
Biden vs Palin...... Should Biden take the gloves off and go for the throat during the debates?

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Sure he should. And he should expect her to do the same. She'll undoubtedly kick his ass.


Wow . . . this is probably the most ill informed thing I've read today.

Say what you want to about Biden, but he knows what is what when it comes to debates. She would not stand a chance in an actual debate with him. Not one chance.

It would be like putting a polar bear and a baby seal in the same room. Sure, you -may- root for the baby seal, but, uh . . . not a chance.

Your statement show just how partisan you are, and in fact illustrates how little you know, or how blinded you are by the devotion you show democratic candidates.

You have a crush on Obama and Biden, don't you?

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Sure he should. And he should expect her to do the same. She'll undoubtedly kick his ass.


Wow . . . this is probably the most ill informed thing I've read today.

Say what you want to about Biden, but he knows what is what when it comes to debates. She would not stand a chance in an actual debate with him. Not one chance.

It would be like putting a polar bear and a baby seal in the same room. Sure, you -may- root for the baby seal, but, uh . . . not a chance.

Your statement show just how partisan you are,

Irony score 10/10

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Are you suggesting he pull punches because she's . . . "a woman"?

Does he really have a choice? If he attacks her in the way that he is capable, he'll come across as an ass. If he doesn't, he'll likely be on his heels the entire time. He needs to keep it civil and issue-oriented or he'll be screwed, and could really use Hillary's help on this one.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Al Gore proved you can lose in victory - he sounded like a total ass in 2000. Biden has to avoid repeating this.

Otherwise, it should be easy stuff.

Yeah. And those pesky hanging chads. http://www.thehangingchad.com/xq/asp/qx/What_Is_Chad.htm
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I votes gloves off. Cause, from what I have learned, she will hand him his head on a platter should he try:P

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I votes gloves off. Cause, from what I have learned, she will hand him his head on a platter should he try:P

And who did you "learn" this from? Does she have some extensive debate experience that has somehow gone completely unnoticed by the rest of the world?

You do realize that for all intents and purposes she's behind a firewall right now. The only things she's done publicly so far in the national spotlight have been heavily scripted and until she speaks with Charlie Gibson later this week, she will not have granted a single news interview since being nominated.

Where was she this last Sunday? All of the other major players involved were on the Sunday more political shows. Where was she?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I votes gloves off. Cause, from what I have learned, she will hand him his head on a platter should he try:P

And who did you "learn" this from? Does she have some extensive debate experience that has somehow gone completely unnoticed by the rest of the world?

On a cable news program this week end there was series of interviews of people who said they have been around her in the Gov role.

They said she would be tough.

Dont know if it true but, whether she can do it or not the gloves should not stay on. Politics is a full contact sport. Man or woman you got to hold up. A toe to toe with Biden would show us all something about who she is.

Sorry, I dont remember the show, I was surfing.......
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Dont know if it true but, whether she can do it or not the gloves should not stay on. Politics is a full contact sport. Man or woman you got to hold up. A toe to toe with Biden would show us all something about who she is.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I votes gloves off. Cause, from what I have learned, she will hand him his head on a platter should he try:P

And who did you "learn" this from? Does she have some extensive debate experience that has somehow gone completely unnoticed by the rest of the world?

Not the rest of the world. Just those that haven't done their homework.

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Dont know if it true but, whether she can do it or not the gloves should not stay on. Politics is a full contact sport. Man or woman you got to hold up. A toe to toe with Biden would show us all something about who she is.

Sexist or not, chivalry is still pretty commonplace in this country. Treating her like he would a male opponent will, right or wrong, make him appear unchivalrous at best.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Dont know if it true but, whether she can do it or not the gloves should not stay on. Politics is a full contact sport. Man or woman you got to hold up. A toe to toe with Biden would show us all something about who she is.

Sexist or not, chivalry is still pretty commonplace in this country. Treating her like he would a male opponent will, right or wrong, make him appear unchivalrous at best.


If true it will be sad. I do however think this match up will be viewed differently for obvious reasons
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And who did you "learn" this from? Does she have some extensive debate experience that has somehow gone completely unnoticed by the rest of the world?

Not the rest of the world. Just those that haven't done their homework.

I invite you to show me your homework.

Prove me wrong. Show me that she can actually handle herself in a debate and off TelePrompTer™.

Explain to me why, if she is so capable, she hasn't granted news interviews since being nominated; not even to FoxNews. Can't handle the heat?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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And who did you "learn" this from? Does she have some extensive debate experience that has somehow gone completely unnoticed by the rest of the world?

Not the rest of the world. Just those that haven't done their homework.

I invite you to show me your homework.

