
Separation of Church and State. NONSENSE!

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I like how Beck (aka "Dipshit") seems to think the Washington Monument was made by our "founding fathers."


Yet more fucking proof you don't listen to him and you get your opinions regarding him elsewhere.

You should really stop commenting about him. You keep proving you don't have any idea about him or what he says or stands for

Or, pick a different site to get your opinions (made for you) about him.

Either will work:D

Nice. So you try to change the thread into a personal attack against Quade instead of defending your hero, Dipshit.

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Does the Constitution speak volumes, or do you just hear it? For it only directs two things about religion. Our government is prohibited from making any law respecting an establishment of a religion, and we are all guaranteed the freedom to choose one, or choose none. Could it be that they simply wanted you to have a free choice, and avoid another Spanish inquisition or the imposition of Islamic law, and nothing deeper than that? Why does the most simple explanation of their writing evade you?

You said, "Our government is prohibited from making any law respecting an establishment of a religion ..."

The Constitution says,

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..."

Do you think the choice of words is significant?

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If you are one of the anti-religion zealots, please don't pretend or project that our nation's founders promised you freedom from the slightest hint of religion in your life. It would help us all if the most radical and vocal segment of the whopping 8% of Americans who don't believe in God would take a chill pill, and stop their bitching whining and lawsuits every time the subject comes up.

If that is a fair statement, then so is this:

If you are one of the anti-gun control zealots, please don't pretend or project that our nation's founders promised you freedom from the slightest hint of gun-control in your life. It would help us all if the most radical and vocal segment of the whopping 8% of Americans who don't believe in gun-control would take a chill pill, and stop their bitching whining and lawsuits every time the subject comes up.

Edited: Too many double negatives:o

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Will it really hurt you to drive quietly past that nativity scene on your way to a seasonal shopping extravaganza?

If they put it up on government property, or use my tax money to erect it and support it, it not only pains me greatly every time I have to look at it, IT VIOLATES THE FIRST AMENDMENT!

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[Reply]Can't you peacefully coexist with those having a religious belief and expressing it? Is a bit of tolerance too much to ask all of us?

This isn't about allowing individuals to express their religious beliefs. It's about the government being prohibited from imposing religion on the people. You can pray all you want to whatever you want, but the government is not permitted to force you to pray.

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Go read the constitution. The fact that god is omitted at every level and the ordination of the articles comes from the free will of man, speaks volumes. As hard is it is for you to accept the founding fathers were "progressive".

Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were liberal. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were conservative. Patrick Henry was very conservative and he meant exactly what he said about "give me liberty or give me death". He wasn't a progressive at all. He felt that government control over individuals lives was uncalled for. (cough, cough... national healthcare) He flat out had no patience for instrusive government. John Hancock was very conservative and used his wealth to push the conservative values. George Washington was conservative and believed in a central government that worked for the people. Benjamin Franklin was more of a centrist and a philosopher. So what I see are founding fathers that cover the entire spectrum of view points. Not just all "Progressive" or "Liberal"

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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Go read the constitution. The fact that god is omitted at every level and the ordination of the articles comes from the free will of man, speaks volumes. As hard is it is for you to accept the founding fathers were "progressive".

Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were liberal. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were conservative.

Jefferson fathered children by his slave - is that a "conservative" value?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I love the bias that comes from the people that are supposedly trying to 'uphold' the Constitution while they piss all over it.....

His talk sounded alot like some of Adolf's early speeches. "What we were meant to be...." "What our destiny is/was...." "Who we really are...."

A scary road that we would travel down if we made this a "Christian" Nation......NIMBY

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I love the bias that comes from the people that are supposedly trying to 'uphold' the Constitution while they piss all over it.....

His talk sounded alot like some of Adolf's early speeches. "What we were meant to be...." "What our destiny is/was...." "Who we really are...."

A scary road that we would travel down if we made this a "Christian" Nation......NIMBY

I think it would be a greater nation if it actually followed what christ taught.Trouble is so many of his followers dont really believe in what he taught. They follow some other unrecognizable shit that they claim is christianity.

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His talk sounded alot like some of Adolf's early speeches. "What we were meant to be...." "What our destiny is/was...." "Who we really are....

