
Imus just got fired

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that can't be real.

You mean you don't think "the Doody family" won the event.

Here's a quote from wikipedia:

The best-known commercial brand is Mr. Brain's Faggots, a frozen food product available in Britain and Ireland, which is made up of liver and onions rolled into meatballs and served in a sauce. These faggots differ significantly from the traditional recipe.

Pictures of the product are a popular joke in some Western countries due to additional meanings of the subject noun. Faggots were used as the subject of an infamous 2004 radio advert by the UK supermarket chain Somerfield[1]. The commercial featured a husband challenging his wife's repetitive routine of a set meal for each day of the week. While he wanted lasagne, he was told that, as it was Friday, he was to have faggots. He responded: "I've nothing against faggots, I just don't fancy them.". This advert was subsequently deemed to have breached the rules on Good Taste, Decency and Offence to Public Feeling of the Advertising and Sponsorship Code, and was banned from future re-broadcast by the industry regulator, Ofcom.

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I good PR person could have spun it right to the advertisers. Telling them that the airtime after he comes off of suspension his airtime will be worth more, because he will have an increase in the number of listeners in the swing audiance. Those who don't normally listen, but are now just curious enough to find out what this old white guy is about. Think outside the box and your rewards will be greater

I think this is all just temporary hub bub anyway. It's no different than what happened to Bill Maher. He said something that scared the advertisers, lost his show, started up a new show doing the same thing, probably even with some of the same sponsors. This will pass in time.......like corn.

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It's real. Faggots are a british-isle baked meatball made from pork liver, pork belly, and sometimes other innards and/or apples then poured over with gravy.

BBC is enjoying the homophone.

There are some interesting names for foods and dishes in different countries. Some have since been changed, some are still around:

A Dutch product used ot be called Negerzoen, which directly translated means Niggerkiss. The product was actually marketed in the UK under the name Niggerkisses. About 2 years ago they changed the name to just Zoen (Kiss). At the time the manufacturer claimed it was due to the negative connotation of the word. They have since admitted that the only reason they changed the name is to get a shit-load of free press mention.

The other one is a cookie called Jodekoekje, translated as Jewcookie. One of the explanations of the name maintains that the cookies are big in circumference yet thi, allowing for a big cookie to be served relatively cheaply. That one is still around.

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One other thing.

Since when was Imus a "shock jock"?

The guy was mainstream, with mainstream celebs & politicians on as regulars.

Never listened to him, but I can see by his reaction that he is conservo maggot. He basically apologized as he claimed teh whole thing was BS.

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I think if this story shows anything it shows just how unintegrated American society is.

But, But,..... we have special laws based on skin color, hiring quotas based on skin color, politicians and others make entire careers in tracking down those that don't talk 'right' and make a huge stink over it, everybody at every moment now has to totally be aware of each and every word they say/write and thing they do.

Are you saying we should do even MORE of this kind of thing?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Faggots are a british-isle baked meatball

I thought it was a small bundle of sticks used to start fires. Or, single branch pulled from fire with a hot burning end.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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One other thing.

Since when was Imus a "shock jock"?

The guy was mainstream, with mainstream celebs & politicians on as regulars.

Never listened to him, but I can see by his reaction that he is conservo maggot. He basically apologized as he claimed teh whole thing was BS.

Conservo maggot?:o

LOL That's a good one.

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Never listened to him, but I can see by his reaction that he is conservo maggot.

You're a hoot, I doubt you actually heard him except through 3rd parth edited accounts.

He's actually a Democrat, and the Democrats lose one of their few radio platforms with his sacking, several Democratic candidates had announced their candidacy on his show for obvious reasons.

John McCain was one of the few "republican" regulars on his show.

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Never listened to him, but I can see by his reaction that he is conservo maggot.

You're a hoot, I doubt you actually heard him except through 3rd parth edited accounts.

He's actually a Democrat, and the Democrats lose one of their few radio platforms with his sacking, several Democratic candidates had announced their candidacy on his show for obvious reasons.

John McCain was one of the few "republican" regulars on his show.

Yea, never listened to him. I will research it, but if he is partisan, he seems conservative. His apology was weak and he essentially rescinded it as he laid it out.

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Never listened to him, but I can see by his reaction that he is conservo maggot.

You're a hoot, I doubt you actually heard him except through 3rd parth edited accounts.

