. And yes, 18 is still a kid in my book regardless of the "military service" argument.

The drinking age here in Alberta is 18. Yes there are bars where 18 year olds hang out. There are also bars where older people hang out.
As for high school kids in the bars, when I first moved to Alberta I was sitting in the village lounge chatting up the pretty barmaid. She told me she was late for work because of basketball practice. "Oh, local team?" I asked. "High school." she replied. Don't know about letting the girls close on a school night.

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I have never seen any other drug cause the violent, unpredictable behaviour of alcohol.

You've lived a sheltered life.
Seriously, though...I have and it ain't pretty.
But I know what you are saying, in the big picture, and I agree. I think alcohol causes more problems than all the other drugs combined.


So if anything, having legal pot, coke, etc, as an alternative, would have resulted in less aggression.

Well, IMO, mixing anything with the alcohol only makes it worse in waaaaay too many cases. But yes, there's at least two sides to that coin.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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They would all have stormed into the local all night diner with a ferocious case of the munchies.:D

Funny you should mention that.
"Back in the day" the all-night diner was the easiest place to find whatever you wanted. You didn't have to run all over town trying the find "that one guy"....there was always at least one of them at the diner or at the local 24-hr Krystal.

Krystal was cool....you could knock off two birds with one stone. Get what you wanted AND stock up on munchies for later.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Alcohol is definitely one of the worst when it comes to behaviour, though depends on the person - it can get very ugly if a person has a violent nature.

As for the age for legal alcohol consumption, here in South Africa the legal drinking age is 18, but I don't think any changes would be seen if it was upped to 21. Most of the kids start drinking and going out at 14-15 anyway, even most of the people out at clubs are about 16-17 usually, and drunk.

I find the mentality of people at 21 are still immature when it comes to alcohol, I've never been into alcohol myself but I noticed that my friends tended to begin to slow down on the 'getting wasted' thing when they approached their mid-20s.

At 18-22 most of them still has the childish, "Yeah I wanna go get wasted this weekend!!!" attitude. Though it seems some carry this mentality throughout their lives. Problems tend to occur mostly when those kinds end up having families.

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You've lived a sheltered life.

A lot of people would disagree with you.;)
I was never stupid enough to inject anything, but that was my limit.
And I knew a number people who smoked pot, but would not touch alcohol.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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