
Pope "Distorts science" again......

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So, another rant by this mad old fool trying to push his bronze age belief system onto uneducated and poor African people..... yet again he is going on about condoms..... thankfully the press coverage of this story has not been all his way, the LANCET has written an editorial which I will include parts of below :


Pope 'publicly distorted' science in condom row: Lancet
March 26th, 2009

One of the world's top medical journals accused Pope Benedict XVI on Friday of having distorted scientific evidence in his remarks on condom use and demanded he make a retraction.

"By saying that condoms exacerbate the problem of HIV/AIDS, the Pope has publicly distorted scientific evidence to promote Catholic doctrine on this issue," The Lancet said in an editorial.

"Whether the Pope's error was due to ignorance or a deliberate attempt to manipulate science to support Catholic ideology is unclear.

"But the comment still stands, and the Vatican's attempts to tweak the Pope's words, further tampering with the truth, is not the way forward."

The London-based journal added: "When any influential person, be it a religious or political figure, makes a false scientific statement that could be devastating to the health of millions of people, they should retract or correct the public record.

"Anything less from Pope Benedict would be an immense disservice to the public and health advocates, including many thousands of Catholics, who work tirelessly to try and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS worldwide."

The pope made the controversial remarks last week when he travelled to Africa, the worst-hit continent for AIDS.

AIDS is a tragedy "that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems," the pope said aboard his flight to Cameroon. end quote.....

So, when are we going to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and tell this idiot to keep his stupid mouth shut and stay at home wafting his smoke pot around his vatican castle instead of causing the ENDLESS suffering of millions by spreading LIES about contraception????


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Is this the same cult that practices ritualistic cannibalism?
You know they eat the flesh of and drink the blood of their deity ?...

I'm hoping you're referring to all (or at least most) denominations of Christianity, which practice some form of Communion. And remember, they're offshoots of another cult which to this very day practices ritualistic genital mutilation.

God: To forever seal your covenant with Me, you must now ... uh... [whispers in his ear].
Abraham (horrified): You want me to do WHAT to my WHAT???

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I'll make one comment and one comment only on this, since this is by far the most vitriolic, hateful, predjudicial, anticatholic lot of people I've yet to find. I'm sure it will fall on deaf ears on most, since most are willfully ignorant regarding the beliefs of catholics (the comment regarding cannabalism being a case in point). dont' waste your time replying with PAs or attempting to debate me b/c i won't be reading them...

Just ask yourself this... If you had available the partner of your dreams, and knew this person carried the HIV virus -- would you rely on a condom for protection? That is what Dr. Maria Crenshaw, past president of the American Association of Sex Educators, asked 800 sex educators at the World Congress of Sexology in Heidelberg in 1987. How many people raised their hand? None. Why? B/c according to Guttmacher's research, condomes are only 87% effective in stopping HIV from spreading.

That's Russian Roullette odds people.

Reducing the number of partners by promoting abstinence and monogamy. That's the only truly effective way. Mock it all you want but that's the truth.

Intead all y'all have are ad hominems against a religion and it's leader.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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> Why? B/c according to Guttmacher's research, condomes are only
>87% effective in stopping HIV from spreading.

Are you calling the Pope a liar? Because he says they INCREASE the odds of getting HIV, not reduce it by 87%. You seem to be maligning the leader of Catholics throughout the world.

>That's Russian Roullette odds people.

Right. And if you had a friend who was having sex with a woman who might have HIV, and his two options were unprotected sex and sex with a condom - and he asked you for your opinion - what would you tell him? Would you tell him he better not use a condom because it increases his odds of getting HIV?

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Reducing the number of partners by promoting abstinence and monogamy. That's the only truly effective way. Mock it all you want but that's the truth.


Do you have a shred of evidence that promoting monogamy will actually increase monogamy to a point that it can come close to the effectiveness of condoms in reducing the transmission of HIV within a population?

The real truth is that you are simply deluding yourself by equating promoting monogamy with achieving monogamy. Come and play in the real world for once and maybe you might see that.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>Is this the same cult that practices ritualistic cannibalism?
You know they eat the flesh of and drink the blood of their deity ?...

>>I'm hoping you're referring to all (or at least most) denominations of Christianity, which practice some form of Communion.

Communion in Protestant denominations represents something completely different than Catholic Communion/Eucharist.

This is one of primary differences that seperates Protestant and Catholic denominations...it was one of the main reasons that led to the reformation in the first place.

In Protestant denominations, it is strictly symbolic. Many Churches have it once every 1 or 2 months...some of the smaller churches may have it more frequently like twice a month and may be followed by some extra festivities where people just mingle, eat and play games...it's like a memorial service...that's all. The bread is bread and the grape juice is grape juice....and we call it such.

In Catholicism, Christ is being sacraficed again and again....over and over at the mass. During this mass the priest is basically preparing the sacrafice. After he says the magic words, Christ is physically summonned down to the altar and the bread and wine is physically, and literally changed into the mind, body and soul of Christ. The people then eat him, thus completing the sacrafice....

Here's the list of 24 damnations w/r/t the mass and eucharist:

Basically even if you only say it is just symbolic they still damn you to hell....
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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Just ask yourself this... If you had available the partner of your dreams, and knew this person carried the HIV virus -- would you rely on a condom for protection? That is what Dr. Maria Crenshaw, past president of the American Association of Sex Educators, asked 800 sex educators at the World Congress of Sexology in Heidelberg in 1987.

So far when I put this question she allegedly asked, I got one link to article on insidecatholic.com. Which, in turn, does not quote any source. Search by the name "Dr. Maria Crenshaw" revealed only four links - all of them quoting the same phrase, apparently from the same article. Therefore the claim you make is kinda ungrounded, and giving the nature of quoted source, I'd dismiss it.

And why don't you guys give credit to the original author when you quote copyrighted work? Do you know about the copyright law?


Reducing the number of partners by promoting abstinence and monogamy. That's the only truly effective way.

This is so far the most naive comment I've ever read about AIDS.
If you have 200 partners who are HIV-neg, you won't get HIV.
But if you have a single partner who is HIV-positive, this is the only truly effective way, right?
If you have no sex partners, but use IV drugs, this is another truly effective way?
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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