Yes ... and Becks methodology definitely has been shown to work in the past:

"Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people. (...) All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. (...) The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. The broad masses of the people are not made up of diplomats or professors of public jurisprudence nor simply of persons who are able to form reasoned judgment in given cases, but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another. (...) The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood." -- Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler

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Oh and GWB wasn't stoopid sic, he just don't talk so good.

Well, he certainly fits the definition of "stupid":

adj., -er, -est.

1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
5. Pointless; worthless: a stupid job.

A stupid or foolish person.

He satisfies most of the criteria ... I would at least give him a 70% on the test.

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Oh and GWB wasn't stoopid sic, he just don't talk so good.

Well, he certainly fits the definition of "stupid":

adj., -er, -est.

1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
5. Pointless; worthless: a stupid job.

A stupid or foolish person.

He satisfies most of the criteria ... I would at least give him a 70% on the test.

Wow, it does fit him to a tee. He really isn't totally a bad guy, that was Cheeny, but GWB was just dumb and think he started to grow a conscience 1/2 way thru his 2nd term. Bush fully showed how dumb he was/is after his first 2-3 years in office, really sooner, so what does that say of his electorate? Can you say ideologue.

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He really isn't totally a bad guy, that was Cheeny, but GWB was just dumb and think he started to grow a conscience 1/2 way thru his 2nd term. Bush fully showed how dumb he was/is after his first 2-3 years in office, really sooner, so what does that say of his electorate? Can you say ideologue.

Yeah ... Cheny is not stupid.


adj., e·vil·er, e·vil·est.

1. Morally bad or wrong; wicked: an evil tyrant.
2. Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful: the evil effects of a poor diet.
3. Characterized by or indicating future misfortune; ominous: evil omens.
4. Bad or blameworthy by report; infamous: an evil reputation.
5. Characterized by anger or spite; malicious: an evil temper.


1. The quality of being morally bad or wrong; wickedness.
2. That which causes harm, misfortune, or destruction: a leader's power to do both good and evil.
3. An evil force, power, or personification.
4. Something that is a cause or source of suffering, injury, or destruction: the social evils of poverty and injustice.

adv. Archaic
In an evil manner.

Dick! ;)

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[Reply]Can't you peacefully coexist with those having a religious belief and expressing it? Is a bit of tolerance too much to ask all of us?

This isn't about allowing individuals to express their religious beliefs. It's about the government being prohibited from imposing religion on the people. You can pray all you want to whatever you want, but the government is not permitted to force you to pray.

Perhaps you can explain how having a historical nativity scene in the town square forces you pray? I got news for you. The KKK putting up a display every year in downtown Cincinnati doesn't force me to be a racist. And a menorah there doesn't make me want to wear a yarmulke. So long as no public money is spent on it, what is the big concern?

Or perhaps you can help me understand the pressure placed on stores a few years ago to say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. The holiday IS Christmas. That is why people are doing all the damn spending. Exactly how do any of these force you to do anything, except laugh at our stupidity.

I am a elected school board member. There is no way in hell I would permit our staff to force students to pray, or even lead prayer. But even at the most extreme example, I have never seen a government force anyone to pray, only expecting that those present observe a bit of respectful silence as people do pray, and THAT is illegal already.

Some idiots are now trying to force schools to not permit Boy Scouts to meet in their buildings, as they are a religious body, and they blocked our district from earning needed income by renting out the building on Sundays to a church. Somehow that violated their view of governments acting as a religious body.

This has gone so far beyond your being forced to pray that it is way beyond absurd.
Tom B

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He really isn't totally a bad guy, that was Cheeny, but GWB was just dumb and think he started to grow a conscience 1/2 way thru his 2nd term. Bush fully showed how dumb he was/is after his first 2-3 years in office, really sooner, so what does that say of his electorate? Can you say ideologue.

Yeah ... Cheny is not stupid.


adj., e·vil·er, e·vil·est.

1. Morally bad or wrong; wicked: an evil tyrant.
2. Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful: the evil effects of a poor diet.
3. Characterized by or indicating future misfortune; ominous: evil omens.
4. Bad or blameworthy by report; infamous: an evil reputation.
5. Characterized by anger or spite; malicious: an evil temper.


