
2008 Presidential Candidates Quiz

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All I have to say is at least the right wing candidates are as far from my answers as you can get and that makes me very happy

Huckabee gets a 9

Hunter gets an 18

Thompson gets an 18

Rmney gets a whopping 27 as does Tancredo

Rudy the Transvestite gets a 36

Ron Paul gets a 48

Richardson gets a 72... I wish he was more electable

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Closest were:

Duncan Hunter - 7
Barack Obama -7


Rudy Giuliani - 3
Mike Gravel - 3

Not sure what that means, lol.

Edit to add updates when actually using the rate significance:

(Dem) Obama - 41
(Dem) Clinton - 38
(Dem) Edwards - 38
(Rep) Huckabee - 36
(Dem) Richardson - 36
(Rep) Tancredo - 32
(Dem) Dodd - 31
(Rep) Hunter - 31
(Rep) Romney - 30
(Rep) Thompson - 30
(Dem) Biden - 28
(Rep) McCain - 25
(Dem) Kucinich - 22
(Dem) Gravel - 21
(Rep) Giuliani - 11
(Rep) Paul - 10

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Here are mine, in order:

Ron Paul - 46
Giuliani - 38
McCain/Huckabee - 34
Thompson/Hunter - 31
Tancredo - 28
Kucinich - 24
Gravel - 22
Clinton/Edwards - 21
Biden - 20
Romney - 19
Dodd - 18
Richardson - 17
Obama - 12

You agree mor ewith Ron Paul than I do! How on earth did you score a 72?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Taking the quiz now, but some of the questions are not very well worded. For instance, "Do you oppose or favor legalizing abortion in the United States?" makes it sound as if it currently isn't legal.

I also think the range of questions leaves quite a bit to be desired.

What this test does, basically, is funnel you toward a candidate that, while you may agree with on these issues, you may not agree with on some other very significant issues.

All in all, I think this is a very "dangerous" test.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Chris Dodd. Too bad he's totally unknown and has zero chance of being elected. :| Also too bad that the dems are going to go down in defeat to the repugs because they're committed to Hillary or Obama. >:(

Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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Horribly designed test.

How about -

A:"Should the decision to illegalize abortion/ gay marriage/impose taxes/susidize anything/have a death penalty be given back to the states and yanked from the corrupt fucking retards in Washington?"

B: "Should every federal employee's name be put in a hat and have 95% of them drawn out and sent to the private sector or to the state goverments of their choosing?"

C: "Should we drill for our own oil with an iron-clad 10-year limit and use the money saved from spending on foreign oil to develop propulsive power through renewable energy sources?"

D: "Should we kick the human rights abusing douchebags out of that big building in NY we pay for?" (OK - all of em)

E: "Should we get out of the middle east and let them massacre each other like savages in the 7th century fashion they seem to enjoy and accept like cattle?"

Uh...Yes. Closest guy - Ron Paul.
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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