
Acquittals in Sean Bell's shooting spark outrage

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I would rather not associate myself with people who engage in illegal activities.

Would you associate with someone who exceeded the speed limit? How about someone who hosted an occasional home poker game? Would you disassociate with someone because they turned right on red despite a sign prohibiting such maneuvers? What if the illegally parked their car?


What about them makes them ethical?

The same qualities that make anyone ethical, honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, etc. These are qualities of people, not occupations. In most any occupation, you will find people who are ethical, and people who aren't.

So, if I understant you correctly a criminal can be ethical?

Yes, a criminal can be ethical. (Rosa Parks)

Ok, then who would be the arbitor or who is ethical?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think your glasses are a little rose colored. Drug addictions cause more problems to people than drug laws. And I would have no problem with legalized drugs. Treat drugs like alcohol and let people do as they please.

I think drug addictions are, to a large extent, exacerbated by drug laws. People don't have much in the way of access to good information about illegal drugs, so the most common avenue of obtaining that knowledge is trial and error.

IIRC, for similar reasons, the US has a higher rate of alcoholism among those who drink than countries with lower age limits for legal drinking.
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Any you include a drug dealer (of illeagal narcotics) in that class?

In what class? The class of people that can be ethical, unethical or anywhere in between? Yes, I do. Just like soldiers, police, attorneys, politicians, business owners, etc.
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Any you include a drug dealer (of illeagal narcotics) in that class?

In what class? The class of people that can be ethical, unethical or anywhere in between? Yes, I do. Just like soldiers, police, attorneys, politicians, business owners, etc.

I looks to me like you would call a rapists ethical if he could prove that she really wanted it:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I looks to me like you would call a rapists ethical if he could prove that she really wanted it:S

If indeed that's what she really wanted then it wouldn't be rape, would it? (assuming both parties are of age)
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Yes, a criminal can be ethical. (Rosa Parks)

Ok, then who would be the arbitor or who is ethical?


1: a person with power to decide a dispute
2: a person or agency whose judgment or opinion is considered authoritative

What does an arbiter have to do with being ethical?
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Yes, a criminal can be ethical. (Rosa Parks)

Ok, then who would be the arbitor or who is ethical?


1: a person with power to decide a dispute
2: a person or agency whose judgment or opinion is considered authoritative

What does an arbiter have to do with being ethical?

Because I do not agre with your postition here. So, who decides? You know, when it comes to what is ethical when in the context of law?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Because I do not agre with your postition here. So, who decides? You know, when it comes to what is ethical when in the context of law?

This MUST be given to the Party of Morality, they have set themselves up as the arbiter of the LAW.... oh wait... thts right. they have not been doing so hot with that whole ethics...laws....morality thing for a while now...

Guess we are all just shit out of luck.

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Yes, a criminal can be ethical. (Rosa Parks)

Ok, then who would be the arbitor or who is ethical?


1: a person with power to decide a dispute
2: a person or agency whose judgment or opinion is considered authoritative

What does an arbiter have to do with being ethical?

Because I do not agre with your postition here. So, who decides? You know, when it comes to what is ethical when in the context of law?

Laws are not ethics. Laws are societal constraints.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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So, who decides? You know, when it comes to what is ethical when in the context of law?

Do you consider the tobacco companies, such as Phillip Morris or R.J. Reynolds, to be ethical corporations over the course of their existence?

Why or why not?
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So, who decides? You know, when it comes to what is ethical when in the context of law?

Do you consider the tobacco companies, such as Phillip Morris or R.J. Reynolds, to be ethical corporations over the course of their existence?

Why or why not?

Can you answer the same question? Because they certainly come out better than drug dealers.

The very large number of shootings that result from the drug trade made it pretty clear that as a whole, drug dealers are not ethical or close to it. Most are scumbags. This isn't suprising - the heavy penalties and high dollars due to drug laws turn it into a high risk, zero sum game. One drug dealer's gain is another dealer's loss. As a result, the life expectancy for a black man in America is dramatically lower.

