
1st Gitmo trial 5 1/2 yr. This is just fucked up

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A military jury gives him 5 1/2yrs. w/ 5yrs. time served. The pentagon says after the 6 mths. the can hold him anyway as a illegal combatant. I know it's happening in the criminal justice system in the U.S. also. Is this is what this country is coming to? >http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7547261.stm Fuckin sad. Flame away righties.:P
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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A military jury gives him 5 1/2yrs. w/ 5yrs. time served. The pentagon says after the 6 mths. the can hold him anyway as a illegal combatant. I know it's happening in the criminal justice system in the U.S. also. Is this is what this country is coming to? >http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7547261.stm Fuckin sad. Flame away righties.:P

He has 4 months and 22 days remaining to serve, according to one article I read. According to an article I read yesterday, he also has excellent grounds for appeal, since, among other reasons, the crimes he ended up being convicted of were not war crimes, and thus outside the jurisdiction of the military tribunal.

Assuming no appeal, it will be interesting to see what happens when his sentence is up. If he is detained, it sends a message to the rest of the world that our justice system lacks justice. If he is released, it's another (much needed, IMO) blow to executive power.
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A military jury gives him 5 1/2yrs. w/ 5yrs. time served. The pentagon says after the 6 mths. the can hold him anyway as a illegal combatant. I know it's happening in the criminal justice system in the U.S. also. Is this is what this country is coming to? >http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7547261.stm Fuckin sad. Flame away righties.:P

So they intend to continue to hold him indefinitely after he's served his sentence. What exactly was the purpose of the trial?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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If the US had found Bin Laden's cook, how long do you think they would have sentenced him to???

That trial was a precursor for Omar Kadr's charade trial soon to come.

They go through all these motions to try to substantiate their right to invade other countries, and Madeliene Albright makes a deal with Karadizic to go into hiding and the US won't look for him for prosecution.

The USA is a two faced nation.

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What do you want done with him?

Release him once he's served his sentence. To be honest though, I think that'll happen fairly soon after he completes it, even if it takes a habeas corpus challenge.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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What do you want done with him?

Release him once he's served his sentence. To be honest though, I think that'll happen fairly soon after he completes it, even if it takes a habeas corpus challenge.


Habeas is a much higher hurdle than it used to be, after the 1996 anti-terrorism law.
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A military jury gives him 5 1/2yrs. w/ 5yrs. time served. The pentagon says after the 6 mths. the can hold him anyway as a illegal combatant. I know it's happening in the criminal justice system in the U.S. also. Is this is what this country is coming to? >http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7547261.stm Fuckin sad. Flame away righties.:P

So they intend to continue to hold him indefinitely after he's served his sentence. What exactly was the purpose of the trial?

He's got about six more months to serve. By then a new administration will be running the show in Washington - and at the Pentagon. If the Dems are running things, he'll be a free man. But even if McCain is elected, the stink and outcry will be so great that he'll be freed soon.

Most interesting of all is that the Military Judge at the head of the tribunal rebuked the government for even bringing the conspiracy charges, then told Mr. Hamdan that he (the judge) hoped Mr. Hamdan would soon be re-united with his family in Yemen. And this judge then returned Hamdan's "Inshallah" reply to him.

You getting any signals out of this ? I sure am.

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What do you want done with him?

Let him serve his JUSTLY handed down sentence and let him go. Isn't that the American way? What would you do? Don't even bother answering. i already know YOUR answer.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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What do you want done with him?

Let him serve his JUSTLY handed down sentence and let him go. Isn't that the American way? What would you do? Don't even bother answering. i already know YOUR answer.

You don't know jack fuckin' shit about my answer.

All I see you doing is assuming the worst about America, and bitching about some potential wrongdoing that hasn't even happened yet.

Why don't you wait and see if he gets released on time when he's finished his sentence?

Gosh, that would be reasonable.

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What do you want done with him?

Let him serve his JUSTLY handed down sentence and let him go. Isn't that the American way? What would you do? Don't even bother answering. i already know YOUR answer.

You don't know jack fuckin' shit about my answer.

All I see you doing is assuming the worst about America, and bitching about some potential wrongdoing that hasn't even happened yet.

Why don't you wait and see if he gets released on time when he's finished his sentence?

Gosh, that would be reasonable.

Yeah places like Guantanamo Bay exist for fair trials not torture.

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All I see you doing is assuming the worst about America, and bitching about some potential wrongdoing that hasn't even happened yet.

5 1/2 years to trial is, to me, an example of the "worst of America."

It's already happening.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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