
Iran - How Far Will they Push?

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Maybe this heinous action is impressive in the Middle East and with Iran's idiotic apologists here, but it is reprehensible behavior of the lowest kind. This ongoing disgrace constitutes an act of war.

I think the Idiots are the ones who live in their little fantasyland. The ones who play with words.
Kidnapping? If they were in Iranian waters it is not a kidnapping, They are members of a foreign nations military invading in to Iranian territory. They have every right to question them, and if they want to lower there standards to our level they can even torture them fuck we have.

As for parading people on TV. Remember the pictures of Sadam in his underwear. I can surely remember a bunch of other times where we have shown people on our TVs even the dead. Most idiot closed minded DIM rednecks just happily cheered their victory maybe even had a shot of their favorite drink to celebrate the death and bloodshed.

Either you are blind (which I bet to be the case) or only reading between the selected lines.
We detain people indefinitely, we have tortured and murdered people. How about you take a good look at the shit we have done before you pass judgement on something that is not even clear yet.

We were not invited to Iraq, Every pole says the people wants us out. The reason behind was proven to be false. The murder of the 54000+ people was unnecessary, and Iraq was not a haven for terrorism until we decided to force our views and guns on them. Enough is enough.

These are not things you can argue their fact.
Again another reminder for the geographically challenged. Iran is no where near us but we have traveled thousands of miles to sit out side their door with guns, missiles, and ect. I mean how blinded would you have to be to think Iran is trying to start a war. I believe history speaks for it self no one has been in as many wars as us. We have a lot of stupid people who are warmongers and unfortunately one of them has become the president of the US, and he has a lot of sheep that blindly follow.

Wake up and buy your self a mirror. If you have a standard hold it for everyone If you don’t then simply you’re a hypocrite. Many on here are.

I remember a dvd I watched about the war and war coverage. They showed a US troop explaining how he was so pissed when Aljazeer showed dead US soldiers on TV. Then he mentioned how we were showing dead people on TV all the time and he never had the same reaction. That experienced helped him realize how bias and blinded his views have become.

It all great to wave flags and tie yellow ribbons around your house, but please when it comes to looking at a situation objectively those views and emotions need to be set aside.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I believe history speaks for it self no one has been in as many wars as us.

Yup for once you are right.. just how many wars HAVE the Iranians been involved in over the centuries since even before your namesake...hmmmmmmB|

Seems to me the Brits may have been in a few as well going back a few thousand years.

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I think the Idiots are the ones who live in their little fantasyland... ...Most idiot closed minded DIM rednecks just happily cheered their victory maybe even had a shot of their favorite drink to celebrate the death and bloodshed... ...Either you are blind (which I bet to be the case... ...Again another reminder for the geographically challenged... ...We have a lot of stupid people... ...lot of sheep that blindly follow... ...Wake up and buy your self a mirror... ...realize how bias and blinded his views have become...

But please when it comes to looking at a situation objectively those views and emotions need to be set aside.

Is it possible to feel both the public display of Hussein immediately after his capture, and the video of the British sailors and Marines being captured to be in poor taste? Is it possible to be appalled both at what happened to prisoners at US detention facilities, and the use of these captives as propaganda?

Defense, at any stage in the game, of reprehensible behavior because you align yourself more closely to the overall stance of a particular side is about as far from objectivity as you can get.

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Maybe this heinous action is impressive in the Middle East and with Iran's idiotic apologists here, but it is reprehensible behavior of the lowest kind. This ongoing disgrace constitutes an act of war.

I think the Idiots are the ones who live in their little fantasyland. The ones who play with words.
Kidnapping? If they were in Iranian waters it is not a kidnapping, They are members of a foreign nations military invading in to Iranian territory. They have every right to question them, and if they want to lower there standards to our level they can even torture them fuck we have.

As for parading people on TV. Remember the pictures of Sadam in his underwear. I can surely remember a bunch of other times where we have shown people on our TVs even the dead. Most idiot closed minded DIM rednecks just happily cheered their victory maybe even had a shot of their favorite drink to celebrate the death and bloodshed.

Either you are blind (which I bet to be the case) or only reading between the selected lines.
We detain people indefinitely, we have tortured and murdered people. How about you take a good look at the shit we have done before you pass judgement on something that is not even clear yet.

We were not invited to Iraq, Every pole says the people wants us out. The reason behind was proven to be false. The murder of the 54000+ people was unnecessary, and Iraq was not a haven for terrorism until we decided to force our views and guns on them. Enough is enough.

These are not things you can argue their fact.
Again another reminder for the geographically challenged. Iran is no where near us but we have traveled thousands of miles to sit out side their door with guns, missiles, and ect. I mean how blinded would you have to be to think Iran is trying to start a war. I believe history speaks for it self no one has been in as many wars as us. We have a lot of stupid people who are warmongers and unfortunately one of them has become the president of the US, and he has a lot of sheep that blindly follow.

Wake up and buy your self a mirror. If you have a standard hold it for everyone If you don’t then simply you’re a hypocrite. Many on here are.

I remember a dvd I watched about the war and war coverage. They showed a US troop explaining how he was so pissed when Aljazeer showed dead US soldiers on TV. Then he mentioned how we were showing dead people on TV all the time and he never had the same reaction. That experienced helped him realize how bias and blinded his views have become.

