
Tom Cruise is completely insane/ retarded

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-yeah I saw the movie 'Battlefield Earth' ...but I didn't find any mention of that on 'their' websites. If that is their basis, don't they want to tell people?

For two very good reasons - 1) it is completely and utterly absurd to anyone who hasn't been in their brainwashing program for some time already. 2) (and this is the important one) Scientology is a pay per view religion. They don't give up anything for free.

The core of their religion (the whole Xenu thing) is gradually revealed to their followers as they progress up through the various 'Operating Thetan' levels. You have to have spent literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on their electro-brain therapy and other psycho-babble treatments to even get to the lowest of these levels. It's along the lines of a pyramid scheme, really.
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he doesn't hesitate to put HIS ethics on someone else because he ruthlessly puts them upon HIMSELF

Sounds like a total fanatic from ANY religion.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Scientology... brainwashing program... pay per view... religion.

That's genius. As scams go it's got everything: it's addictive, unprovable, lucrative, people never know they've been duped, there are loads of suckers to prey on, it's legal and to top it all, call it a religion and it's tax exempt. Scientology is quite possibly the greatest scam ever devised. Genius.

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Scientology really has very little to do with religion. It is a financial scam disguised as something spiritual. They have one purpose, to separate converts from their money. Mr Cruise is either unwittingly or intentionally acting as their front man in the scam.

What I don't get is that the guy (Hubbard) did exactly what he said he was going to do, and people either don't notice, or don't care. He said he was going to concoct a religion to bilk people of their money - then he did it.

It's as bad as people answering ads that say to send $20 for advice on how to make lots of money.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Scientology... brainwashing program... pay per view... religion.

That's genius. As scams go it's got everything: it's addictive, unprovable, lucrative, people never know they've been duped, there are loads of suckers to prey on, it's legal and to top it all, call it a religion and it's tax exempt. Scientology is quite possibly the greatest scam ever devised. Genius.

Then there's the icing on the cake with 'disconnect'. You've got a fresh new recruit who's family and friends are getting in the way of full indoctrination? No problem! Just get them to sever all ties with the naysayers (for their own mental health of course) and bingo - you've got them by the short and curlies.:)
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What I don't get is that the guy (Hubbard) did exactly what he said he was going to do, and people either don't notice, or don't care. He said he was going to concoct a religion to bilk people of their money - then he did it.

I believe they call that the 'Power of Faith'.;)

I will never understand why that's supposed to be a good thing!
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Although he's taking it pretty far, I have to admit that some followers of more "conventional" religions (Christians, Muslims, etc...) can sometimes make as much sense as he does. At least to me.:|

That's what I was thinking while reading this thread. It's odd to me that Scientology is considered insane by the mainstream in the U.S., while Christianity is considered to be normal.

(Well, I guess from a historical point of view, I understand it. But from a logical point of view, I don't.)

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That's what I was thinking while reading this thread. It's odd to me that Scientology is considered insane by the mainstream in the U.S., while Christianity is considered to be normal.

While I consider the underlying mythos to be equally bizzare (zombie Jesus vs Xenu vs Mohammed on a flying horse etc.) it's the practical applications of the 'religion' which really set Scientology apart.

It is a scam, it is a brainwashing operation, it demands payment of enormous amounts of money for 'spiritual' progression, its doctrine is to take action against its dectractors by any means possible no matter how illegal (they systematically spied on and stole documents from the US gov't!)... It's like the worst kind of shameless televangelist you can imagine but even more sinister because of the veil of secrecy it tries to draw over every aspect of its operation.

Also, at least with the corrupt televangelist you can say "Ok, well he's just a bastard that's corrupting christianity for his own ends, that's not neccesarily what christianity is". Not so with Scientology. There is only one Scientology, one unified organisation, and its entire raison d'etre is to scam people out of big bucks. The mythos, the 'treatments', the levels, the whole shebang is completely and purposefully designed around being a scam.
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Although he's taking it pretty far, I have to admit that some followers of more "conventional" religions (Christians, Muslims, etc...) can sometimes make as much sense as he does. At least to me.:|

That's what I was thinking while reading this thread. It's odd to me that Scientology is considered insane by the mainstream in the U.S., while Christianity is considered to be normal.

(Well, I guess from a historical point of view, I understand it. But from a logical point of view, I don't.)

What, are you saying that God wasn't a carpenter???>:(
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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The video is a bunch of short clips with no real context, so tough to tell anything from it, but if you replaced the world "Scientologist" with "Christian" he would sound no different than any Christian Evangelical.

I don't know anything about Scientology or how nuts or not nuts it might be, but I didn't see anything damning in that video.

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I don't care if these asswipes piss away their money...it's their money. What irks me is that psychiatry has helped millions (myself included), and their actions could disrupt/kill people by inhibiting their free access to needed care.

I personally refuse to put any $ in cruise's pockets by paying to see any of his movies, and now I will just get the 007 (UA movies fund Cruise) movies via p2p programs.

Batshit crazy defines him quite well...
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The video was taken down before I could see it, so I'll refrain from giving an opinion.

I'm not about to blast Scientology as I am too busy defending my religious beliefs here.

Many of you claim Scientology or Christianity are intolerant. News flash: Many of you should read your own words right here in SC. You may learn who truly are the intolerant ones.:S


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What irks me is that psychiatry has helped millions (myself included), and their actions could disrupt/kill people by inhibiting their free access to needed care.

Kind of like how Christians work to restrict access to family planning services and stem cell research for people who need them.

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What irks me is that psychiatry has helped millions (myself included), and their actions could disrupt/kill people by inhibiting their free access to needed care.

Kind of like how Christians work to restrict access to family planning services and stem cell research for people who need them.

You'll get no argument here...
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I love it when the Christians tell us about the other religious kooks.:D

Who? Me?

Hard core atheist here, as hard as they come.

Though I do not believe in any diety, I do respect other people's religious beliefs - for the most part. As long as they stick to the realm of spiritiuality. The boundary for me is literal interpretation of scripture (of any religion) and the damage it does.

Tempering my criticism of organized religions is the role they have played in moving civilization forward.

Scientology has never played such a role. The stated goal, from the time it was first conceived, was simply to take people's money. It's all oogie-boogie with no redeeming social qualities.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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