
AP: Stimulus Didn't Affect Employment

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But AP's analysis, which was reviewed by independent economists at five universities, showed the strategy of pumping transportation money into counties hasn't affected local unemployment rates so far.

"There seems to me to be very little evidence that it's making a difference," said Todd Steen, an economics professor at Hope College in Michigan who reviewed the AP analysis.

Not to mention that all these "shovel ready" projects aren't "shovel ready" to begin with.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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But AP's analysis, which was reviewed by independent economists at five universities, showed the strategy of pumping transportation money into counties hasn't affected local unemployment rates so far.

"There seems to me to be very little evidence that it's making a difference," said Todd Steen, an economics professor at Hope College in Michigan who reviewed the AP analysis.

Not to mention that all these "shovel ready" projects aren't "shovel ready" to begin with.

Heard quite a discussion on this today.
It WAS predicted
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Well, I suppose the historical model on which it was based was, at least in part, public works projects like the CCC, etc. during the Depression. In that case, so many people were unemployed, and so much money was put into those programs, that it helped reduce unemployment. In this case, perhaps the stimulus is so modest that local/state governments and their contractors are simply trying to make do with their existing labor forces.

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Well, I suppose the historical model on which it was based was, at least in part, public works projects like the CCC, etc. during the Depression. In that case, so many people were unemployed, and so much money was put into those programs, that it helped reduce unemployment. In this case, perhaps the stimulus is so modest that local/state governments and their contractors are simply trying to make do with their existing labor forces.

Or, maybe because the money did not go to labor and shovel ready projects. Instead it went to city and state govs to keep state unemployment at less than 5%

you know, those big state and federal unions that are not considered special interest groups
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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But AP's analysis, which was reviewed by independent economists at five universities, showed the strategy of pumping transportation money into counties hasn't affected local unemployment rates so far.

"There seems to me to be very little evidence that it's making a difference," said Todd Steen, an economics professor at Hope College in Michigan who reviewed the AP analysis.

Not to mention that all these "shovel ready" projects aren't "shovel ready" to begin with.

It went to maintain teacher's jobs as states were going to lay them off due to shortfalls and the automaker's bailout, but those were probably pretty minor to the grand scheme. See, in Nazimerica, we must restore the uber-rich to their previous status before the little folks go back to work. We're doing that with the bank bailout and part of teh stimulus, now unemp is shading off, the market is doing great (don't tell Stanley) and the GDP is great as well. So the typical recovery is top-down, as in any fascist nation, just wait and unemp will subside.

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It went to maintain teacher's jobs as states were going to lay them off due to shortfalls and the automaker's bailout, but those were probably pretty minor to the grand scheme.

Yup, and more were hired instead of, you know, using the funds to create private sector jobs, like it was supposed to.


See, in Nazimerica, we must restore the uber-rich to their previous status before the little folks go back to work.

The only person saying that seems to be....YOU.


We're doing that with the bank bailout and part of teh stimulus, now unemp is shading off, the market is doing great (don't tell Stanley) and the GDP is great as well. So the typical recovery is top-down, as in any fascist nation, just wait and unemp will subside.

You have some interesting ideas of what is considered 'recovery' - must be the fact that you got to make your usual "USA is SOOOO Fascist" whine.

88000 new people on the unemployment rolls vs. the 8000 projected. GDP revised downward twice, so now all's that left is the "Cash for Clunkers" blip. "Saved or created jobs" that are now counted simply by having stimulus funds paying for them, whether they were in danger of being lost or not.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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[url] So the typical recovery is top-down, as in any fascist nation, just wait and unemp will subside.

Obama is fascist now? He's the architect of this saving grace stimulus that, according to you, will only work from the top-down.

Stay positive and love your life.

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But AP's analysis, which was reviewed by independent economists at five universities, showed the strategy of pumping transportation money into counties hasn't affected local unemployment rates so far.

"There seems to me to be very little evidence that it's making a difference," said Todd Steen, an economics professor at Hope College in Michigan who reviewed the AP analysis.

Not to mention that all these "shovel ready" projects aren't "shovel ready" to begin with.