Pharmacists are your ethical drug dealers. Medical pot clubs linger on the viscinity, and I imagine there are some small time pot growers who meet a need for casual smokers. But the ethical coke dealer- please. They are either involved in the violence, or benefitting from it.

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Because they certainly come out better than drug dealers.

I would disagree wholeheartedly.


The very large number of shootings that result from the drug trade …

Is a very small number compared to the number of deaths caused by tobacco, and would also be decreased significantly if the drug war were ended.


Most are scumbags.

Leads me to believe you (knowingly) know few, if any. My experience is that there are a few that are scumbags, but far more who aren't, and the ethical ones outweigh the unethical ones by a considerable margin.


This isn't suprising - the heavy penalties and high dollars due to drug laws turn it into a high risk, zero sum game. One drug dealer's gain is another dealer's loss. As a result, the life expectancy for a black man in America is dramatically lower.

Hmmm … considering whites use more illegal drugs than blacks, it seems your conclusion is faulty.


Pharmacists are your ethical drug dealers. Medical pot clubs linger on the viscinity, and I imagine there are some small time pot growers who meet a need for casual smokers. But the ethical coke dealer- please. They are either involved in the violence, or benefitting from it.

Like I said, it seems you don't know any dealers, or probably more accurately, the dealers you do know don't share that information about themselves with you. The imagery that you paint sounds more like a television crime drama than reality.
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The very large number of shootings that result from the drug trade …

Is a very small number compared to the number of deaths caused by tobacco, and would also be decreased significantly if the drug war were ended.

We're talking about 10s of thousands of shootings per year. Virtual civil war in Columbia. A US invasion of Panama (yeah, simplifying) Not exactly small peanuts. And there's no dismissing the death rate for blacks as a result.

Yes, 30 or 40 years later, a third of smokers die. So? Same applies to 30 or 40 years of drinking, or obesity. A 30 year coke abuser...good luck finding them.

Should it be legalized. Definitely. Remove the capitalism from it and much of the trouble goes away with it.

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So, who decides? You know, when it comes to what is ethical when in the context of law?

Do you consider the tobacco companies, such as Phillip Morris or R.J. Reynolds, to be ethical corporations over the course of their existence?

Why or why not?

Can you answer the same question? Because they certainly come out better than drug dealers.


They ARE drug dealers.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Should it be legalized. Definitely. Remove the capitalism from it

"illegal" = "captalism"?

'splain how

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Should it be legalized. Definitely. Remove the capitalism from it

"illegal" = "captalism"?

'splain how

remove the risk of going to prison and the cost of formerly illict drugs drops substantially. At which point it's no longer profitable (and no longer just an additional felony) to kill your rival drug dealer over the market.

Currently you have a zero sum capitalist market. Very bloody with winners and losers.

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So, who decides? You know, when it comes to what is ethical when in the context of law?

Do you consider the tobacco companies, such as Phillip Morris or R.J. Reynolds, to be ethical corporations over the course of their existence?

Why or why not?

Please do not read more into this reply than I post here.

The tobaco companies have a legal product. They can do what they want to create a product people want. If asked about what they are doing and lie? Then they are unethical.

I do not smoke, never have smoked and I do not like being around those who do smoke. That said however, it is a legal product. Food alcohol and drugs are just as dangerout and some companies makng them are not vilified as bad as tobaco companies, yes

Oh, and yes, I do believe that tobaco companies have been unethical
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Please do not read more into this reply than I post here.

The tobaco companies have a legal product. They can do what they want to create a product people want. If asked about what they are doing and lie? Then they are unethical.

I do not smoke, never have smoked and I do not like being around those who do smoke. That said however, it is a legal product. Food alcohol and drugs are just as dangerout and some companies makng them are not vilified as bad as tobaco companies, yes

Oh, and yes, I do believe that tobaco companies have been unethical

So, if I am reading your post as intended, you would agree that there exists the possibility for a person or corporation to operate within the rule of law and still be operating unethically. Is that correct?
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Please do not read more into this reply than I post here.

The tobaco companies have a legal product. They can do what they want to create a product people want. If asked about what they are doing and lie? Then they are unethical.

