
Another Argument for Making Drugs Legal

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Is it better than that Humbolt County CA pot? We used to call that two toke pot. One toke and you knew you were stoned. The second toke and you forgot pretty much everything before the first toke.

I think you've had one or two too many shandies ronnie, time for bed before you make a spectacle of yourself.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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You obviously haven't smoked pot recently...it has gotten so good I quit .....shit kicks ass these days!

You know that comment has much darker implications than what you probably intended as I know exactly what you are saying.

Cannabis can be grown easily but as it is illegal it needs to be kept discreet, this leads growers to grow indoors to meet the abundant demand for it.

This method is much more costly in dollar per gram value to produce the product but a necessary means of not getting caught growing it.

The demand for cannabis gives it a black market value of around $300 an ounce give or take, and ounce in grams is about 28 grams.

28 grams of any other plant material is only worth a couple of dollars.

The demand for cannabis sets the price the price is high so the black market gets 100 times the margin as the economy does on such a product.

Then; and this is where you comment kinda comes into it...

The sophisticated hydropinic and artificial light souces to complete photosynthesis indoors has lead to chemical development/enhnacement of the product, and the THC content has been raised considerably as a stronger cannibis plant will yeild a higher return.

I watched a case study on cannabis use and the modified and 'potent' 'ganja' has much worse rammifications to the human mind than naturally grown organic cannibis.

The behavior patterns of the 'bush weed' subjects we positive and happy where the 'skunkie' weed subjects lethargic and unmotivated. an imbalance in the natural process...>:(

This has all come to be because it is Illegal.

The demand has not decreased since being illegal, it has in fact grown and produced a very good reason to desire crime at all... A bloody good income. lots of money.

Just think, one kilogram of weed is worth around $11,000 so 100 kilos of weed is worth $1,100,000.00

100 kilos is worth a million dollars...

And they think making it illegal/criminal stops crime, they instantly made a significant proportion of the world criminals and increased the value of the said product.

They infact created many, many, more problems than they intended on fixing, they created more crime, and a new dark industry behind closed doors.

The intention of prohibition of cannabis was never really to solve an abuse problem, it was to create market demand for products other than hemp as the hemp industry was so ingrained in american history that the 'marijuana' spin was all that was needed to eliminate the main player in the textile and fibre industry.

Cotton and plastic made great advances in the insustry since prohibition yet cannabis/hemp will still yeild more profit than either of those and much less environmental damage at the same time.

yet it is still prohibited even if it is grown for fibre with little to zero thc anyway.

It is a Rort, makes no comon sence and is another example if how primitive and maniulated most peoples thinking has come to be, primarirly because they are unaware of what the truth is.

This is not the peoples fault;

Nobody ever told them because cannabis was removed from the american history books at the same time, prohibition entered the rule books and now nobody really knows the utmost importance the stuff actually had in building and creating the United States of America.

The first US patent is a hemp threshing machine patented by Thomas Jefferson, all those lovely documents your country bases its laws on, are made from cannabis, christopher columbus' ship would have been rigged with cannabis, but nowdays it is simply looked at as a dirty weed, a drug, narcotic.

It is wrong and stupid, and if it were not illegal many people would probably not have the desire to take it during thier 'rebel' period of their adolescence.

I used to be a heavy pot smoker when I was younger, it had many negative mind, body spirit effects that are quite clear, but the way it is treated by society is simply a waste of energy, money, time and lives.

end rant!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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If Alcohol and Tobacco are legal, Marijuana should be as well.

Compared to booze and cigarettes, pot is a gift from God.

FWIW, I don't touch any of it - ever

It all needs to be illegal.

screw all the prohibition BS.

Tough luck!
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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You obviously haven't smoked pot recently...it has gotten so good I quit .....shit kicks ass these days!

You know that comment has much darker implications than what you probably intended as I know exactly what you are saying.

Cannabis can be grown easily but as it is illegal it needs to be kept discreet, this leads growers to grow indoors to meet the abundant demand for it.

This method is much more costly in dollar per gram value to produce the product but a necessary means of not getting caught growing it.

The demand for cannabis gives it a black market value of around $300 an ounce give or take, and ounce in grams is about 28 grams.

28 grams of any other plant material is only worth a couple of dollars.

The demand for cannabis sets the price the price is high so the black market gets 100 times the margin as the economy does on such a product.

Then; and this is where you comment kinda comes into it...

The sophisticated hydropinic and artificial light souces to complete photosynthesis indoors has lead to chemical development/enhnacement of the product, and the THC content has been raised considerably as a stronger cannibis plant will yeild a higher return.

I watched a case study on cannabis use and the modified and 'potent' 'ganja' has much worse rammifications to the human mind than naturally grown organic cannibis.

The behavior patterns of the 'bush weed' subjects we positive and happy where the 'skunkie' weed subjects lethargic and unmotivated. an imbalance in the natural process...>:(

This has all come to be because it is Illegal.

The demand has not decreased since being illegal, it has in fact grown and produced a very good reason to desire crime at all... A bloody good income. lots of money.

Just think, one kilogram of weed is worth around $11,000 so 100 kilos of weed is worth $1,100,000.00

100 kilos is worth a million dollars...

And they think making it illegal/criminal stops crime, they instantly made a significant proportion of the world criminals and increased the value of the said product.

