
Is this who you want as our First Lady?

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A quote from Michelle Obama's thesis:

"There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost."

This is her thesis:
[url "http://www.politico.com/pdf/080222_MOPrincetonThesis_1-251.pdf" ]PART 1[/URL]
[URL "http://www.politico.com/pdf/080222_MOPrincetonThesis_26-501.pdf" ]PART 2 [/URL]
[URL "http://www.politico.com/pdf/080222_MOPrincetonThesis_51-751.pdf" ] PART 3 [/URL]
[URL "http://dyn.politico.com/pdf/080222_MOPrincetonThesis_76-981.pdf" ] PART 4[/URL]
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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Last time I checked, and I actually do check it on a fairly frequent basis, there is no mention whatsoever about the "First Lady" in the US Constitution. It does not give the "First Lady" the authority to do anything.

The last "First Lady" that tried to insert herself into real policy issues, the Democratic one, was soundly beaten back for doing so. The one before her that tried, the Republican one, was also derided for doing so.

I simply don't think it's possible for the "First Lady" to do much of anything other than talk to the President.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Did you read any of it?

I don't have to. The "First Lady," just like the "First Child" or "First Dog or Cat," is not, nor has she ever been, a factor for me in any election I've ever been a part of.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Did you read any of it?

I don't have to. The "First Lady," just like the "First Child" or "First Dog or Cat," is not, nor has she ever been, a factor for me in any election I've ever been a part of.

That's just the thing. Do you believe Nancy had any say in what Ronnie was doing? Or Hillary with Bill?
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I simply don't think it's possible for the "First Lady" to do much of anything other than talk to the President.

Are you really in that much denial? She has tremendous influence on the President of the United States. Look historically at how many functions the First Lady attends representing our country. Look how active Hillary was. Do you think having the views that Michelle does will reflect positively on our country?
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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Do you believe Nancy had any say in what Ronnie was doing? Or Hillary with Bill?

I believe they had the ear of the President (perhaps other body parts, perhaps not), but a LOT of people have the EAR of the President.

Ultimately, the President makes the decision.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Last time I checked, and I actually do check it on a fairly frequent basis, there is no mention whatsoever about the "First Lady" in the US Constitution. It does not give the "First Lady" the authority to do anything.

The last "First Lady" that tried to insert herself into real policy issues, the Democratic one, was soundly beaten back for doing so. The one before her that tried, the Republican one, was also derided for doing so.

I simply don't think it's possible for the "First Lady" to do much of anything other than talk to the President.

Gimme a break. A wife has a lot to do w/ policy. Can you say "Dear if you don't do X you ain't getting any pussy for awhile?" ;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
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Do you believe Nancy had any say in what Ronnie was doing? Or Hillary with Bill?

Ultimately, the President makes the decision.

Thanks for the laughs :ph34r:

There is no way the President makes the decisions .... the people who put him in power do, he's a puppet for the big business, industries and elite that sway opinion and power in his favor.

Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.

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Do you believe Nancy had any say in what Ronnie was doing? Or Hillary with Bill?

I believe they had the ear of the President (perhaps other body parts, perhaps not), but a LOT of people have the EAR of the President.

Ultimately, the President makes the decision.

Are you married?? Does any man really get make a decision his wife doesn’t want him too?

Simply Put, If Mama aint happy, Aint Nobody Happy.

He may wear the Pants in the family, But the wife generally tell him which pants to wear.

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He may wear the Pants in the family, But the wife generally tell him which pants to wear.

/sigh . . . perhaps if we're talking about pussywhipped individuals like you and me, but I actually would like to think that the President of the United States is somewhat stronger willed and has one or two more important things do deal with than you or I.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I've been trying to think about how to reply to this thread. All I can say is that the right must be seriously afraid that their candidate sucks. Why are people afraid to talk about the economy, foreign policy, domestic policies, energy policy, education, etc.? I swear, if this crap carries into the debates and I hear "Oh no you dih-int" one damn time I might just....hell....I don't know what I'll do.

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I think any REAL Man(tm) would do what ever he could make his wife happy (And vise versa).

And I think any REAL President™ puts his country in front of EVERYTHING for the period of time he holds the office.

Given the choice, I'd rather have a real President in office than a real man.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Do you believe Nancy had any say in what Ronnie was doing? Or Hillary with Bill?

I believe they had the ear of the President (perhaps other body parts, perhaps not), but a LOT of people have the EAR of the President.

Paul - that is one of the most inadvertently funny things I've ever read. I picture Hillary dragging Bill around by the ear...

But in most cases, I don't care who the First Lady/husband is. Those of us that are married know that our husbands and wives have particular relationships entitling them to special knowledge. But that's with everyone.

We all know what to talk about and what not to talk about. Ronnie had Nancy as a trusted personal advisor. Bill had Hillary as a trusted personal advisor. Gerald had Betty as a...well, let's skip that one.

To expect that the presidential spouse does not have pull would be ludicrous. But to look at it as a reason NOT to vote for someone?:S

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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He may wear the Pants in the family, But the wife generally tell him which pants to wear.

/sigh . . . perhaps if we're talking about pussywhipped individuals like you and me, but I actually would like to think that the President of the United States is somewhat stronger willed and has one or two more important things do deal with than you or I.

Could you imagine waking up every morning to Hillary Clinton's "Honey-do" list?
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I think any REAL Man(tm) would do what ever he could make his wife happy (And vise versa).

And I think any REAL President™ puts his country in front of EVERYTHING for the period of time he holds the office.

John McCain has proven he puts his country first. Has Barack???

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Did you read any of it?

I did. As a general of thumb, I think you'll find the conclusions of a thesis more informative than the original hypothesis. Is this paper a mark in her favor? I don't think so, but I also think it bears even less weight than Bush's DWI conviction, which was nice fodder for the opposition, but mostly irrelevant.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Agreed. But do NOT for one minute underestimate the Power of the First Lady. She is the absolute TOP presidential advisor.

I would certainly hope that a President would have a lot of respect for the opinions of someone he chose to marry.

Besides.. As President, He has an entire Kitchen Staff to make Sammiches and Interns for everything else.

Telling her Husband that he is wrong is about the only wifely duty a First lady has left.;)

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A quote from Michelle Obama's thesis:

"There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost."

Last time I checked, the word "was" indicated past tense.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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