
I guess 46% of the entire world's military spending still isn't enough

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And that doesn't include the supplemental appropriations.

While your crying over those expenses, I'm just alittle concern about those entitlements that are running about 70% of the current U.S. budget. Need to look at some tough ideas to rain in the Social Security, Medicare, Medicad.

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Feel free to leave.

What are you actually in favor of?:|

AS a top rate taxpayer, I think I'm needed to help pay the bill:P China will eventually tire of paying it.

No you are not.

The amount you are taxed is like a drop of water in the ocean.

Do not make the mistake of overstating your own importance.

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Do you live here?

I thought we just went over this?

Anyway, the principle of being able to object to stuff your government does is one of the central building blocks of democracy no matter what country you live in. Telling someone to leave if they disagree with military spending is just as stupid as telling someone to leave if they disagree with any type of government spending. Feel free to leave if you disagree with public healthcare, feel free to leave if you disagree with public schools, feel free to leave if you disagree with congressional pork. It's not a productive line of discussion.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I told nobody to leave, I merely stated they were free to leave as this is still a country where we are not held captive within our borders.

Feel free to leave if you disagree with public healthcare, feel free to leave if you disagree with public schools, feel free to leave if you disagree with congressional pork. It's not a productive line of discussion.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Feel free to leave.

I actually find such statement grossly untypical of what America (and Americans) stand for. What made America what it is, is the desire of its founding fathers and then citizens not to accept mediocrity, and always try and better the condition of American Citizens. The founding fathers were free to leave the colonies in the 18th century, yet decided to remain and try and better the system. In the process, they created a new form of government, which among other things, empowers its citizen to have their voices heard. "Feel free to leave" as an answer to someone complaining about an issue in America is, in my opinion, an insult to what this country stands for. Feel free to let your government know about it would be more appropriate.:)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I go along with the people who say it's way too big.

I believe that it is not necessary spending such a shit load of money (that, by the way, you do not have) on military. I am from Switzerland and we spend about 1% of our GDP annually on our military and I would say we have been doing way better with that then the US does.

Here the simple secrets about not having to spend that much money:
1. Don't assume you are the world police (altough there are instances where help is appreciated like WWII)
2. Don't piss of everybody (a.k.a. Al Kaida, Iran and the rest of the world)

I'm fairly sure by doing that you could decrease your spending significantly.

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Feel free to leave.

What are you actually in favor of?:|

AS a top rate taxpayer, I think I'm needed to help pay the bill:P China will eventually tire of paying it.

Wow... I never would have thought a college professor would be making 364k/year...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Feel free to leave.

What are you actually in favor of?:|

AS a top rate taxpayer, I think I'm needed to help pay the bill:P China will eventually tire of paying it.

Maybe China will use our military to fight their enemy...... Oh wait, that's us :o. China will direct our military that they in part pay for to attack the US.:S

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And that doesn't include the supplemental appropriations.

While your crying over those expenses, I'm just alittle concern about those entitlements that are running about 70% of the current U.S. budget. Need to look at some tough ideas to rain in the Social Security, Medicare, Medicad.

Crying over a few 100 Billion per year, how trivial. :S I don;t think it's 70%, but whatever it is, I be if we obtained data from other industrialized nations and compared the social spending RATE, we would find the US is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY less than them, as well as the tax rate. Yet the R's continue to cry about our very low tax rate. [:/]

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Feel free to leave.

What are you actually in favor of?:|

AS a top rate taxpayer, I think I'm needed to help pay the bill:P China will eventually tire of paying it.

No you are not.

The amount you are taxed is like a drop of water in the ocean.

Do not make the mistake of overstating your own importance.

I bet tax bill is much higher than yours.

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I told nobody to leave, I merely stated they were free to leave as this is still a country where we are not held captive within our borders.

Feel free to leave if you disagree with public healthcare, feel free to leave if you disagree with public schools, feel free to leave if you disagree with congressional pork. It's not a productive line of discussion.

Follwed by denial........ Feel lucky you don't have to live with these R's here, just have to read their rhetoric.

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1. Don't assume you are the world police (altough there are instances where help is appreciated like WWII)

Altho the US did very well in the European theatre, remember it was Russia who was most impressive defeating Germany.

BTW, you have a schweet country. I worked with a guy who immigrated from there to here, I think he's F'n crazy.:S

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