
Aggiedave will like this..here is a Sheepdog for ya. I love her

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Cerrtainly NO "sheepdog"!!>:( Speaking as someone who's kept, rescued & bred Border Collies for years, I can assure you that the first qualities of a "Sheepdog" are intelligence, obedience, teamwork and usefulness (Collie is old Northumbrian for useful). Qualities which this woman manifestly does not possess.

Settle down. "Sheepdog" is a Gunsite training academy thing.

"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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Take another look at the photo - the trigger guard IS covered.

IMO the downside of the Glock. I usually keep one hot and the trigger safety isn't much of a safety. My holster does cover the trigger tho. The upside. You're good to go w/o having to fumble w/ a saftey if you need it fast. A tradeoff IMO.


Looking at the photo again, it looks to be a kydex holster. If so, it's already much more secure than dead cow with a strap.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Is she breaking any laws?


Is she hurting anyone?

No. (I'm not including all the psychological "damage" caused to those that are scared of guns)

In my opinion, all ya'all that are whining about her having different views/opinions from you. Back off - quit insulting her intelligence and character. Quit inferring that she must be crazy - "see how paaranoid she is?!" It's her right. Just as it's your right not to carry or even to have nothing to do with her.

Lets look at some of the arguments that could be raised against her carrying.

Some "bad guy" could show up at the soccer game and use her pistol.
OK... seriously?! Some "bad guy" is going to plan some evil plan and HOPE that someone will be there with a gun for him to use?! Lets throw that argument out.
OK... lets say that it isn't premeditated. Some situation arises with angry words and Random Joe that wasn't PLANNING on killing anyone, now sees her gun decides to use it. Again... seriously? I'm expecting with her level of awareness (or what others might call paranoia) that once the situation starts heating up, she's likely to be out of there ... cuz her main concern is safety. But... even if she doesn't pick up on the situation, Random Joe comes over after a private dispute. Sees the gun and decides to rampage. First he has to get it away from her. Easy you say? Do you think she would WILLINGLY just hand it over? I'm guessing that he's in for a fight. And likely a big one. Drawing more and more attention to her and him. During that time... here's an option. GET AWAY. Don't be standing there wringing your hands about the "unfairness" of it all. And if just seeing the gun would motivate him to steal it and use it to kill, why couldn't he just run his car into whom ever he was arguing with? Wouldn't that be easier?

Her "going crazy" and shooting you or your family? That's always a possibility... but cops can go rouge too, however most people don't have a problem with them walking around armed (here in the US). Or what about crazy people at all the Christmas tree places with chainsaws? Or (since this is a skydiving site)... what about those "crazy" swoopers that could go over the top and could take out spectators or other jumpers? You NEVER KNOW what others are going to do. But USUALLY those that are trained and open about issues like this are generally less of a risk. I found out quick while doing my psych rotation that it's not the LOUD and VISIBLE ones that you have to worry about.... Watch out for the quiet one. The ones that are just sitting there and watching and planning... but no one knows until..... "he was such a nice boy."

She's not breaking any laws. She's not hurting anyone.

Why do some feel it necessary to try to bring her down?

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Why do some feel it necessary to try to bring her down?

...cause that is what they do..........[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think I was mistaken in my response to you.

I think it would be better to say, "because it is all they have" (on this supject)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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She decided to pack because of a CAR ACCIDENT? It's not like her home was invaded, etc.

So she should not carry a gun because she has not had a home invasion??:S Has your house ever been on fire? Maybe you shouldnt have smoke detector. Has your house been broken into? Maybe you shouldnt lock it. Why not prepair just incase?? You must live in loly pop land:S
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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She decided to pack because of a CAR ACCIDENT? It's not like her home was invaded, etc.

So she should not carry a gun because she has not had a home invasion??:S Has your house ever been on fire? Maybe you shouldnt have smoke detector. Has your house been broken into? Maybe you shouldnt lock it. Why not prepair just incase?? You must live in loly pop land:S

I think you're missing the point, the proper response to a car accident is buying a Volvo.

What the hell is a gun going to do in a car accident?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Obviously you dont like hand guns, and you have the right not to carry one. She has the right to do so and should be allowed to if she wants too. She is not the enemy.