It went to maintain teacher's jobs as states were going to lay them off due to shortfalls and the automaker's bailout, but those were probably pretty minor to the grand scheme. See, in Nazimerica, we must restore the uber-rich to their previous status before the little folks go back to work. We're doing that with the bank bailout and part of teh stimulus, now unemp is shading off, the market is doing great (don't tell Stanley) and the GDP is great as well. So the typical recovery is top-down, as in any fascist nation, just wait and unemp will subside.


You won't find this on the Onion or on Wiki....though you might find some of this information quoted in old magazines lying around at the VA if you're there.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Yup, and more were hired instead of, you know, using the funds to create private sector jobs, like it was supposed to.

Thru your ambiguity, "it" allegedly means the stimulus. The stimulus was designed to stimulate the economy, but I agree, Mike, retaining public school teachers was a waste:S. Perhaps it could have been used for vouchers so private teachers could show us, err, brainwash our kids, the ways of Jebus, the GOP and Sarah Palin, media whore.


The only person saying that seems to be....YOU.

Ahh, I see, don't address the issue, attck teh poster - ad hominem. Considering you didn't disagree and support it, I can only say that you acquiesce.


You have some interesting ideas of what is considered 'recovery' - must be the fact that you got to make your usual "USA is SOOOO Fascist" whine.

Considering corporatism is a key element to fascism and anti-labor is also, I see fascism as a clear element to the US.


88000 new people on the unemployment rolls vs. the 8000 projected.

Are you saying GWB's mess Obama inherited, freefalling unemp, hasn't leveled off? There are job losses in

GDP revised downward twice...

- 2009 2nd Q never revised.
- 2009 3rd Q revised from 3.5 to 2.2 once, when was the 2nd time?
- 2009 4th Q hasn't come out, just est at 4%.

Just to be clear, so you don't try to wiggle out again, we are talking real GDP and not nominal, right? And please no, "I got my data same place as you got yours."


...so now all's that left is the "Cash for Clunkers" blip.

I didn't like C4C, but it was 3 / 787th of the stimulus.


"Saved or created jobs" that are now counted simply by having stimulus funds paying for them, whether they were in danger of being lost or not.

I agree that the recovery indicators are partially, perhaps largely artificial; too bad McHoover wasn't elected so he could let the market fix itself by using tax cuts, my friends. Love your criticism of a mess YOUR GUY handed Obama who is doing what he can with it. KInda dejavu of Reagan/GHWB to Clinton, but this one is amplified several times. When will the American dipshit voter get it and quit electing fiscally irresponsible Republicans? And they are supposed to be the military leaders? Fusk, 911 occurred 8 months after one took office WITHOUT DOING A THING TO SHORE UP THE DEFENSE THAT WAS SUPPOSEDLY SHOT TO HELL UNDER THE DEMS. Just can't see a thing the R's do but fuck everything up fiscaly, militarily, socially, etc.

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[url] So the typical recovery is top-down, as in any fascist nation, just wait and unemp will subside.

Obama is fascist now? He's the architect of this saving grace stimulus that, according to you, will only work from the top-down.

Nope, he's pro-labor and not as pro-corporate as the R's. But fascism is a fiber of America, regardless of party; it's systemic. Remember, the bank bailout to teh rich occurred under the R's, the stimulus under teh D's. Going back to Hoover, tac cuts my friends uccurred under the R's (including Harding/Coolidge), tax increased at teh end of Hoover's term under pressure and New Deals under the D's.

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Stimulus Didn't Affect Employment

Sure it did. Fear of the present fiscal policy direction kept businesses from taking advantage of expansion opportunities and hiring people.

My bad, I forgot about trickle down fantasy world. More, 'make the millionaires into billionaires and we will then hire the poor, don't do the prior and we don't do the latter. Yea, gov shouldn't feed the poor, only corps should decide who eats.

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But AP's analysis, which was reviewed by independent economists at five universities, showed the strategy of pumping transportation money into counties hasn't affected local unemployment rates so far.

"There seems to me to be very little evidence that it's making a difference," said Todd Steen, an economics professor at Hope College in Michigan who reviewed the AP analysis.

