
Ruger Mk III for Home Defence?

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Esteemed assembly:

Anyone agree with the statement that a well-placed double tap from a pistol shooting .22LR can be an effective home defence solution?

Some insist on .40 at least, perhaps .45ACP.

Is the 22 a target plinker only?
Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.

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Esteemed assembly:

Anyone agree with the statement that a well-placed double tap from a pistol shooting .22LR can be an effective home defence solution?

Some insist on .40 at least, perhaps .45ACP.

Is the 22 a target plinker only?

Yes. But is good for point blank executions.;)
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I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
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a well-placed double tap from a pistol shooting .22LR can be an effective home defence solution?

You can do that in a high-adrenaline state having just been woke up from a deep sleep and in the dark?

IMO... There's only one perfect home defense solution - 870 with alternating rounds of double 00 buck and slugs.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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concern with a .22 is that while it will be lethal, risk is high that you won't immediately disable the perp and he'll have the ability to retaliate.

On the plus side, the MkIII (well, I have the II Target) looks nice and big, esp in the dark. And it's easy to fire with the offhand.

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For home defense, whatever is at hand, MKII, baseball bat, meat cleaver, lacrosse stick. If you plan ahead, there is no substitute for bullet diameter, mass and velocity. In shotgun terms, 20ga min, 12ga ok, 10ga oh yeah. If you're thinking handgun, 9mm is about the lowest I would consider. If all you have is that MKII, better plan on emptying it and have a bat handy.

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a well-placed double tap from a pistol shooting .22LR can be an effective home defence solution?

You can do that in a high-adrenaline state having just been woke up from a deep sleep and in the dark?

IMO... There's only one perfect home defense solution - 870 with alternating rounds of double 00 buck and slugs.

I have 00 in my pistol grip shotgun. Can't buy slugs in Ca. I need to pick some up on my next Vegas trip.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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For home defense, whatever is at hand, MKII, baseball bat, meat cleaver, lacrosse stick. If you plan ahead, there is no substitute for bullet diameter, mass and velocity. In shotgun terms, 20ga min, 12ga ok, 10ga oh yeah. If you're thinking handgun, 9mm is about the lowest I would consider. If all you have is that MKII, better plan on emptying it and have a bat handy.

357 Sig. Two 13 shot magazines.;) And the 12 ga.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Esteemed assembly:

Anyone agree with the statement that a well-placed double tap from a pistol shooting .22LR can be an effective home defence solution?

Some insist on .40 at least, perhaps .45ACP.

Is the 22 a target plinker only?

In 1986 FBI fatally wounded a Miami bank robber with a 9mm slug but failed to stop him.

In spite of the fatal wound, the criminal still managed to kill another FBI agent and wound 5.

The FBI had to shoot him another 6 times with 9mm and .38 special to get him to stop.

After that, the FBI switched to 10mm.

Since you don't have to hump the gun around, you might as well get something that gives you better odds. Like a 12 gauge shotgun with buckshot.

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Thanks to all. Looks like a good option might be the 12ga over-under, with a slug/00 buck cocktail.

But I do like the Mk III for killing pieces of paper.
Ostriches and rheas are the only birds that urinate and defecate separately. They read Parachutist while doing #2.

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Shotguns have been proven inferior to the AR-15 platform in home defense.

That fact has been thoroughly researched, and again, and again...

I will give you a hint, it has to do with shot placement, follow up shots, and overpenetration.

Birdshot is virtually useless, and BBB even overpenetrates.

00 buckshot will go throught the bad guy and kill whomever is behind them, or the wall that seperates the BG from your family.

Typical home engagements are in the range of 15ft or less.

I am sure some of you will disagree, and some of you will disagree without doing any research at all.

A shotgun is better than a pistol though.

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Most shooters are unable to use correct shot placement and rely on the myth that a shotgun does not need proper aiming.

Also the fact that 00 and slugs reciol very hard and in effect are tough to use for a quick follow up shot.

I know people who can do it, but they practice so much more than a soldier does that it is absurd.

So go empty 500 rounds a day of 00 or slugs and tell me how much you learned.

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Shotguns have been proven inferior to the AR-15 platform in home defense.


The lawyer for the family 4 houses down will have a field day.

Go with the shotgun.

You don't have to aim, and you can be in the middle of sleeping off a 5th of tequila and still hit the bitch.
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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Wrong, I did not say to use M855 ball ammo now did I?

I know for a fact that 9mm overpenetrates compared to proper 5.56mm/.223cal ammo
A good example is using Hornady TAP ammo.

There are many others that will suffice.

Besides, if one of your loved ones has a knife or gun to their head or throat, are you going to take that shot with a shotgun?

Or would you drill the BG BTE with a well placed shot from an AR-15?

BTW I research this stuff alot more than many of you believe.

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All but frangible.

And frangible has issues of its own.

You can use blue gasers, they work greak, but a pistol is no match for a rifle.

You want 9mm?

Use a 9mm AR-15!

A pistol take huge amounts of practice in order to obtain the same results that an AR offers.

If you want me to compile thet relative studies for you I will, but not at his late hour.

I will probably do it tommorrow.

I have done so for various .mil units.

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I don't want to or intend to argue with you, I am just stating the facts.

If you, or anyone else wants the info, PM me I will see to it that you receive all I can provide.

I will be glad to help.

Oh, this has nothing to do with facts; at least not on my part. This is all personal opinion and bias. :D
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Thanks to all. Looks like a good option might be the 12ga over-under, with a slug/00 buck cocktail.

But I do like the Mk III for killing pieces of paper.

If you like the shotgun, try to get the shortest possible. I personally prefer handguns for indoors over any type of long weapon due to the bulkiness when clearing rooms.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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