It still kills me that people get so upset about people that legally carry guns. They are not the problem. It is the criminals that are the problem not law abiding citizens.

So, when somebody shows up at a kids soccer game with a gun, how do you know if that person is a sane law abiding citizen or a criminal?

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Obviously you dont like hand guns, and you have the right not to carry one. She has the right to do so and should be allowed to if she wants too. She is not the enemy.

It still kills me that people get so upset about people that legally carry guns. They are not the problem. It is the criminals that are the problem not law abiding citizens.

So, when somebody shows up at a kids soccer game with a gun, how do you know if that person is a sane law abiding citizen or a criminal?

Criminals tend NOT to have it clearly displayed in a holster - there's one clue for you.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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She decided to pack because of a CAR ACCIDENT? It's not like her home was invaded, etc.

So she should not carry a gun because she has not had a home invasion??:S Has your house ever been on fire? Maybe you shouldnt have smoke detector. Has your house been broken into? Maybe you shouldnt lock it. Why not prepair just incase?? You must live in loly pop land:S

I think you're missing the point, the proper response to a car accident is buying a Volvo.

What the hell is a gun going to do in a car accident?

No, i don't live in "loly pop [sic] land". Quade got my point. JohnDeere did not.

I even said at the top of my post that my issue wasn't with her owning or carrying a gun. Hell, I have a gun. I'm saying that the proper, sane, normal, un-paranoid response to a car accident is buying a safer car, taking a driving course, going to court, or ceasing driving altogether. Not buying a gun.

I repeat...what good is a gun going to do in a car accident?
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Criminals tend NOT to have it clearly displayed in a holster - there's one clue for you.

So when a woman shows up with a gun trapped to her hip at a kids soccer game, this should be a clue that she is a mentally sound and sane person?

If that is the clear standard, wouldn't all criminals start openly carrying?

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If the soccer field where her kids games are held is part of a school property, then she is breaking the law by having a gun on their property.
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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She decided to pack because of a CAR ACCIDENT? It's not like her home was invaded, etc.

So she should not carry a gun because she has not had a home invasion??:S Has your house ever been on fire? Maybe you shouldnt have smoke detector. Has your house been broken into? Maybe you shouldnt lock it. Why not prepair just incase?? You must live in loly pop land:S

I think you're missing the point, the proper response to a car accident is buying a Volvo.

What the hell is a gun going to do in a car accident?
Stop road rage maybe? :S
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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So, when somebody shows up at a kids soccer game with a gun, how do you know if that person is a sane law abiding citizen or a criminal?

I dont know, maybe ask them? Or if you are afraid to speak up, then call the police and let them handle it.

Do you think a criminal that is not supposed to have a gun is really going to walk around with it out in the open????? That is kinda of my point. People area freaking out about her and she is law abidding. It is the hidden threat that the criminals present that you should be worried about.

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If the soccer field where her kids games are held is part of a school property, then she is breaking the law by having a gun on their property.

Then she is breaking the law and should pay the price for that. Somehow I dont think that is the case though. I bet she knows the gun laws and doesnt do stuff like that.

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I'm saying that the proper, sane, normal, un-paranoid response to a car accident is buying a safer car, taking a driving course, going to court, or ceasing driving altogether. Not buying a gun.

100% correct!

But....... what if after that accident, there was a physical altercation? Maybe she was at fault (or not) and the person that she hit got out and assualted her? That kind of thing happens all the time.

Hell I saw a guy on the subway just a few days ago, sitting there minding his own business. There was a guy standing right in front of him and kept stepping on the guy sitting downs feet. There was plenty of room on the train and a ton of open seats, but this guy had to stand right in front of the other guy for whatever his reason.

the guy sittting down politely asked the other guy to move so he didnt step on his feet anymore and the other dude snapped. GOt in his face and started yelling at the top of his lungs. Threating to break his jaw and even to kill him. Hell I was sitting way on the other end of the train and was scared for the dude. Everyone got up and crammed into the back of the train to get away from what was coming. Next thing you know, the poor guy is getting his ass beat thankfully for him, people stepped in to helped the man but not before he was damn near unconsious. I can help but think that if this bully was afraid of getting his ass shot, he may not have attacked the man and just simply did the rational thing and moved over or sat down.

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