
Looks Like ANY Public Option is DOA YES!!!

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Health care should be run as non-profit across the board. Many hospitals are already. While at the same time developing coffers that are beyond any in their communities. By the by this leaves the capitalist anarchist's against this idea with no leg to stand on. If those who insured health care were mandated to do the same it would go a long way in reducing costs as profit margins are no longer a concern. Every body working will make their money; and the cunts who refuse or those simply unable, will not drive up the cost for those of us who do the responsible thing and treat health insurance as a necessity.(Ie forgo, skydiving, cable, vacations pets, children(same difference)etc...to afford it)

ps I'm really drunk so that didn't/wont come out as eloquently as it could.

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..... these in now way have anything to do with the resistance to the public option plans offered. ...

DeMint: "If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him,"

Inhofe: I just hope the President keeps talking about it, keeps trying to rush it through. We can stall it. And that’s going to be a huge gain for those of us who want to turn this thing over in the 2010 election.

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Or, do you just want to see America fail? Is that it? :P

As long as I have my marinated kittens, I don't really care.
Did you drown them in the front yard and provide beer?

"front yard" is terrible marinade, too gritty

I prefer soy sauce with honey and sirachi hot sauce - sweet, hot flavor and the soy tenderizes a bit

the trick is to pound the kittens so they soak up the marinade, but not too hard that they die before soaking

when they meow, the marinade gets better meat penetration

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Please read this article about how non-profit hospital corporations are driving healthcare costs way up.

Please read this recipe for a scrumptious kitten almond ding.

Cook Your Pet.com and The Wall Street Journal--equally authoritative sources in the world of internet debating.

Just curious, did you have a look at that article at all?
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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..... these in now way have anything to do with the resistance to the public option plans offered. ...

DeMint: "If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him,"

Inhofe: I just hope the President keeps talking about it, keeps trying to rush it through. We can stall it. And that’s going to be a huge gain for those of us who want to turn this thing over in the 2010 election.

your point?

obama has based his presidency (in part )on this sorry shit.

Nothing new here and it does not make any substantial point for you to post it ........
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Obama's Declaration Of Swine Flu Emergency Prompts Pro-Swine-Flu Republican Response

October 28, 2009 | Issue 45•44
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WASHINGTON—Claiming that the president was preying on the public's fear of contracting a fatal disease last week when he declared the H1N1 virus a national emergency, Republican leaders announced Wednesday that they were officially endorsing the swine flu. "Thousands of Americans—hardworking ordinary Americans like you and me—already have H1N1," Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele said during a press conference. "Now Obama wants to take that away from us. Ask yourself: Do you want the federal government making these kinds of health care decisions for you and your family?" Other prominent Republicans opposing Obama's declaration of emergency include Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, who urged residents of his state to continue not washing their hands, and radio host Rush Limbaugh, who made a point of dying of the virus during his show on Wednesday.

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That was a joke, Tom. It was from The Onion actually.

Wow, I thought of the Onion for just a second then let it go as one you made up:D

either way, well done:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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your point?

obama has based his presidency (in part )on this sorry shit.

Nothing new here and it does not make any substantial point for you to post it ........

I see, the old "pay no attention to the obstructionist behind the curtain" ploy.
You claimed that the opposition to the health care reform is based on the plan itself. In some cases that's certainly true (based on sincere alternative ideas or by the amount of "free speech" that industry has lavished on them). Billvon and I have pointed out that there are many who wish Obama to fail at any endeavor, some for political gain. In that regard, my post is indeed substantial.

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your point?

obama has based his presidency (in part )on this sorry shit.

Nothing new here and it does not make any substantial point for you to post it ........

I see, the old "pay no attention to the obstructionist behind the curtain" ploy.
You claimed that the opposition to the health care reform is based on the plan itself. In some cases that's certainly true (based on sincere alternative ideas or by the amount of "free speech" that industry has lavished on them). Billvon and I have pointed out that there are many who wish Obama to fail at any endeavor, some for political gain. In that regard, my post is indeed substantial.

Believe what you want although there are always going to be those who use political calculations as a primary driver. My point was there is no way to prove nor more than a little info to back this statement up.

The plan is shit. The people are starting to see this. Polititions wish to keep thier jobs. Therefor, the shit plan with a gov run option will die (hopefully)

But we all know now that disagreeing with this president and his policy can never be based on content. After all, his is the smartest president with the most open admin ever:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>The plan is shit. The people are starting to see this.