They infact created many, many, more problems than they intended on fixing, they created more crime, and a new dark industry behind closed doors.

The intention of prohibition of cannabis was never really to solve an abuse problem, it was to create market demand for products other than hemp as the hemp industry was so ingrained in american history that the 'marijuana' spin was all that was needed to eliminate the main player in the textile and fibre industry.

Cotton and plastic made great advances in the insustry since prohibition yet cannabis/hemp will still yeild more profit than either of those and much less environmental damage at the same time.

yet it is still prohibited even if it is grown for fibre with little to zero thc anyway.

It is a Rort, makes no comon sence and is another example if how primitive and maniulated most peoples thinking has come to be, primarirly because they are unaware of what the truth is.

This is not the peoples fault;

Nobody ever told them because cannabis was removed from the american history books at the same time, prohibition entered the rule books and now nobody really knows the utmost importance the stuff actually had in building and creating the United States of America.

The first US patent is a hemp threshing machine patented by Thomas Jefferson, all those lovely documents your country bases its laws on, are made from cannabis, christopher columbus' ship would have been rigged with cannabis, but nowdays it is simply looked at as a dirty weed, a drug, narcotic.

It is wrong and stupid, and if it were not illegal many people would probably not have the desire to take it during thier 'rebel' period of their adolescence.

I used to be a heavy pot smoker when I was younger, it had many negative mind, body spirit effects that are quite clear, but the way it is treated by society is simply a waste of energy, money, time and lives.

end rant!

Good rant.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Furthermore, I am not convinced that marijuana should remain illegal. I am on the fence with that issue.

If Alcohol and Tobacco are legal, Marijuana should be as well.

Compared to booze and cigarettes, pot is a gift from God.

FWIW, I don't touch any of it - ever - but think the "War on Drugs" is one of the single dumbest concepts ever concocted. It is based on the kind of "good intentions" with which the road to hell is paved.



You and I are on the same page here with one exception. I believe the "war on drugs" was a political decision and had little to do with good intentions. Bottom line, it did very little good. The war seemed to have provided some excellent training for our black ops personnel.

Pablo Escobar was taken out and it remains a mystery who fired the kill shot.

I've had the opportunity to talk with several DEA agents and their response to the question about the 'war on drugs' was... 'it's a joke!'
I've often wondered, how many politicians and those in authority, are in the 'pockets' of the drug cartels.


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If you cannot even begin to keep drugs out of maximum security prisons, how do you keep them from a free society?

Now that's a good point to ponder.

The only alternative, that I can see, to drugs is faith in a power greater than yourself. As for me and my house, we choose the Lord.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Pablo Escobar was taken out and it remains a mystery who fired the kill shot.

The son of a bitch needed it!



That's the ol' Southern defense, "He jes needed killin'."
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Pablo Escobar was taken out and it remains a mystery who fired the kill shot.

The son of a bitch needed it!



That's the ol' Southern defense, "He jes needed killin'."

As reprehensible as it is, the lowest common denominator is not always set by the good guys, is it.....[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Pablo Escobar was taken out and it remains a mystery who fired the kill shot.

The son of a bitch needed it!



That's the ol' Southern defense, "He jes needed killin'."

The way I see it, he brought it on himself. He knew the rules of the game.


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I've had the opportunity to talk with several DEA agents and their response to the question about the 'war on drugs' was... 'it's a joke!'
I've often wondered, how many politicians and those in authority, are in the 'pockets' of the drug cartels.


You need not assume there is any actual corruption in order to have a conflict of interest at work. In this case, having drugs illegal is pivotal to quite a variety of industries: the Apprehension Industry, the Prosecution Industry, the Defense Industry, the Incarceration Industry and so forth.

If I have been on the Force for the last 23 years and things are precisely as bad as they were when I joined, my response is not going to be "Gee, what I do does not seem to make much difference. They should just legalize the stuff and make my job go away."

More likely, I will focus on how horrible things would obviously have been if I had not been out there in the trenches fighting the evil menace. When I retire in a couple of years, one can only hope that there will be some dedicated person to take my place, otherwise all is lost....

After agreeing that marijuana is a "bad" thing, I have asked cops the following: would you rather arrest someone who has been smoking pot all night, or someone who has a half a bottle of Jack Daniels in them?

The overwhelming response is they'd rather bust the pothead ("I'm under arrest? Bummer. You gonna finish that donut?") than the boozer ("Y'wanna 'rest me?! You sumbitch, I'm g'na kill you! [retch]").

Prohibition is job security for those charged with its enforcement every bit as much as for the illegal drug trade itself.

When the Volstead Act was repealed, the murder rate in the US of A went down by 2/3. Why? Because there were no longer obscene, illegal profits over which to battle. Executives from Miller and Anheuser Busch now meet at industry conventions where gang members would shoot and throw bombs at each other previously.

I do not approve of booze, dope or tobacco, but have concluded that the prohibition on any of these is a cure that is infinitely worse than the disease.



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Pablo Escobar was taken out and it remains a mystery who fired the kill shot.

The son of a bitch needed it!



That's the ol' Southern defense, "He jes needed killin'."

The way I see it, he brought it on himself. He knew the rules of the game.


Hell man, he defined the rules of the game!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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