Not to mention that all these "shovel ready" projects aren't "shovel ready" to begin with.

It went to maintain teacher's jobs as states were going to lay them off due to shortfalls and the automaker's bailout, but those were probably pretty minor to the grand scheme. See, in Nazimerica, we must restore the uber-rich to their previous status before the little folks go back to work. We're doing that with the bank bailout and part of teh stimulus, now unemp is shading off, the market is doing great (don't tell Stanley) and the GDP is great as well. So the typical recovery is top-down, as in any fascist nation, just wait and unemp will subside.


You won't find this on the Onion or on Wiki....though you might find some of this information quoted in old magazines lying around at the VA if you're there.

What's your point? He referred to hiring teachers, etc. You've said nothing here. His legacy will be measured on the economy - OK, it will. Just as his ability to be reelected is based upon that too. It took Clinton his whole first term to start to rite the ship, the 2nd term to fly; you expect this mess many times worse than Clinton inherited from your party to be fixed overnight? You guys are amazing, but what else can you say to defend your criminals? Really, what can you say?

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Yup, and more were hired instead of, you know, using the funds to create private sector jobs, like it was supposed to.

Thru your ambiguity, "it" allegedly means the stimulus. The stimulus was designed to stimulate the economy, but I agree, Mike, retaining public school teachers was a waste:S.It didnt do any of this according to the AP story Perhaps it could have been used for vouchers so private teachers could show us, err, brainwash our kids, the ways of Jebus, the GOP and Sarah Palin, media whore.


The only person saying that seems to be....YOU.

Ahh, I see, don't address the issue, attck teh poster - ad hominem. Considering you didn't disagree and support it, I can only say that you acquiesce.Well??? This is the only place i have seen this "spin" on it! And how is saying you are the only one saying it an attack???? Go cry to billvon again


You have some interesting ideas of what is considered 'recovery' - must be the fact that you got to make your usual "USA is SOOOO Fascist" whine.

Considering corporatism is a key element to fascism and anti-labor is also, I see fascism as a clear element to the US.The key element? wow


88000 new people on the unemployment rolls vs. the 8000 projected.

Are you saying GWB's mess Obama inherited, freefalling unemp, hasn't leveled off? There are job losses in tell us, when will it all be Obamas? Oh wait, that will never happen cause you voted for him:)


GDP revised downward twice...

- 2009 2nd Q never revised.
- 2009 3rd Q revised from 3.5 to 2.2 once, when was the 2nd time?
- 2009 4th Q hasn't come out, just est at 4%.

Just to be clear, so you don't try to wiggle out again, we are talking real GDP and not nominal, right? And please no, "I got my data same place as you got yours."Our spending vs GDP and our debt vs GDP is as high or higher than it has ever been. And Obama wants that trend to continue


...so now all's that left is the "Cash for Clunkers" blip.

I didn't like C4C, but it was 3 / 787th of the stimulus.and we now know that this small part failed as well


"Saved or created jobs" that are now counted simply by having stimulus funds paying for them, whether they were in danger of being lost or not.

I agree that the recovery indicators are partially, perhaps largely artificial; too bad McHoover wasn't elected so he could let the market fix itself by using tax cuts, my friends. Love your criticism of a mess YOUR GUY handed Obama who is doing what he can with it. KInda dejavu of Reagan/GHWB to Clinton, but this one is amplified several times. When will the American dipshit voter get it and quit electing fiscally irresponsible Republicans? And they are supposed to be the military leaders? Fusk, 911 occurred 8 months after one took office WITHOUT DOING A THING TO SHORE UP THE DEFENSE THAT WAS SUPPOSEDLY SHOT TO HELL UNDER THE DEMS. Just can't see a thing the R's do but fuck everything up fiscaly, militarily, socially, etc.
Oh, the "dip shit" voters get it. you are going to see that in Mass soon and the rest of the country on Nov:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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+7 Also

And instead of counting only created and saved jobs, it will count any person who works on a project funded with stimulus money—even if that person was never in danger of losing his or her job.


If you cant look good with the facts, then make a new way to come up with "facts":S>:(
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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