Maybe if you say that for long enough, you'll start to believe it yourself!
New Poll: 77 Percent Support "Choice" Of Public Option
First Posted: 08-20-09 02:55 PM | Updated: 08-20-09 03:56 PM

More than three out of every four Americans feel it is important to have a "choice" between a government-run health care insurance option and private coverage, according to a public opinion poll released on Thursday.

A new study by SurveyUSA puts support for a public option at a robust 77 percent, one percentage point higher than where it stood in June.
Public likes public option for healthcare. Joe Lieberman doesn’t.

Poll results tend to show that voters approve of the public option for healthcare. But senators like Joe Lieberman could vote the other way.
By Peter Grier | Staff writer/ October 27, 2009 edition
Christian Science Monitor

The public generally supports the public option. This may be one big reason that Senate majority leader Harry Reid surprised many in Washington by including a proposal for government-run insurance – also known as the “public option” – in the Senate’s version of healthcare reform legislation.

“All the national polls show a wide majority of Americans support the public option,” Senator Reid said on Monday.
October 28, 2009, 6:00 pm
Polls and the Public Option
By Marjorie Connelly

In recent weeks, polls kept showing solid support for a public insurance option, seeming to breathe new life into its viability as a provision of the health care legislation under way in Congress. In fact, advocates of a public option, from left-leaning groups to pundits to lawmakers, seized on each new number and trumpeted the news across the 24/7 news spectrum of Twitter, TV ads, blogs and headlines.

And while those polls may have bolstered Senator Harry Reid’s decision to include the public option in the merged Senate bill this week, a closer examination shows once again that public opinion on this issue shifts and shimmies depending on how you phrase the question and what you strip away from (or add to) a compound sentence.

In nearly all recent surveys, a majority of Americans simply approve of providing coverage for the uninsured, suggesting that on an altruistic level at least, they believe people deserve health care.
Uptick in support for public option
Posted: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:00 PM by Mark Murray

Mark Murray
As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid moves forward crafting a Senate health-care bill that contains a public option -- with a state "opt out" -- the latest NBC/WSJ poll shows support for a government-run insurance plan at its highest level since the debate began.

According to the poll, 48% say they favor a public health plan administered by the federal government that would compete with private insurers, compared with 42% who oppose it. That's a shift from last month, though within the margin of error, when 48% opposed the public option and 46% supported it. And it's a 10-point swing from August, when 47% were in opposition and 43% were in favor.

In another question asked a different way -- is it important to give people a choice of a public option? -- a combined 72% answered that it was either "extremely important" or "quite important," while just 23% said it was "not that important" or "not at all important." Those numbers are virtually unchanged from last month.

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Hmm! Once again, RepublicanReports shows a different result than every other polling organization! Best listen exclusively to them and ignore all other facts, lest you hear something that conflicts with your biases.

Well, thier history is better and newer than what you have posted
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Hmm! Once again, RepublicanReports shows a different result than every other polling organization! Best listen exclusively to them and ignore all other facts, lest you hear something that conflicts with your biases.

Well, thier history is better and newer than what you have posted

Yea, all is rosey.



This one, to me, defines conservatism:


That's my new screensaver :D

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Hmm! Once again, RepublicanReports shows a different result than every other polling organization! Best listen exclusively to them and ignore all other facts, lest you hear something that conflicts with your biases.

Well, thier history is better and newer than what you have posted

Yea, all is rosey.



This one, to me, defines conservatism:


That's my new screensaver :D

why? cause that it the side of a sheep you usually see??


dont forget your tingley's!!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>More than three out of every four Americans feel it is important to have a "choice" between a government-run health care insurance option and private coverage, according to a public opinion poll released on Thursday.

that's not defined well enough

sure, you can pay the extra taxes to support health care and they pay extra for a private plan and call that a 'choice to opt out'

but I doubt that's what 3 of 4 people are voting on

I would agree that 3 of 4 people would be happy to opt out for a private plan if they could also opt out of the increased tax load to support the plan they don't want to participate in

but that would be impossible

a government sponsored health savings plan would be something that might accomplish it - kinda like vouchers for schools - but it would still be a forced PAYticipation for all

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Hmm! Once again, RepublicanReports shows a different result than every other polling organization! Best listen exclusively to them and ignore all other facts, lest you hear something that conflicts with your biases.

Well, thier history is better and newer than what you have posted

Yea, all is rosey.



This one, to me, defines conservatism:


That's my new screensaver :D

why? cause that it the side of a sheep you usually see??


dont forget your tingley's!!

Is that the best you can do? You're slipping :D

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