
Question about SEAL Team Trident

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Cute. Back to the topic at hand. Why is it ok for Beck to wear a SEAL Trident?

Why is it OK for Doug Forth to have a mustard stain set of jump wings on his backpack?

Who really cares? I doubt anyone thinks Beck was ever a SEAL and he has stated why he wears it.

I personally find it weird, but I find anyone wearing something they didn't earn as weird.

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The army's black beret is another one.....

The black beret is a little different. I don't agree with it, but they changed the Army uniform. Still stupid they took it from the people who earned it.

Still waiting on Quade to answer how he feels about Doug Forth having a military pin that he didn't earn.... Quade?

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Seriously. Only military groupies and nerds give a shit about this sort of stuff. In the general scheme of things, I could care less.

Nobody's harmed by this nonsense. It's like when I see people who pad their logbooks with thousands of jumps they don't have. It doesn't make them a skydiver, and wearing a pin doesn't make someone a Seal.

Didn't the courts just rule that lying about being decorated or military service wasn't a crime in the case of the guy who claimed to be a CMOH recipient. I think their opinion boiled down to "meh".

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Seriously. Only military groupies and nerds give a shit about this sort of stuff. In the general scheme of things, I could care less.

You'd probably see this differently if you had served in an elite military unit. You litterally work your ass off to earn the right to wear a beret or other military insignia. There's a sense of pride that goes along with all that.

I had a student that finished jump school and ranger school, just a few weeks ago. In his ranger class they started with around 85 men. Only 26 finished. It's not easy to finish something like that.

I agree that many people can over react to this....Possibly just wearing a pin doesn't mean much....Imposters drive me a little nuts at times.

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Seriously. Only military groupies and nerds give a shit about this sort of stuff. In the general scheme of things, I could care less.

You'd probably see this differently if you had served in an elite military unit. You litterally work your ass off to earn the right to wear a beret or other military insignia. There's a sense of pride that goes along with all that.

I had a student that finished jump school and ranger school, just a few weeks ago. In his ranger class they started with around 85 men. Only 26 finished. It's not easy to finish something like that.

I agree that many people can over react to this....Possibly just wearing a pin doesn't mean much....Imposters drive me a little nuts at times.

So your saying that said person has no right to Gift that honored cymbal emblem, and said recepient has no right to wear it with pride for their friend??

While my best friend was serving in Nam, he gave me one of his navy pins, I still have it, and wore it back then...No one ever had a problem with it, and if they did , they'd played hell trying to get me to remove it from my cutoff!>:(

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If you saw a person wearing a SEAL Team Trident pin and knew for a fact he wasn't a SEAL, what would you think of him?

When I was a kid in Boy Scouts ( Troop "86" Willing boro ,NJ. Burlington Council)a few of our Scout Masters were former "Green Berets". They got permission from the GreenBerets to allow our Troop to wear those berets instead of the standard BoyScout headwear of that era.

So what?
Does that make me and everyone else in that Troop a "douche- bag"?

Or was it membership in such an organization as the Boy Scouts that annointed us with "douche -bag" status?

By the way.. have you been to Wal-Mart recently?

Last night at the register,on the tv screen there, Janet Napolitano implored me to snitch on any of my neighbors who may seem to be doing anything ..."Suspicious" .
Apparently we should report that to a Wal-Mart employee !!!!

Screw the Trident!!!!

I want an SS insignia so no one questions my allegiance!!

Blue Skies,

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I've got an airborne rigger pin I wear front and center on the hat I wear to the dz because it was a gift from my dzo after I earned my rigger's ticket while I was a low time jumper with a severe visual disability. I know I'm just a leg, but I wear that with pride because it was a gift from someone who believed in me at a time when few did.

Last year I was given Airborne wings after I took a group of Airborne wives through the s/l program. That's on my hat to show appreciation for the gift and their husbands' service, but I wear that on the side of my hat because, well, I'm just a leg.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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When I was a kid in Boy Scouts ( Troop "86" Willing boro ,NJ. Burlington Council)a few of our Scout Masters were former "Green Berets". They got permission from the GreenBerets to allow our Troop to wear those berets instead of the standard BoyScout headwear of that era.

So what?
Does that make me and everyone else in that Troop a "douche- bag"?

Or was it membership in such an organization as the Boy Scouts that annointed us with "douche -bag" status?

