
Burger King Uses Blow Jobs to Sell Product

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Sad thing is... the way they calculate it. Any job being funded by recovery dollars... is counted as saved. Even if those jobs were already there, and the employer had no intention of firing. It’s fucking ridiculous, Glenn has talked about this a few times.

Here a good one: Glenn Beck’s “Imagine if Bush Did This.”



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>We… are the true American People . . .

The "true american people" are the people who will take this country into the future, not the dead-enders sucking on the oil and coal teats. (Although sucking on them have gotten some people very, very rich!)

>There is plenty of water to be zapped… and plenty of energy if we had nuclear.

Sort of. If we had HTGR's, we could thermally dissociate water and generate hydrogen efficiently that way - and that's about the only way to do it efficiently. But even then, we're better off converting it to methane; methane is already usable in cars, trucks and buses as-is.

>And lies are fed about “how dangerous it is.”

It is dangerous. It's just less dangerous than technologies like coal.

>Obama says Iran has a right to nuclear, yet we don’t?

?? I live 30 miles from a large nuclear reactor. And there's this:
US Southeast states pave way for new nuclear power
Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:46pm EDT

CHARLESTON, June 23 (Reuters) - Lawmakers and regulators in the Southeastern United States who have given the green light for the first wave of new nuclear reactor construction in three decades expressed confidence on Tuesday that the new plants will offer the cheapest, most reliable power in the future.

Utilities in Georgia, South Carolina and Florida have proposed building a dozen new reactors costing more than $60 billion. Legislators and regulators are encouraging those plans by allowing companies to collect certain financing costs before nuclear licenses are issued and construction can begin.
So it's happening here in the US. What country do you live in?

>Wind is not ready, nor is solar to take over 60 percent of our
>needs that coal provides.

Wind is indeed ready, and is the fastest-growing source of power in the US today. It will not "take over" for coal though - coal is a baseline power source, like nuclear.

This is our current electrical energy generation mix:

Coal 48%
Oil 4%
Natural gas 13%
Hydro 15%
Nuclear 18%
Solar/wind/geothermal 2%

We should be moving toward a balance that looks like:

Coal 10%
Natural gas 20%
Wind/solar/geothermal 20%
Hydro 15%
Nuclear 35%

That will let us end mountaintop removal, save oil for what really needs it (plastics, military, industrial feedstock) and reduce CO2 emissions and pollution.

>Obama wants electric cars… where is all the extra electricity we need
>coming from?

Wind and baseline generation. Right now, our electrical needs dip significantly at night. This is a problem for generators, since they have to deal with a very wide (often 3:1) swing in power demand from night to day. Idling a nuclear power plant at night is not easy or efficient.

By charging at night (say, from midnight to 4am) you use that wasted capacity. Here in California we could replace 25% of the cars on the road with electric cars, charge them at night, and not have to build a single new power plant or transmission line.

And since electric vehicles are basically massive energy storage devices, they have other benefits. Imagine the utility having to black out your neighborhood during a heat wave, and your car supplying your house until they get power back on line. Imagine further a utility that doesn't HAVE to black anyone out because the thousands of electric cars on the grid can provide power during peak demand times.

>Obama did cut funding:

Yes, he did; he cut government funding for government research projects (rather than direct GM to do anything as you claimed.) Do you object to his cuts? You'd rather tax-and-spend? Fair enough; just don't complain when other people want funding for their renewables project as well.

>Again… stop with the games like a fucking lobbyist.

Which "games" would those be? I'm not the one who's so mad that he can't even think straight.

>I’d rather spend 1.2 billion on that, then bailout the retards running
>your state, California. 42 billion?

That's pretty funny, especially given that we're paying for all the "red" welfare states lately.

>No, I want government out of the way completely.

But you also want them to fund hydrogen research . . . odd.

>Go ahead; block me for a personal attack…

Oh, I don't really care when people make assumptions and rant at me. I think it's sorta funny how many things they get wrong.

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Don't expect to see these ads in the U.S. This is a Singapore ad campaign only. And if you've never been to countries in South-east Asia, then keep in mind this is only a mildly suggestive advertisement for that part of the world.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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I found it so striking that I took pictures and sent them back home. My Hungarian friends couldn't figure out why I found it so unusual.

This one was taken this May in Bucharest main square, right in the city center. Europe is definitely doing much better there.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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Yep, I'm serious. See and judge for yourself.
(Sorry; it's not "copy-n-pasteable.")


Wow, I would never have guessed that seven inches would be enough to blow a woman's mind away ;) .
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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