
Iran - How Far Will they Push?

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It seems odd to me that the outcry hasn't been more pronounced over Iran capturing UK marines. Why didn't the British frigate roll in and take out the Iranian boats?

I am all for pulling out of Iraq (or at least pulling back) but the Iran situation has me a bit conflicted. They seemed dead set on provocation, and they seem to have the green light to continue it.

If they go after more UK troops, will they shoot back next time?

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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What if they were in Iranian waters?

What the UK government claims is not always true.
Not to mention Iran has been threaten many times by UK allies.

I also heard that The US will be showing its power by having two carrier groups go threw the Persian Gulf.
I love how we travel thousands of miles to point are guns and weapons at another country which has no way of attacking us.

Yea we are hated because we are free. :S
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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What if they were in Iranian waters?

What the UK government claims is not always true.
Not to mention Iran has been threaten many times by UK allies.

I also heard that The US will be showing its power by having two carrier groups go threw the Persian Gulf.
I love how we travel thousands of miles to point are guns and weapons at another country which has no way of attacking us.

Yea we are hated because we are free. :S

Even if they were in Iranian waters (which is not clear) was it really necessary to take them into custody? A show of force from the Iranians and a request that they move into international waters would have been more appropriate.

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Is that how you feel the UK or the US would react if they were Iranian Sailors in US, or UK waters?

Even if there were Iranian sailors in international waters right of the US or UK coast do you really believe we would just let it be or let it go with a warning?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Is that how you feel the UK or the US would react if they were Iranian Sailors in US, or UK waters?

Even if there were Iranian sailors in international waters right of the US or UK coast do you really believe we would just let it be or let it go with a warning?

Yes, the US or the UK would not be anxious to escalate the tensions between them and Iran just for a few sailors. While Iran seems to to out of their way to do so.

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I also heard that The US will be is showing its power by having two carrier groups go threw the Persian Gulf.
I love how we travel thousands of miles to point are guns and weapons at another country which has no way of attacking us.

Yea we are hated because we are free. :S


I like how we're not "sabre rattling" just training. Just like when we were heading over there for routine "training" exercises four and a half years ago.

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What if they were in Iranian waters?

What was the crime of the American Embassy employees in 1979 when Iranians invaded that soverign U.S. territory, captured the U.S. citizens, and held them hostage for 444 days?

What about the possibility that this was an ambush, and the taking a reprisal for the capture of Iranian operatives assisting suicide bombers inside Iraq?

What about the Iranian threat to nuke Israel, and destroy America?

Oh no, those Iranians are all sugar and spice and all things nice - right, Darius? They never do anything devious or evil...

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Not international waters, Iraqi waters and it's sounding like you now agree they weren't in Iranian waters but are still trying to spin things.

You've spouted every line in defense of Iran here, including claiming Iran had already freed them. The fact is they're up to their old tricks of kidnapping and hostage taking. These are British troops in uniform. Are they prisoners of war? Does Iran want an overt war?

Plausible deniability is threadbare.

FYI Russians used to regularly sit spy vessels off UK and US coast and absolutely nothing was done about it. Your speculation and spin is rank bias and contradicts with the known facts.

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It seems odd to me that the outcry hasn't been more pronounced over Iran capturing UK marines. Why didn't the British frigate roll in and take out the Iranian boats?
If they go after more UK troops, will they shoot back next time?

The reason nothing has been done is that diplomacy is still being given a chance. Premature action would only jeopardize the return of the hostages because Iran would lose face if they did so after action is taken.

This cannot stand long term though, not just for these individuals, but you cannot have nations think that they can capture British troops and hold them hostage without very serious adverse consequences.

Make no mistake, Iran is inviting gunboat diplomacy if the continue to hold these hostages.

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We dont need to have any more soldiers lives lost in a war with Iran. JUST NUKE THE COCKSUCKERS!!!!!
Then they can see that Mohammed sucks cocks in hell!
Iran wants nukes..give 'em to 'em!
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It seems odd to me that the outcry hasn't been more pronounced over Iran capturing UK marines. Why didn't the British frigate roll in and take out the Iranian boats?

I'd imagine the Royal Navy's rules of engagement are very specific, probably included no opening fire without a hell of a lot of warning or only after being fired upon. I can't even begin to imagine the woe-is-me, look-at-the-evil-imperialist-British hoo-hah that Tehran would have kicked up if some Iranians were killed trying to board a British vessel.


If they go after more UK troops, will they shoot back next time?

I'm sure they'll be considering a change to their RoE. (Maybe to include a loudhailer with 'Try any of that boarding shit and we'll blow you out of the water' in Persian on a repeating loop...)

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It seems odd to me that the outcry hasn't been more pronounced over Iran capturing UK marines. Why didn't the British frigate roll in and take out the Iranian boats?

I am all for pulling out of Iraq (or at least pulling back) but the Iran situation has me a bit conflicted. They seemed dead set on provocation, and they seem to have the green light to continue it.