He's actually a Democrat, and the Democrats lose one of their few radio platforms with his sacking, several Democratic candidates had announced their candidacy on his show for obvious reasons.

John McCain was one of the few "republican" regulars on his show.

Hoot back at ya. My research yeilded what I thought, he's a closet conservative. Perhaps it's teh ole Repub, "all with us or you're against us."




The Wisdom of Don Imus
May 12, 2001
by Bradford Shaw

As repulsive as it may sound to liberal or progressive people familiar with the political attitude of Don Imus, he may have been partially correct with his assessment of our election choices last year. Imus, who hosts a popular radio show on WFAN radio as well as the simulcast on MSNBC cable, has been known for many years as a closet conservative. His often-nightly on-air love affair with John McCain during the primaries last year was difficult for some Democrats to sit through to say the least. He would call McCain, or vice-versa, and exchange right wing, anti-Clinton opinions, pausing only to play his homemade song parodies, skewering Clinton and Gore at will.

In addition his often heard rant against Al Gore seemed disingenuous and deliberately vague. He would call Gore an evil person, a skunk, and other phrases that seem tailor-made both for morning radio, and for old, scruffy cowboy wannabe's like Imus, and yet he offered no concrete facts to back up his ire. It almost seemed that he was trying to appear hip to his staff, which were backing McCain.

The staff of the Don Imus Show had a field day last year making fun of Democrats. They jumped at every opportunity to make Clinton or Gore look as bad as humanly possible. Charles McCord, who attempts to read the news without having his own conservative, right-to-life attitude pop through, actually did his best to stay above the fray as Bernard McGuirk and Lou Rufino sank again and again into the sea of Clinton-Gore bashing. A typical show last year would begin with Don mentioning something in the news that he thought was interesting as it related to the ongoing political process. In the midst of his quirky observations, Bernard would chime in some bit of vitriol about the Clinton family or Al Gore, not bothering to check the facts of his statement or even the legality in some instances.

Don would then chide Bernard for his mean spiritedness, while still managing to quietly agree with him. Then, after a quick break provided by a lame musical parody authored by Rob Bartlett and or Larry Kenney (possibly the worst impressionist known to mankind, it's generally a good idea to listen carefully to Don's introduction of the character, or you won't have the vaguest idea of who Kenney is trying to impersonate), they would end that segment and, after seven or eight commercials, they would either resume the Democrat bashing, or introduce a guest who would continue the bashing. This staff was, and still is, anti-Democrat, anti-liberal, and pro-business. Imus surrounded himself with these people, and as a result, was influenced into following the same political ideology that was filling his day-to-day working environment.

As I stated earlier, it was difficult for a sensitive Democrat to witness. The old adage, 'Know thine enemy!' is of course true, so I, as a strong Democrat, continued to watch and listen in order to form an intelligent opinion of Imus and his staff. Every dog has it's day, they say, and John McCain's flag was flying high for a little while, until George W's machine rolled over him with it's well financed series of unfounded attacks. McCain fell out of the race, Imus fell off his horse, and the process lurched forward.

After that, when Don seemed to be in the doldrums of a man who backed a failed candidate, he made a wrong decision based on a right assumption. His wrong decision was to back George Bush. His right assumption, however, still is true. He stated, after McCain's defeat, that he would back Bush simply because W was a gold mine for future comedic material. This choice of candidate based on what some might call "The Idiocy Quotient" seemed off based and somewhat self-serving at the time. After all, Don Imus, however misled, does indeed hold some influence with his many fans throughout the country, and he wouldn't sacrifice the future of this country just for the sake of acquiring a never-ending source of White House humor. Or would he?

Nonetheless, after witnessing the first one hundred days of the administration put in place by people such as the "I-Man", we find that Imus was indeed correct. His assumption that Bush would be a blunderer in the league of Dan Quayle, was insightful, intelligent, and tragically true. All one has to do in order to prove that the theory proposed by Imus was and is correct, is to turn on any late night television talk show. From Politically Incorrect, to The Tonight Show, to Late Night or the Letterman show, you can find a plethora of Bush jokes and routines, and it's not a rare occurrence, it's happening every night. The airwaves are inundated with conservative skewering and bashing of the Republican administration, the likes we haven't seen since the Nixon era.

