
Would you vote for this candidate for President?

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He ordered the two nukes dropped on Japan that that killed 300,000+ innocent women and children and ENDED the Second World War.

Fixed it for ya.... Truman was not a good president.

How do you suggest he end WWII? I would love to hear a good response.

Talk to them nicely and try to get them to understand that taking over the world is not nice.

Yeah but Obama wasn't even born yet.

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why are you afraid of people knowing who you are?

He claims people will shun him.

Lucky said

So you can try to figure me out and exclude me at DZ's or meets becuase my opinions are different than yours?

I dont know what DZ he goes to or who he hangs out with but I never have had that problem. I have met people who I disagree with and still offer a drink at the end of the night. We dont have to agree on anything to have fun in the air.B|
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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Yeah but Obama wasn't even born yet.

We would've talked about change while Germany and Japan took over the world. That wouldn't have been so bad. Kallend sure wishes we had a respectable government like the Nazis.

Stay positive and love your life.

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Talk to them nicely and try to get them to understand that taking over the world is not nice.

I was gonna suggest sending them some bath products and a Nora Jones CD to help them relax.B|

Don't they use Celine Dion in Guantanamo, now they're not waterboarding any more?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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why are you afraid of people knowing who you are?

He claims people will shun him.

Lucky said

So you can try to figure me out and exclude me at DZ's or meets becuase my opinions are different than yours?

I dont know what DZ he goes to or who he hangs out with but I never have had that problem. I have met people who I disagree with and still offer a drink at the end of the night. We dont have to agree on anything to have fun in the air.B|

I agree. Mark S. and I have diametrically opposite views as expressed here, yet we jump together a lot and have been on the same team at Nationals. I've even jumped with Trent and Fortson( mirage62) .

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Talk to them nicely and try to get them to understand that taking over the world is not nice.

I was gonna suggest sending them some bath products and a Nora Jones CD to help them relax.B|

Don't they use Celine Dion in Guantanamo, now they're not waterboarding any more?

If I was to be tortured I'd prefer the water board over celind dion. :S

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Yeah but Obama wasn't even born yet.

We would've talked about change while Germany and Japan took over the world. That wouldn't have been so bad. Kallend sure wishes we had a respectable government like the Nazis.

That has to be one of the stupidest comments so far this year.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Yeah but Obama wasn't even born yet.

We would've talked about change while Germany and Japan took over the world. That wouldn't have been so bad. Kallend sure wishes we had a respectable government like the Nazis.

That has to be one of the stupidest comments so far this year.

Yes it was. My appologies. It was Lucky who made such claims. Sorry, sorry. My bad.

from another thread

Altho Nazi Germany was Socialist to my understanding, it was also totalitarian, which most/all contemporary Socialist nations are not. Hell, even Nazi Germany provided healthcare.... can't wait to be as humane as them.

Sorry to get you two mixed up.

Stay positive and love your life.

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How about a little input on your profile. You've been doing a fair amount of posting...be nice to know who you are.

Your black/white statement about Truman shows a lack of understanding about WWII. I'll spare the board my arguments against your position. You've already made up your mind.

My name is Dick Johnson, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE WHO I AM? So you can try to figure me out and exclude me at DZ's or meets becuase my opinions are different than yours?

I know tons about WWII, esp the Pacific Theatre.


Somehow I am seriously doubting that, or rather that you overestimate your own knowledge of WWII, and in particular the war in the Pacific.

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How about a little input on your profile. You've been doing a fair amount of posting...be nice to know who you are.

Your black/white statement about Truman shows a lack of understanding about WWII. I'll spare the board my arguments against your position. You've already made up your mind.

My name is Dick Johnson, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE WHO I AM? So you can try to figure me out and exclude me at DZ's or meets becuase my opinions are different than yours?

I know tons about WWII, esp the Pacific Theatre.


Somehow I am seriously doubting that, or rather that you overestimate your own knowledge of WWII, and in particular the war in the Pacific.

Awe, did you ommit the part about you being Scott from Ohio, yet expecting a security clearance from me?

BTW, I have extensive education about WWII Pacific Theatre, not as much European Theatre, but what does it matter? If you have a point or an opinion, post it rather than look for a resume.

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Your black/white statement about Truman shows a lack of understanding about WWII.

Yes it does.

You're right, America = allways all good / other than America = always bad.

Nice try...not taking the bait. That subject has been disected ad nauseum here.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Your black/white statement about Truman shows a lack of understanding about WWII.

Yes it does.

You're right, America = allways all good / other than America = always bad.

Nice try...not taking the bait. That subject has been disected ad nauseum here.

Once again, no substance from you, just ad hominem. Nationalism is fortunately limited the the few, but far too many still.

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Awe, did you ommit the part about you being Scott from Ohio, yet expecting a security clearance from me?




I'm Scott...he's posting so much he's starting to get confused.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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He was a failed businessman.
He lost his first campaign.
He had 8 years experience in a State legislature.
He lost two successive campaigns.
He had 2 years experience in the US House of Representatives.
He was considered a great orator by those who agreed with him.
He had zero executive experience.

Would you vote for a Presidential candidate with that background?


P.s. Post was inspired by a comment by Joseph Nye [former Chair National Intelligence Council (NIC), former Assistant Secretary of Defense, former Deputy Undersecretary of State, and Professor in the Harvard School of Government] during the Q&A period of a talk he gave at the London School of Economics.

Hehe as soon as I saw the thread title I knew it'd be one of these or the opposite - one of those that has a ton of good-sounding qualities and turns out to be Hitler or Saddam or something. :ph34r:

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Yeah but Obama wasn't even born yet.

We would've talked about change while Germany and Japan took over the world. That wouldn't have been so bad. Kallend sure wishes we had a respectable government like the Nazis.

That has to be one of the stupidest comments so far this year.

I would have to disagree! I have read all your post you know. I have seen plenty that where alot more stupid than that!
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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