Prove me wrong. Show me that she can actually handle herself in a debate and off TelePrompTer™.

Explain to me why, if she is so capable, she hasn't granted news interviews since being nominated; not even to FoxNews. Can't handle the heat?

She has agreed to do her first one with Charlie Gibson next week
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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She has agreed to do her first one with Charlie Gibson next week

I believe I mentioned that a few posts back.

Where was she LAST week and why none until then?

I did not know there was a required schedule. She just got thrown into the national sceen. You cant wait a couple of weeks>

Or are you thinking she may be like Obama, good behind the prompter and a sputtering like Obama?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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She has agreed to do her first one with Charlie Gibson next week

I believe I mentioned that a few posts back.

Where was she LAST week and why none until then?

It's comical - you'd think she had been nominated for Supreme Court as the latest stealth judge from the GOP. If she's so inexperienced that she needs two weeks to show up for an unscripted appearance, how the fuck is she going to take over for McCain? The USA doesn't get to take a month or two off while she figures it out.

I'm very impressed that people in the Alaska government think she's tough. A truly high standard! Of course she's tougher than the average bureaucrat in this tiny town/state government. Those people get elected. It's still Class A ball, 3 steps away from the major leagues.

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And who did you "learn" this from?
I invite you to show me your homework.

Prove me wrong. Show me that she can actually handle herself in a debate and off TelePrompTer™.

Explain to me why, if she is so capable, she hasn't granted news interviews since being nominated; not even to FoxNews. Can't handle the heat?

Not bad on your debating skills, inviting me to prove you wrong. However, you were the one that suggested she has no skills. On what do you base that considering her present and past positions. Bear in mind that it is much easier to debate on the floor of the senate and then go to a party cocktail party than it is to debate in a community and go home and live with your neighbors.

But if you must quench your desire to see her debate, just google Palin gubernatorial debate.

BTW Palin's silence has pushed Biden out of the media. In a word, strategy. What Biden did say on MTP Sunday was that his personal belief is that life begins at conception. This presents his opponents with two arguments. First, that his personal beliefs contradict his political stance. Two, that if that is when life begins he has the audacity to allow life to be ended without representation.

Without saying a word on a weekend show Palin now becomes a person who has the strength of conviction. That will automatically distance her from the "Politician" mantle.

Debating is strategy and the winning strategy in any debate is to remain on the offense. Biggest mistake for the Democrats so far has been underestimating their opponent.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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Or are you thinking she may be like Obama, good behind the prompter and a sputtering like Obama?

I'm trying to think of an adjective that would fit nicely where you indicate and am drawing a blank. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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BTW Palin's silence has pushed Biden out of the media. In a word, strategy. What Biden did say on MTP Sunday was that his personal belief is that life begins at conception. This presents his opponents with two arguments. First, that his personal beliefs contradict his political stance. Two, that if that is when life begins he has the audacity to allow life to be ended without representation.

Without saying a word on a weekend show Palin now becomes a person who has the strength of conviction. That will automatically distance her from the "Politician" mantle.

This is what Biden had to say about abortion:


“For me, as a Roman Catholic, I’m prepared to accept the teachings of my church,” Biden told Brokaw. “I’m prepared, as a matter of faith, to accept that life begins at the moment of conception.

“But that is my judgment. For me to impose that judgment on everyone else, who is equally — and maybe even more — devout than I am, seems to me is inappropriate in a pluralistic society.”

Aides said that is Biden’s longtime position – the answer he always gives.

Brokaw asked Biden how he could have that view and also vote for abortion rights.

“No … I have voted against curtailing the right – criminalizing abortion,” Biden replied. “I have voted against telling everyone else in the country that they have to accept my religiously based view that it’s a moment of conception."

Without hearing a word from Palin, I'm currently assuming that she feels it is OK to tell everyone else that they have to accept her religiously based view that life begins at conception and that abortion should therefore be illegal in any case.

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It looks like Palin is going to keep a low profile before the election, do you think Biden should take off the gloves or go for the throat during the debates?

Wrong-o ! She's already kicking up a shitstorm and excoriating the media for even trying to report on her bullshit record in public office. You can bet she'll go for Biden's throat.

Biden should rip her guts out and eat them on TV.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Or are you thinking she may be like Obama, good behind the prompter and a sputtering like Obama?

I'm trying to think of an adjective that would fit nicely where you indicate and am drawing a blank. ;)

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Ill informed, eh?

We'll see, won't we. Actually, the debate format will be a bit blah, so we won't see, but she'll kick his ass nonetheless. The MANY holes in the platform on which he's running and his record alone leave enough holes for her to pounce on most efficaciously.

Think how you like - I always do.


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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