Jay Leno, Dave Letterman, Bill Maher, Conan O'Brien, and Jon Stewart are constantly filling most of their monologue time with acerbic and often accurate observations of the day-to-day bumbling of the business model that is the Bush Administration. Comedians and writers are finding it easier to farm jokes and routines from the Resident-In-Chief, than OJ, The Royal Family, or even Bill Clinton's penis. With the OJ case, comedians risked offending people of color who had a hard time seeing a lifelong hero's image fall to pieces. It was just too unpredictable a subject to be able to expect consistent results. With the Royal family, humorists had a hard time getting the public exited into frenzy on this side of the Atlantic. Often they would have to reacquaint the audience with which family member were who, and just what the current scandal was. It was just too time consuming and wordy for some American venues. With Bill Clinton's penis, comedians and writers would not only risk offending the large percentage of people who voted for Clinton twice, but they would risk the outward appearance of being un-hip and pro-establishment. How many successful un-hip and pro-establishment comedians and writers have emerged from the entertainment field in past history? The list is small, if at all.

With Bush, his own stupidity as it relates to the act of communication alone is worth several years of parody and laughter. In addition, Bush himself seems to be going along with the program by providing new examples of his lack of command over the English language with every new speech or interview granted since his selection last year. So hidden amongst the piles of dusty, out-moded and time worn opinions and routines seen and or heard on the 'Imus in the Morning' program was an actual truth. Even the most dedicated of Gore haters would have to agree that he was, and is a better speaker. Al Gore is familiar with and fluent in the English language, to the point of being one of the most feared debaters going into last year's election process. His familiarity with the international scene and his own political savvy were demonstrated on Imus' own show when, during a phone appearance, he recited the names of several leaders of nations that the average American has little knowledge of, with humor and self depreciation.

Would Al Gore have provided the nation with material for comedy in such a rapid pace as Bush? The answer is obviously no, in that Gore wouldn't open the door for jokes regarding his environmental stand, in that it would be consistent with the pro-environmental policy put in place by the Clinton Administration. Al Gore would no doubt be a fuddy-duddy where political humor was concerned. His comedic contribution during 'The Al Gore Years' would have been related to his stuffiness in office, and looseness at home. He is a solid guy, a great leader, and very boring where controversy and confrontation are concerned. This simply pales in comparison to the Texas Talk Twister. His occupation of the White House has been manna from heaven for jokesters and stand up comedians.

Most comedy writers would acknowledge that when Bill Clinton left office, they were almost afraid of a Gore Administration. With the President well informed, articulate, and reasonable in his decision-making and policy setting, satire could possibly become an endangered species. Thus, an Al Gore Whitehouse could set comedy back to it's political infancy, a future not well received by people who make their daily bread by finding humor in the behavior and attitude of our leaders in Washington.

The comedy community could ill afford four years of intelligence and understanding in the executive branch. It occasionally needs a Dan Quayle, a Spiro Agnew, and yes, perhaps a George Bush to reap unbounded comedic treasures. In this one area of politics, it is undeniable that Bush beats Gore. There was never a doubt that lil Shrub, with his lack of political and intellectual sophistication could run circles around Al Gore in the "providing unintentional comedy material by public blunder" department. It is a new comedy renaissance out there in entertainment land, and we can acknowledge the fact that Don Imus saw this satirical paradigm approaching many months ago.

Though his show is undeniably offensive on a day-to-day basis for many even-tempered and tolerant Americans, a final conclusion can be drawn. The I-Man, though thoroughly unlistenable most of the time, was right. Once.


So he is a moderate conservative, unless you're a right wing, "all with us or all against us" conservative, then e's flaming left, as that's all there is, far left or far right, no middle. Truth about Imus is that he's moderate right, I would say.

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Yea, never listened to him. I will research it, but if he is partisan, he seems conservative. His apology was weak and he essentially rescinded it as he laid it out.

Based on what? You've never listened to him. All you have to go on is a silly self reinforcing tautology, and nothing more.

He is partisan, he is a Democrat.

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Never listened to him, but I can see by his reaction that he is conservo maggot. He basically apologized as he claimed teh whole thing was BS.

You have never listened to him, but you think you know about him based on a reaction? So wrong, and in so many ways.

For one he called Rush Limbaugh "a fat pill popping loser"...I kinda agree and found it funny as hell.

Another, "Since 1990, Imus has headlined a radiothon with New York radio station WFAN that has raised over 50-million dollars to benefit the Tomorrows Children’s Fund, the CJ Foundation for SIDS, and the Imus Ranch for kids with cancer. "

And yet another, please be sure to notice the cite:

All Things Considered, NPR April 13, 2007 :

"The repercussions will be felt elsewhere, however, including within the Democratic Party. Strategists say that the show was a key platform for candidates to reach a crucial voting bloc: independent white males.