1. The quality of being morally bad or wrong; wickedness.
2. That which causes harm, misfortune, or destruction: a leader's power to do both good and evil.
3. An evil force, power, or personification.
4. Something that is a cause or source of suffering, injury, or destruction: the social evils of poverty and injustice.

adv. Archaic
In an evil manner.

Dick! ;)

Absolutely, he's the evildoer who drove dipshit for his 1st term, part of his second. That's why they coined the term, "The Cheny Presidency." He really ran GWB but the rub was the full pardon of Libby, which was the basis of his book.

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Go read the constitution. The fact that god is omitted at every level and the ordination of the articles comes from the free will of man, speaks volumes. As hard is it is for you to accept the founding fathers were "progressive".

Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were liberal. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were conservative.

Jefferson fathered children by his slave - is that a "conservative" value?

As did many white men during that time period. Do you approve of that professor? If not then you must be conservative. ;)

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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>They were progressive? I am not sure what you mean . . .

It means that they were trying their best to escape from a government linked to a religion. They made it very clear that, although most of the founders were religious men, they wanted no part of the "state church" they had just escaped from in their new government.

Do you just make this crap up as you go along Bill? The long list reasons our founders declared independence are explicitly defined in the Declaration of Independence's, also known as their charges against King George. NONE of them are because England was a church state or imposed a religion. While they do have an "official" religion in England, the Protestant Reformation ended in 1648, with the conclusion of the Thirty Years War. That ended the issue for England. You can find our founders long list of real concerns at:

>Will it really hurt you to drive quietly past that nativity scene on your
>way to a seasonal shopping extravaganza?

As long as there can be a Ramadan tribute and Diwali display on the same corner, no problem.

Well we are not permitted to have a nativity scene. The courts do require us to have a KKK white cross display this time of year, but a nativity scene, that is just way too frightening I guess.
Tom B

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I think it would be a greater nation if it actually followed what christ taught

or Buddha or Mohammed, or pretty much everything my Mom taught, or just plain common sense.

But the bottom line for me is, the more they try to put "Jesus" into my life, the more I am going to push back. And I expect while our numbers are pretty small, when the pushing begins, you will see how many people, Christians included, who will object to 'Nation of Christ'......

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"The holiday IS Christmas"

You're funny, the holiday IS Hanukkah. Fucking goyum.

Really? People go to stores to spend incredible amounts of money and put gifts under a Hanukkah tree? I didn't know that. My Jewish best friend doesn't know that either I suspect.
Tom B

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[Reply]Can't you peacefully coexist with those having a religious belief and expressing it? Is a bit of tolerance too much to ask all of us?

This isn't about allowing individuals to express their religious beliefs. It's about the government being prohibited from imposing religion on the people. You can pray all you want to whatever you want, but the government is not permitted to force you to pray.

Perhaps you can explain how having a historical nativity scene in the town square forces you pray? I got news for you. The KKK putting up a display every year in downtown Cincinnati doesn't force me to be a racist. And a menorah there doesn't make me want to wear a yarmulke. So long as no public money is spent on it, what is the big concern?

Or perhaps you can help me understand the pressure placed on stores a few years ago to say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. The holiday IS Christmas. That is why people are doing all the damn spending. Exactly how do any of these force you to do anything, except laugh at our stupidity.

I am a elected school board member. There is no way in hell I would permit our staff to force students to pray, or even lead prayer. But even at the most extreme example, I have never seen a government force anyone to pray, only expecting that those present observe a bit of respectful silence as people do pray, and THAT is illegal already.

Some idiots are now trying to force schools to not permit Boy Scouts to meet in their buildings, as they are a religious body, and they blocked our district from earning needed income by renting out the building on Sundays to a church. Somehow that violated their view of governments acting as a religious body.

This has gone so far beyond your being forced to pray that it is way beyond absurd.

You replied and missed the major point of ChangoLanzao's reply to your OP. You made a HUGE jump by linking a nativity scene in the center of town to being the driving force behind government forcing people to pray. He never said that. You're just saying that to try and justify your point. Stop reaching and just answer logically. The major problem he had, I think, was government tax dollars being spent on that nativity scene. Or things like government tax dollars to a church that end up paying for highway billboard advertisements in support of prop 8 and abortion laws or other legal/law issues that religion has ZERO business being involved in.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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