
are you going to watch the debate?

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i'm not. i want to, but i can't bring myself to watch them. they are snooze fests. i have some ideas to make them better for the next time around.

first, shorten them to 1 hour and add one or two more. 90 minutes is a long time to watch any politician bloviate.

second, get rid of the topic. the candidates rarely stick to the topic anyway. this would add to the entertainment value, any topic is fair game.

third would be to get rid of the moderator. the candidates could then use their time to either actually debate their opponent, ask their opponent questions, or talk about whateveer they want. time limits could be enforced by putting timers on the microphones. here's where we could get a little creative. one way would be to have only one microphone at a time and a two minute limit. whoever wins a coin toss would start and talk about anything for two minutes, and the it would switch over to the opponent. they could have a button in case they wanted to stop talking about something early, but i'm sure that the button wouldn't get used. another way is to give them each 30 minutes of microphone time total. again only one microphone would be on at a time. it would be up to whoever has the floor to hit a button to turn their mic off and let their opponent talk. if a candidate used up all of his time in the beginning, he/she wouldn't be able to rebut anything the other one said. the most fun would be to give them each 30 minutes of mic time, but allow both mics to be on at the same time. the candidate would have to jsut turn his mic on and off. this would result in anything between 30 minutes of a jerry springer show and an actual one hour debate. what else would make it more watchable?

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I read an article this morning that Obama challenged McCain to bring up Ayers tonite in the debate, could make it interesting
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> whoever wins a coin toss would start and talk about anything for two
> minutes . . .another way is to give them each 30 minutes of microphone time total.

In both cases we'd get 30 minutes x 2 of campaign speeches. Heard them already. Would rather hear a debate.

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> whoever wins a coin toss would start and talk about anything for two
> minutes . . .another way is to give them each 30 minutes of microphone time total.

In both cases we'd get 30 minutes x 2 of campaign speeches. Heard them already. Would rather hear a debate.

doesn't seem any different than what we saw in the first two.

I'm skipping it.

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>doesn't seem any different than what we saw in the first two.

Second one - I'd agree.

First one - moderator made a few attempts to get them to debate each other (which had a limited effect) then gave up. I was sorry to see him give up.

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>doesn't seem any different than what we saw in the first two.

Second one - I'd agree.

First one - moderator made a few attempts to get them to debate each other (which had a limited effect) then gave up. I was sorry to see him give up.

"Talk to Senator Obama about what you're going to do about the economic crisis. Talks to him. TALK TO HIM GOD DAMN IT!!!" They just ignored the moderator. LOL.

They had very little new information in the second debate. I doubt there will be anything new for the third.

Ayers brought up in the third debate? It would really show desperation. I remember the Bush 1/ Clinton debates. Bush 1 kept bringing up "character" implying that Bill Clinton was devoid of it. I was thinking,"In what way is he devoid of character?" One fat intern and a fatter perjury later...

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>They had very little new information in the second debate. I doubt there will
>be anything new for the third.

Probably true.

>Ayers brought up in the third debate? It would really show desperation.

Yep. And from polls that's McCain's weak spot - he's starting to look desperate and erratic.

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I remember the Bush 1/ Clinton debates. Bush 1 kept bringing up "character" implying that Bill Clinton was devoid of it. I was thinking,"In what way is he devoid of character?" One fat intern and a fatter perjury later...

it wouldn't have sounded presidential to talk about 'bimbo erruptions.'

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No, I can't stomach the crap that both sides spew. If they actually debated I would watch but all they do is hit the SOS talking points. I'll be in the basement playing ping pong with the kids.
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First one - moderator made a few attempts to get them to debate each other (which had a limited effect) then gave up. I was sorry to see him give up.

I thought that was interesting. I thought that actual debate was against the rules, that they weren't supposed to talk to each other. Kudos to Jim, bummer it didn't work out.

The Commission on Presidential Debates is crap IMO.

That said, in 30 seconds I'm tuning it in.

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