Michele Norris talks with Democratic political strategist Donna Brazile about what that may mean for Democratic candidates."

The *DEMOCRATIC* political strategist thinks that it will hurt the DEMOCRATIC party.

Just for once, admit you jumped the gun and have no idea what you are talking about and are wrong.

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"Strategists say that the show was a key platform for candidates to reach a crucial voting bloc: independent white males."

Well, this IWM didn't find anything useful on that show. I particularly couldn't stand him and his goons' glib cracks against Muslims and Palestinians as "stinking animals" and making jokes about bombing them. >:(

Good riddance to another hater pandering to the LCDs. :P;)

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Yea, never listened to him. I will research it, but if he is partisan, he seems conservative. His apology was weak and he essentially rescinded it as he laid it out.

Based on what? You've never listened to him. All you have to go on is a silly self reinforcing tautology, and nothing more.

He is partisan, he is a Democrat.

Right, he loves warmonger McCain, slams CLinton and calls Gore, evil, but he's a Dem..... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.

And think Reagan was perhaps the worst pres ever, this piece opf crap is a Nazi and the general Republican voting public are either heartless or naive, yet I'm a Replican.... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT. Actually I am a registered R, just haven't changed it.

SO instead of your so worthy opinion, show me an article or two that describes his positions. Let me guess, won't happen.

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You have never listened to him, but you think you know about him based on a reaction? So wrong, and in so many ways.

I don't believe I am and no one has come forward with anything that makes him a Dem. Again, he loves McCain, Dems hate McCain. Hell, even moderate R's don't klike McCain, just go look at teh polls.


For one he called Rush Limbaugh "a fat pill popping loser"...I kinda agree and found it funny as hell.

It doesn't make him liberal to think LImbaugh is POS. Many R's think he's a POS.


Another, "Since 1990, Imus has headlined a radiothon with New York radio station WFAN that has raised over 50-million dollars to benefit the Tomorrows Children’s Fund, the CJ Foundation for SIDS, and the Imus Ranch for kids with cancer. "

If you say that makes him a Dem, then you reinforce my contention that R's are heartless assholes. I don;t think raising money for kids makes a person a Dem.


And yet another, please be sure to notice the cite:



All Things Considered, NPR April 13, 2007 :

"The repercussions will be felt elsewhere, however, including within the Democratic Party. Strategists say that the show was a key platform for candidates to reach a crucial voting bloc: independent white males.

Thank you, that is my point, he's not a Dem, perhaps an independent or a moderate R. Again, that is one blurb saying which parties might be effected indiectly. To assess a person's political heading you must undestand their ideologies and which politicians they vote for.


Michele Norris talks with Democratic political strategist Donna Brazile about what that may mean for Democratic candidates."

The *DEMOCRATIC* political strategist thinks that it will hurt the DEMOCRATIC party.

Who are these people? Furthermore, that still doesn't establish that he's a Dem and you still haven't addressed teh issue of McCAain and Imus' hate for Clinton and Gore.


Just for once, admit you jumped the gun and have no idea what you are talking about and are wrong.

Using peripheral opinions of scattered people to issue their personal opinions of what it might mean is ridiculous. Why not deine what his oipinions are and who he adores rather than some distant unknown pundit? Oh, I know, you can't.

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"Strategists say that the show was a key platform for candidates to reach a crucial voting bloc: independent white males."

Well, this IWM didn't find anything useful on that show. I particularly couldn't stand him and his goons' glib cracks against Muslims and Palestinians as "stinking animals" and making jokes about bombing them. >:(

Good riddance to another hater pandering to the LCDs. :P;)

Where do you put his personal political preferences to be? Left, right, indep?

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Here's teh truth: he has no political leaning. He washes back and forth and basically makes a joke of politics. Fox calls him left leaning, the left pub I supplied earlier called him a closet Republican. I won't even say he's moderate, he's all over the map. He voted for Kerry last time, hates Bush, but loves McCain and hates both Clintons and Gore. What can you draw from that? Nothing, but to argue his political position is moot. I think he just says shit to garner attention, but now he went too far.




