
Al-Qaeda Torture Manual (Warning: Graphic)

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Torture, Al-Qaeda Style

In a recent raid on an al-Qaeda safe house in Iraq, U.S. military officials recovered an assortment of crude drawings depicting torture methods like "blowtorch to the skin" and "eye removal." Along with the images, which you'll find on the following pages, soldiers seized various torture implements, like meat cleavers, whips, and wire cutters. Photos of those items can be seen here. The images, which were just declassified by the Department of Defense, also include a picture of a ramshackle Baghdad safe house described as an "al-Qaeda torture chamber." In a raid earlier this week, Coalition Forces freed five Iraqis who were found in a padlocked room in Karmah. The group, which included a boy, were reportedly beaten with chains, cables, and hoses. Photos showing injuries sustained by those captives can be found here. (12 pages)
Source: Smoking Gun

This is nothing to worry about though, since Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards says that the war on terror is just a bumper sticker slogan.

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I'll take water-boarding any day compared to that.

What kind of point are you hoping to make here? Would you really want to suggest that it's ok to torture people as long as we don't do it as badly as AQ?

The reasoning baffles me.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Sorry, but those drawings look like they were done by a child. What the hell do you need a drawing for to know how to put an iron to someone's skin or drill through their hand? It's pretty self-explanatory!

BTW - the CIA torture handbook has MUCH more useful illustrations, and the techniques they employ leave no scars or bruises, so there are no incriminating photos.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Torture, Al-Qaeda Style

In a recent raid on an al-Qaeda safe house in Iraq, U.S. military officials recovered an assortment of crude drawings depicting torture methods like "blowtorch to the skin" and "eye removal." Along with the images, which you'll find on the following pages, soldiers seized various torture implements, like meat cleavers, whips, and wire cutters. Photos of those items can be seen here. The images, which were just declassified by the Department of Defense, also include a picture of a ramshackle Baghdad safe house described as an "al-Qaeda torture chamber." In a raid earlier this week, Coalition Forces freed five Iraqis who were found in a padlocked room in Karmah. The group, which included a boy, were reportedly beaten with chains, cables, and hoses. Photos showing injuries sustained by those captives can be found here. (12 pages)
Source: Smoking Gun

This is nothing to worry about though, since Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards says that the war on terror is just a bumper sticker slogan.
Don't believe everything ya read.;)Could be CIA propaganda. Remember the yellowcake? I wonder where the pics from our touture prisons are?;) I'm sure the US has way more sophisticated ways of torture;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Interesting you deleted this. Could not be verified, other then the New Republic

Check out the homeowrk of the students of SOA in GA. Though not as brutal, a very systematic and sophisticated approach of physical "torture". It's every where

Carpe Diem

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Interesting you deleted this.

I didn't delete it because I was worried about the authenticity, but rather, because I'm disgusted by some of the replies. I'm removing myself from futher participation in this thread, which has just turned into yet another America-bashing frenzy.

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Interesting you deleted this.

I didn't delete it because I was worried about the authenticity, but rather, because I'm disgusted by some of the replies. I'm removing myself from futher participation in this thread, which has just turned into yet another America-bashing frenzy.

People in glass houses...

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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John, you don't understand!

They're terrorists! and we're americans! :S

To Johnrich: There is nothing unpatriotic about questioning the policies of your governement. Further, there is nothing unpatriotic about standing up against those policies that you feel are wrong.

Torture is torture.


"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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Interesting you deleted this.

I didn't delete it because I was worried about the authenticity, but rather, because I'm disgusted by some of the replies. I'm removing myself from futher participation in this thread, which has just turned into yet another America-bashing frenzy.

Aw, boo hoo!! Dry your eyes mate, and man the fuck up. Perhaps then your vision won't be so impaired and you might actually read there wasn't an America-bashing frenzy.

Jesus. Why do I have this picture of Rumpilstiltskin stamping his foot on the floor?:D

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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I clearly missed the original post before it was deleted. Just be careful whos manipulative propoganda war your believing. The main reason I don't watch the news is someone always has an agenda. Good friend of mine was a journalist and the cliche saying of "don't let the truth get in the way of a good story" is actually true.

Heres a great website dedicated to reporting news from the middle east: www.honestreporting.com

Read some of the stories which explain how past stories you may recall from the news have been manipulated with no truth behind the real circumstances. Shocking. Paticularly this one http://www.honestreporting.com/articles/45884734/reports/The_Photo_that_Started_it_All.asp

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Heres a great website dedicated to reporting news from the middle east: http://www.honestreporting.com

Read some of the stories which explain how past stories you may recall from the news have been manipulated with no truth behind the real circumstances. Shocking. Paticularly this one http://www.honestreporting.com/...t_Started_it_All.asp

Yeah, but remember that just because it's called "Honest reporting" does not mean that it doesn't have a huge bias.

Taking a quick look at the nature of the adverts on that site may give you a clue as to which way their sympathies lie.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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If you listen to some of the stories about the torture that the CIA are alleged to have taken part in and organised you'll see that the USA are in some cases just as bad as these terrorists.

Was a very interesting programme on UK TV about CIA torture flights (I prefer to call a spade a spade so I’m not going to call them “rendition” flights) and the torture that these flights were used to take people to.

Have just found a link to the programme http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/help/3681938.stm

I think fair play to the German and Italian government for issuing warrants for the arrest of the kidnappers (sorry agents) who took part in this, personally I'm disgusted at how complicit the UK government are in this sorry saga.

Gravity- It's not just a good idea, it's the LAW!

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methods like "blowtorch to the skin" and "eye removal."

soldiers seized various torture implements, like meat cleavers, whips, and wire cutters

I'm really disappointed that they have left out a couple of the more severe methods of torture.

[1] A pair of panties placed over the head.

[2]Having several prisoners perform a kneeling, cheerleader pyramid.[:/];)

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Nope wrong way around... the guards at a prison have a duty of care and respect.

If the teacher did that to the kids, there would be an outcry (and rightfully so).

My point is that compared to the pictures of torture, what we did was nothing more than sophomoric pranks.

Strange that the human rights orginizations never uttered a peep over the Pearl or Burg videos. I guess they just consider it a way of life with those people.

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I understood your point (just being a wee bit SC is all:) ) but I still can't accept worse than excellent behaviour from 'our' side. If we do, we loose the high ground.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Nope wrong way around... the guards at a prison have a duty of care and respect.

If the teacher did that to the kids, there would be an outcry (and rightfully so).

My point is that compared to the pictures of torture, what we did was nothing more than sophomoric pranks.

Strange that the human rights orginizations never uttered a peep over the Pearl or Burg videos. I guess they just consider it a way of life with those people.

You are condoning unacceptable behavior just because our side did it.

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>what we did was nothing more than sophomoric pranks.

So beating people to death, suffocating them and sodomizing them with broomsticks are "sophomoric pranks?"

It's a sad day when people defend torture of any sort. Even sadder when you can beat someone to death and have people defend it. That's a clear indication that the terrorists are winning.

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