I do not smoke, never have smoked and I do not like being around those who do smoke. That said however, it is a legal product. Food alcohol and drugs are just as dangerout and some companies makng them are not vilified as bad as tobaco companies, yes

Oh, and yes, I do believe that tobaco companies have been unethical

So, if I am reading your post as intended, you would agree that there exists the possibility for a person or corporation to operate within the rule of law and still be operating unethically. Is that correct?

Yes, more so the way you post than be outside the law and be ethical, which was more to my point
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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So, if I am reading your post as intended, you would agree that there exists the possibility for a person or corporation to operate within the rule of law and still be operating unethically. Is that correct?

Yes, more so the way you post than be outside the law and be ethical, which was more to my point

So, we have established that something can be legal, but not be ethical.

Now, let's say, hypothetically, that one of my friends has been over at my house drinking. He decides to leave, but is obviously too drunk to drive. He insists he is sober, and is way too large for me or my other friends to forcefully remove his keys from his possession. One of my other friends distracts him with some reason to drink another beer before he leaves. While they drink their beer, I sneak outside and remove two of the wheels from his car, leaving the car on jack stands, and locking up the wheels in a detached garage until such time my friend is sober again.

Is my theft of my friends wheels ethical, despite being illegal, since it keeps a drunk person from getting behind the wheel and driving, putting himself and others at risk?
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The only reason this story even made it beyond local news is because the "groom" was due to be married a couple hours after the incident. Other than that its the same old story.

- cops attempt to stop suspect.
- suspect assaults cops with vehicle.
- cops then have the authority to use deadly force and open fire until the threat is eliminated.

This is why the prosecutor attempted to create doubt that the undercover cop identified himself as police. BECAUSE if he did not identify himself as police then the driver would have been reasonable in trying to run the cop down with the vehicle. Right?

I don't think the cops didn't screw up but I do agree with the verdict.

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There is something I've been wondering about and I hope maybe some of the current/former police officers who read/post here can comment. In a situation like this one apparently was: after dark, undercover police (i.e. not in uniform, likely dressed to blend in with the other patrons), "suspects" some distance away inside a car (lets surmise windows rolled up, maybe radio playing, people talking, so very limited ability to hear anything short of a siren coming from outside the car), then according to official police training/procedures, how are you supposed to unambiguously identify yourself as a police officer, so that no reasonable person could possibly fail to recognize you as such? How are you supposed to avoid creating a situation where any rational person, having just left a bar after an altercation, doesn't just see some dude with a gun standing in the street threatening your life? In which case, I'm sure we can all agree, any rational person would try to get out of Dodge, if necessary by going through the dude with the gun.
So, what is the "by the book" procedure? Surely one must exist. Otherwise, any time undercover police decide to make a stop the chances are very high the "suspect" (who may well be entirely innocent of any wrongdoing, and at any rate has not been tried or convicted of anything at this point) is already dead.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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That's an excellent question and one I cannot answer. I would assume since the undercover cop had his gun on him that he also had his badge so in my mind the prudent thing to do would hold the badge out on display with one hand while the gun is in the other. But there could be reasons not to do that since he was approaching a vehicle filled with men who he believed to be armed so might have thought it more prudent to have two hands on his weapon while his badge hung around his neck or was clipped to his belt which then could easily be mistaken as "bling." :P


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There is something I've been wondering about and I hope maybe some of the current/former police officers who read/post here can comment.

All I can say about this thread is WOW. So much hate....so much anger towards pigs....I love you all because Jesus loves you and the latter is no joke.

I'm going to be like that character in Dane Cook's "Someone Shit on the Coats"

all youre going to do at some point,
youre going to lean in and go, What!?!
And then blend back into the crowd...
What?! I hope that it wasnt on my coat.
And then, boom, youre a phantom, you just disappear, disappear.

You're comparing two different worlds here. It's like asking a freeflyer how to do a meeker exit and like asking a belly flyer what's the best way to transition from a sit position to headdown. All undercover police officers can be become uniform police officers but not all uniform police officers can become undercover police officers. Sincerely... Blue Skies & God bless!

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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