If they go after more UK troops, will they shoot back next time?

As usual (after reading the few responses) the warmongerers underestimate the resolve of a soveriegn nation under attack by the USA (remember NAM). Alas. I see history repeating itself again.[:/] Doesn't anybody ever learn? Yeah, nuke em see the shit really start to fly
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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The ship turned out not be smuggling goods and its captain provided a statement that his vessel was in Iraqi waters at the time it was stopped by the British, U.S. Navy Cmdr. Kevin Aandahl, the spokesman for the U.S. Fifth Fleet, told The Associated Press from fleet headquarters in Manama, Bahrain.

He said U.S. officials knew the GPS coordinates of the ship at the time of the incident, but would not release them publicly.


Why are they keeping them secret so long? It should mean their immediate release.

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Why are they keeping them secret so long? It should mean their immediate release.

Because diplomats don't want to stir the pot they just want the troops returned and won't make any move that might close down an option too soon (such as an apology and sweeping the whole location under the carpet).

The next phase Blair speaks of is where nobody wants to go, but maybe Iran does? If they sense the end of America's adventure in Iraq and think they can pull off a quick scuffle with the allies without too much damage they can gain prestige on the coat tails of a U.S. exit. Then there's the whole hostage exchange ploy. I heard before this that Iran had warned they were going to try to kidnap allied "officers" to exchange for combatants captured in Iraq. It's an impossible line to walk since it moves them from plausible deniability in a proxy war to overt conflict, which is where this is headed if the Brits aren't returned.

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We dont need to have any more soldiers lives lost in a war with Iran. JUST NUKE THE COCKSUCKERS!!!!!
Then they can see that Mohammed sucks cocks in hell!
Iran wants nukes..give 'em to 'em!

I see the fine art of diplomacy is not yet dead.

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As usual (after reading the few responses) the warmongerers underestimate the resolve of a soveriegn nation under attack by the USA (remember NAM). Alas. I see history repeating itself again.[:/] Doesn't anybody ever learn? Yeah, nuke em see the shit really start to fly

So we should show no resolve when attacked? Fuck the soldiers and their families and let's paint a target on the back of everyone who serves from now on?

The act of aggression has been committed. It can yet be undone but you are confused as to who the warmongers are.

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"He said U.S. officials knew the GPS coordinates of the ship at the time of the incident, but would not release them publicly." ----------Another state secret comrade
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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As usual (after reading the few responses) the warmongerers underestimate the resolve of a soveriegn nation under attack by the USA (remember NAM). Alas. I see history repeating itself again.[:/] Doesn't anybody ever learn? Yeah, nuke em see the shit really start to fly

So we should show no resolve when attacked? Fuck the soldiers and their families and let's paint a target on the back of everyone who serves from now on?

The act of aggression has been committed. It can yet be undone but you are confused as to who the warmongers are.

The warmongers are the multi corps and (rich) people that want to covet the worlds resources for themselves w/ military force. The whole house of cards is going to come down upon them soon my friend when everyone allies against the supposed good guys;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Even if there were Iranian sailors in international waters right of the US or UK coast do you really believe we would just let it be or let it go with a warning?

The World would turn against us if we did anything other than warn them. I don't see why they should get a pass.

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It seems odd to me that the outcry hasn't been more pronounced over Iran capturing UK marines. Why didn't the British frigate roll in and take out the Iranian boats?

I am all for pulling out of Iraq (or at least pulling back) but the Iran situation has me a bit conflicted. They seemed dead set on provocation, and they seem to have the green light to continue it.

If they go after more UK troops, will they shoot back next time?

It's a gambit by the RHIFW leaders in Iraq to distract the Iranian people from the rising discontent they're experiencing because they're totally fed up with the status quo and are about ready to rise up and overthrow the IRC. The British troops are pawns, nothing more.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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It just cracks me up.

Lets recap for a sec now.

We have our troops to the east, Northwest, west, and south west of Iran. All of our armed forces have traveled thousands of miles to get there. We have called Iran the axis of Evil and now we have them sorunded.
We just recently invaded Irans neighbor for NO REAL Reason, and still the title of this thread is how far will they (Iran) push? Can you get any more blind then that?

I love how we go in people’s back yard and start shit and then they’re the ass hole. Got to love the peace loving evangelical president and the sheep that follow. BAHHHHHHHHHHHH BAHHHHH.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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We dont need to have any more soldiers lives lost in a war with Iran. JUST NUKE THE COCKSUCKERS!!!!!
Then they can see that Mohammed sucks cocks in hell!
Iran wants nukes..give 'em to 'em!

Spoken like a true American Patriot®. Bravo!

It's this kind of garbage that compels me to tell people I'm Canadian when I go abroad.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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I also heard that The US will be showing its power by having two carrier groups go threw the Persian Gulf.

Those carriers have been there for quite a while now. It's funny - One day after practicing an attack on Iran, they are releasing a female sailor. