
Ann Coulter - Do you believe this?

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I didn't see any other discussion about this, the recent appearance of her on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, where she expressed her views on the Jewish faith, and how it would be better if we were all Christian.

"It's virtuous to be a Christian."

"We'd like to see them (Jews) perfected," she said.

OK, I'm not Jewish, but I am offended by this. I am also profoundly frightened by how many people listen to her and follow her advise.

Am I wrong - am I the only one who sees the similarity between her rhetoric and Hitler in his early days? The word Aryan wasn't used, but that doesn't seem far behind.

Maybe I'm contributing to the problem by calling attention to this; I don't know. I'm afraid for this country.

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She's a corporate douchebag whore who loves controversy. She's Rush Limbaugh/Howard Stern with tits. She intentionally says outrageous things to get a reaction out of people.

Don't feed the attention whores.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Well said.

One thing I've noticed around here (and I could be way off base) is that when there's a discussion about Ann Coulter or some other rightwing loudmouth, few conservatives actually defend her. On the other hand, when the discussion is about some inflamatory statement is made by a leftwing attention whore, i.e. Michael Moore, the liberal posters defend him tooth and nail.

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Well said.

One thing I've noticed around here (and I could be way off base) is that when there's a discussion about Ann Coulter or some other rightwing loudmouth, few conservatives actually defend her. On the other hand, when the discussion is about some inflamatory statement is made by a leftwing attention whore, i.e. Michael Moore, the liberal posters defend him tooth and nail.

[bob euchre voice] Ouch, that one is gonna hurt tomorrow[/bob euchre voice]

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Well said.

One thing I've noticed around here (and I could be way off base) is that when there's a discussion about Ann Coulter or some other rightwing loudmouth, few conservatives actually defend her. On the other hand, when the discussion is about some inflamatory statement is made by a leftwing attention whore, i.e. Michael Moore, the liberal posters defend him tooth and nail.

Well, the things that Coulter says are usually indefensible. Given that, she still has her fair share of defenders.

Also, I rarely hear Michael Moore say anything that he doesn't back up with at least SOME form of defense. Something like "Jews are imperfect Christians" is pretty hard to defend in any kind of logical way.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Well said.

One thing I've noticed around here (and I could be way off base) is that when there's a discussion about Ann Coulter or some other rightwing loudmouth, few conservatives actually defend her. On the other hand, when the discussion is about some inflamatory statement is made by a leftwing attention whore, i.e. Michael Moore, the liberal posters defend him tooth and nail.

Yah, okay. :S

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Also, I rarely hear Michael Moore say anything that he doesn't back up with at least SOME form of defense. Something like "Jews are imperfect Christians" is pretty hard to defend in any kind of logical way.

Yeah, I guess it would be difficult for her to admit she's preaching from her signed copy of "Mein Kampf" wouldn't it?

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Well said.

One thing I've noticed around here (and I could be way off base) is that when there's a discussion about Ann Coulter or some other rightwing loudmouth, few conservatives actually defend her. On the other hand, when the discussion is about some inflamatory statement is made by a leftwing attention whore, i.e. Michael Moore, the liberal posters defend him tooth and nail.

Well, the things that Coulter says are usually indefensible. Given that, she still has her fair share of defenders.

Also, I rarely hear Michael Moore say anything that he doesn't back up with at least SOME form of defense. Something like "Jews are imperfect Christians" is pretty hard to defend in any kind of logical way.

Yeah... Michael Moore just fills his films with blatant misrepresentations... and still his followers think it's all true.

It's funny how some people think it's okay to distort the truth if they agree with the general message.

Did you guys here about Al Gore getting the Nobel Peace Prize?

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Can't someone enjoy his films without being a "follower"?

My point was that there are FACTS that you can research and verify (or disprove) in his films.

Shit like Ann Coulter just said is completely indefensible. It's not like there are scientific studies on the perfection of Jews vs. Christians, or the happiness of your average 9/11 widow.

Get it?

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I didn't see any other discussion about this, the recent appearance of her on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, where she expressed her views on the Jewish faith, and how it would be better if we were all Christian.

What is wrong with that? Isn't that the premise of all missionary work? Don't the Muslims want us to all be Muslims?
I know that as an atheist I think the world would be a better place if we were all atheists; in fact I'm sure of it.

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Can't someone enjoy his films without being a "follower"?

How about "devoted fans"?


My point was that there are FACTS that you can research and verify (or disprove) in his films.

My point was that people go away from his films thinking certain things are true, when they are not. Even when this deceptions and tactics are exposed, his fans are unfazed.


Shit like Ann Coulter just said is completely indefensible. It's not like there are scientific studies on the perfection of Jews vs. Christians, or the happiness of your average 9/11 widow.

Get it?

I get it. She winds up a bunch of lefties, which dramatically increases her exposure, which improves her book sales.

And she does this over and over and over and over.....

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She's a corporate douchebag whore who loves controversy. She's Rush Limbaugh/Howard Stern with tits. She intentionally says outrageous things to get a reaction out of people.


:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Oh the ignorance of it all:D:D:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Well said.

One thing I've noticed around here (and I could be way off base) is that when there's a discussion about Ann Coulter or some other rightwing loudmouth, few conservatives actually defend her. On the other hand, when the discussion is about some inflamatory statement is made by a leftwing attention whore, i.e. Michael Moore, the liberal posters defend him tooth and nail.

Well, the things that Coulter says are usually indefensible. Given that, she still has her fair share of defenders.

Also, I rarely hear Michael Moore say anything that he doesn't back up with at least SOME form of defense. Something like "Jews are imperfect Christians" is pretty hard to defend in any kind of logical way.

she is correct more than you will ever be and she has the guts to ignore the PC crowd and state it. Past republican. I call bull shit
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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she is correct more than you will ever be and she has the guts to ignore the PC crowd and state it. Past republican. I call bull shit

I think there should be an initiative to clone her so EVERY one of you Right Wingers could marry one just like her since you all love her so much.... you deserve her

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she has the guts to ignore the PC crowd and state it


So saying the things she does is an act of courage?

Say it however you want, being non-PC doesn't equal credibility.

Being willing to say what others won't doesn't mean much if you're the spokesperson for the criminally insane.;)

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NC said: "when there's a discussion about Ann Coulter or some other rightwing loudmouth, few conservatives actually defend her."

>she is correct more than you will ever be

Looks like there are people who will defend anyone on "their side" no matter what they say.

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