Additionally, Fox News' Megyn Kelly, who co-anchors Fox News' America's Newsroom, said the show had received mail from viewers asserting that "f this had happened on a more conservative radio show, or a commentator like [Fox News host] Sean Hannity or [Fox News host] Bill O'Reilly had something like this, the media, everyone would be skewering him ... but because [Imus] leans left and is not quite in that category, they were predicting there would be ... much more forgiveness for him much more readily." Host Martha MacCallum seemed to agree with those viewers, saying, "I'm sure. I would venture that you're right about that."

MORE CONSERVATIVE RADIO SHOW: Not a conservative show rather than his liberal show. Even Fox knows he has right leanings.


Neither Kelly nor MacCallum offered any basis for the claim that Imus "leans left." As Media Matters for America has noted, Imus has previously claimed that he is voting for self-described conservative Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for president in 2008. In a January 24, 2005, article, The New York Times reported that "[a]lthough Mr. Imus's politics are more contrarian than they are Democratic or Republican, he voted for Senator John Kerry for president and criticized the Bush administration throughout last fall's campaign." In an article published in the Summer 2004 edition of The Public Interest, a now-defunct conservative quarterly, Northeastern University associate political science professor William G. Mayer classified Imus as "non-ideological." Less than a year ago, Imus referred to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) on the air as "Satan" 11 times, once calling her "that buck-tooth witch, Satan." He also called former Vice President Al Gore "the phoniest bastard on the planet" and "a horrid human being."

This is evidence that he is a political smorgasborg.

The other reference I posted from a left pub stated that he is a closet Republican. Face it, he uses politics as a device to make money. An argument can be made that he is a hard core right, moderate, or hard core left. He's just a political mess.

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I don't believe I am and no one has come forward with anything that makes him a Dem. Again, he loves McCain, Dems hate McCain. Hell, even moderate R's don't klike McCain, just go look at teh polls.

You have no clue about what you are saying....just like aways. And you will not admit it now. You claimed never to listen to him, but you think you know they guy based off of ONE situation. Sheesh.


It doesn't make him liberal to think LImbaugh is POS. Many R's think he's a POS.

Yeah, but it is funny.


If you say that makes him a Dem, then you reinforce my contention that R's are heartless assholes. I don;t think raising money for kids makes a person a Dem.

Or the flip side you always claim that R's are heartless and yet you claim this guy is an R....so which time are you wrong? When you said R's are heartless, or when you claimed Imus is an R? Cause you can't have it both ways.



And yet another, please be sure to notice the cite:



Actually I DID notice I said *Cite* as in reference, not *SITE* as in website. I included the name, Date, Source, and Topic. If you are so lazy to find the SITE...I'll find it for you. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9575473

There, it was not even hard, all I had to do was go to the NPR website and do a quick search. Refute it now!


Thank you, that is my point, he's not a Dem, perhaps an independent or a moderate R. Again, that is one blurb saying which parties might be effected indiectly. To assess a person's political heading you must undestand their ideologies and which politicians they vote for.

Not according to YOU and I qoute "Never listened to him, but I can see by his reaction that he is conservo maggot. He basically apologized as he claimed teh whole thing was BS."

So you tell others you need to understand their ideologies, but you made a snap judgement based on NONE of that. Again, showing a double standard and talking out of your ass.


Who are these people? Furthermore, that still doesn't establish that he's a Dem and you still haven't addressed teh issue of McCAain and Imus' hate for Clinton and Gore.

Who are these people? People who get PAID to deal with politics...I can't help but think a person who has a company that deals with politics knows more than both of us...But feel free to think you know more than them.....No one will agree with you, but you have that right.

As for someone who hates Clinton....Lots of people hate Clinton. And BTW back in 91 Clinton told Imus to call him "Bubba". Another swing and a miss.


Using peripheral opinions of scattered people to issue their personal opinions of what it might mean is ridiculous. Why not deine what his oipinions are and who he adores rather than some distant unknown pundit? Oh, I know, you can't.

And thats different than what you did? You made a snap judgement based off of ONE issue and then ran to a website and used it as a defence:S.

Sheesh talk about irony?!?!?!?! You fucked up, admit it and quit trying to dig a hole to China.

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[:/] There are many Dems on his show. Here is what the LA Times published on the matter it's titled "Democratic politicians lose a soapbox with firing of Don Imus"


I guess you'll be calling the LA Times a right wing rag next. :S

He's a Democrat, now quit being silly and accept the facts instead inventing absurd claims.

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