
Talk to the enemy...

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Sure, never know, they might be willing to work a deal; we quit killing them and they quit killing us. However I think Israel might be in the package too. Fuck it, we should tell em they can go after Israel and we'll stay out, result would be that Israel would kill em all.

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I think you should ALWAYS try to talk to everyone. "We will not negotiate with terrorists" is laughable becausew it is the equivalent of saying, "I will not say fuck.". It is a negotiating tactic.

What could be lost by opening a dialogue?!?!

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I think you should ALWAYS try to talk to everyone. "We will not negotiate with terrorists" is laughable becausew it is the equivalent of saying, "I will not say fuck.". It is a negotiating tactic.

And any president that claimed they wouldn't was proven to have lied about this.

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I'm not sure if you realize this, but Britain was once our greatest enemy....as was Spain....as was mexico....as was France....as was Germany....as was Russia....the list is long. At some point, we always seem to decide that killing each other is not an effective foreign policy. It's a shame our memory is so short.

If we stopped talking to anyone we had a war with, we would not have anyone left to talk to.

Methane Freefly - got stink?

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I think you should ALWAYS try to talk to everyone. "We will not negotiate with terrorists" is laughable becausew it is the equivalent of saying, "I will not say fuck.". It is a negotiating tactic.

What could be lost by opening a dialogue?!?!

Maybe you're not a Republican after all :D

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Depends how bad you want Bin Laden...

Yea, we'll say, "Hey, look, it's Saddam Hussain - over there." And when they look away we'll drop a GPS transmitter into their turbine.

At least you have worked out that it will be air transportation the Taliban will use to get to the meeting.

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I think you should ALWAYS try to talk to everyone. "We will not negotiate with terrorists" is laughable becausew it is the equivalent of saying, "I will not say fuck.". It is a negotiating tactic.

And any president that claimed they wouldn't was proven to have lied about this.

I think it's possible Jimmy Carter never said "fuck".

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