By the way.. have you been to Wal-Mart recently?

Last night at the register,on the tv screen there, Janet Napolitano implored me to snitch on any of my neighbors who may seem to be doing anything ..."Suspicious" .
Apparently we should report that to a Wal-Mart employee !!!!

Screw the Trident!!!!

I want an SS insignia so no one questions my allegiance!!

Blue Skies,


Man! This is getting pretty far out there! Noone is going to call a bunch of kids douche bags for wearing a beret....

Is having pride in a unit you served in, comparable to being a German SS troop?

I don't get your point....

This thread is about someone who was doing nothing more than wearing a pin. I really doubt if they were pretending to be a Navy Seal. Why is that worth getting your nickers in a knot over! This entire thread is over nothing in my opinion.

What I have problems with is people who lie about their military background.....Again, I don't think that is what is going on here......

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When I was a kid in Boy Scouts ( Troop "86" Willing boro ,NJ. Burlington Council)a few of our Scout Masters were former "Green Berets". They got permission from the GreenBerets to allow our Troop to wear those berets instead of the standard BoyScout headwear of that era.

So what?
Does that make me and everyone else in that Troop a "douche- bag"?

Or was it membership in such an organization as the Boy Scouts that annointed us with "douche -bag" status?

By the way.. have you been to Wal-Mart recently?

Last night at the register,on the tv screen there, Janet Napolitano implored me to snitch on any of my neighbors who may seem to be doing anything ..."Suspicious" .
Apparently we should report that to a Wal-Mart employee !!!!

Screw the Trident!!!!

I want an SS insignia so no one questions my allegiance!!

Blue Skies,


Man! This is getting pretty far out there! Noone is going to call a bunch of kids douche bags for wearing a beret....

Is having pride in a unit you served in, comparable to being a German SS troop?

I don't get your point....

This thread is about someone who was doing nothing more than wearing a pin. I really doubt if they were pretending to be a Navy Seal. Why is that worth getting your nickers in a knot over! This entire thread is over nothing in my opinion.

What I have problems with is people who lie about their military background.....Again, I don't think that is what is going on here......

Your responce is kind of strange steve1.
Did you not understand those simple paragraghs about Wal-Mart and Homeland Security?

I noticed you first signed on to this board just before 9-11.

Do you work for the government?

If so,
Up Yours.
Tar and feathers for you.


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I need some clarification -

from what I can tell - Quade is now wearing a Seal pin on his beret and is going into bars telling women that the pin means he was an Eagle scout?

I don't see a problem with that

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I need some clarification -

from what I can tell - Quade is now wearing a Seal pin on his beret and is going into bars telling women that the pin means he was an Eagle scout?

I don't see a problem with that

LOL! Very Good!!!!
Beware ladies if he offers to help you across the street!!:D

Fair Winds,

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I personally find it weird, but I find anyone wearing something they didn't earn as weird.

The army's black beret is another one.....

All those French mimes are in big trouble.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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If you saw a person wearing a SEAL Team Trident pin and knew for a fact he wasn't a SEAL, what would you think of him?

Still waiting on Quade to answer how he feels about Doug Forth having a military pin that he didn't earn.... Quade?

Although I've met Doug, I've never seen him wear it on TV as if his personal association with the group validates his political philosophy.

When he does, I'll let you know.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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If you saw a person wearing a SEAL Team Trident pin and knew for a fact he wasn't a SEAL, what would you think of him?

Still waiting on Quade to answer how he feels about Doug Forth having a military pin that he didn't earn.... Quade?

Although I've met Doug, I've never seen him wear it on TV as if his personal association with the group validates his political philosophy.

When he does, I'll let you know.


If you saw a person wearing a SEAL Team Trident pin and knew for a fact he wasn't a SEAL, what would you think of him?

I don't see anything about 'on TV' in your original post.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Fair enough.

I also was trying to get an unbiased opinion out of people and knew (highly suspected) if I said who it was they wouldn't be forthcoming.

Did you notice how some people's opinions changed when they discovered what individual sparked the idea for the thread? BTW, I did mention a few posts down that the person was a public speaker.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I personally find it weird, but I find anyone wearing something they didn't earn as weird.

The army's black beret is another one.....

All those French mimes are in big trouble.


Nah, they've earn't their onions, hard as nails they are.

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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