It all great to wave flags and tie yellow ribbons around your house, but please when it comes to looking at a situation objectively those views and emotions need to be set aside.

Yeah - remember all of those Al Qaeda members who were put on US TV saying that they were sorry for their crimes against America? Remember Saddam apologizing for gassing his own people? Remember the letters we published from the Gitmo prisoners to their families, explaining how they were wrong?

Yeah. Thought so. The USA makes mistakes, but we are no fucking Iran, so give me a break.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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the UK will make a move soon. I'm surprised those troops haven't been returned, knowing the military might that is amassed just across their borders.

Even IF those troopers ventured into Iran's so-called terrority, the UK and Iran are not at war. So, why should they take them hostage? Hmmpf........:S

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>remember all of those Al Qaeda members who were put on US TV
>saying that they were sorry for their crimes against America? Remember
>Saddam apologizing for gassing his own people? Remember the letters we
>published from the Gitmo prisoners to their families, explaining how they >were wrong?

On the plus side, none of the prisoners have had electrodes attached to their testicles, been waterboarded, been hung by their wrists until they were dead, beaten to death, or attacked by guard dogs. I hope Iran has the common sense to continue treating them decently, and to release them before this becomes any more of a mess.

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>remember all of those Al Qaeda members who were put on US TV
>saying that they were sorry for their crimes against America? Remember
>Saddam apologizing for gassing his own people? Remember the letters we
>published from the Gitmo prisoners to their families, explaining how they >were wrong?

On the plus side, none of the prisoners have had electrodes attached to their testicles, been waterboarded, been hung by their wrists until they were dead, beaten to death, or attacked by guard dogs. I hope Iran has the common sense to continue treating them decently, and to release them before this becomes any more of a mess.

Don't be so certain.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Don't be so certain.

Really do you have an all seeing eye or do you use your psychic ability to see these things.

You know your post basically describes your whole sides logic or lack of logic. Your logic is simply not based on logic it is based on feelings, and assumtions. You watched way too much 24 now you think you know “these people”.

What was this kind of thinking called oh yea the truthiness (not the truth but what feels right to you).
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Don't be so certain.

Really do you have an all seeing eye or do you use your psychic ability to see these things.

You know your post basically describes your whole sides logic or lack of logic. Your logic is simply not based on logic it is based on feelings, and assumtions. You watched way too much 24 now you think you know “these people”.

What was this kind of thinking called oh yea the truthiness (not the truth but what feels right to you).

Bill made a blanket statement that the prisoners have not been harmed - which he has no way to know for sure. That is a fact, and that is all I was saying. The US is not the only country that tortures, although, unlike most countries, for the USA it is a new thing, and an anomoly, not a long and proud tradition.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Sorry dude I jumped and attacked you assuming you meant they must have been tortured.
This place always brings the best out of me.:|

It’s Friday and I got one more hour before I go home and chill.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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>Bill made a blanket statement that the prisoners have not been harmed . .

I didn't say that. I did say they had not had electrodes attached to their testicles, been beaten to death, been hung by their wrists until they were dead etc.

>or the USA it is a new thing, and an anomoly . . .

You do realize we have specifically authorized some of those procedures, right? Waterboarding is OK as long as it doesn't cause "organ failure." It's not an anomaly - it's our policy.

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>Bill made a blanket statement that the prisoners have not been harmed . .

I didn't say that. I did say they had not had electrodes attached to their testicles, been beaten to death, been hung by their wrists until they were dead etc.

>or the USA it is a new thing, and an anomoly . . .

You do realize we have specifically authorized some of those procedures, right? Waterboarding is OK as long as it doesn't cause "organ failure." It's not an anomaly - it's our policy.

Historically, it's an anomaly. The USA has never condoned torture, or had an administration that tried to find a way to make it acceptable, until recently.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Sorry dude I jumped and attacked you assuming you meant they must have been tortured.
This place always brings the best out of me.:|

It’s Friday and I got one more hour before I go home and chill.

No problem.

I find myself in an awkward position on this issue. Having been in the military, I want these people released or rescued. At the same time, I hate what the current administration has done to this country. We no longer have the moral highground on certain issues, and we have put our soldiers, and our allies soldiers at much greater risk.

This is a good example of why I left the military. The idea of being the pawn on a moron's chess board was not appealing.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I have to raise a question about all this. Despite 15 comrades now having what's probably a horrific ordeal 'in the bag' - how on earth did they get captured and surrender???? Seven of them were Bootnecks ffs.

An old college mentioned the other day; 'Fucking hell, if it had been us it'd be "IRANIANS MASSACRED"


'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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What would you know? Ever had guns pointed at you?
Did the Iranian's suddenly just materialise?

Are you arguing my point for me??

Point being you don't know the exact circumstances so you can't really say what you would or wouldn't do in their situation.

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Doubt it - I answered it with a counter question. My answer is yes - what's yours?

So to reiterate - what would you know?

edit: (seeing as you did) - I wouldn't surrender.

Now, what would you know?

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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You don't have a point as far as I'm concerned as you know nothing of this incident, or even similiar situations. And did I mention fighting to the death?
Did I?

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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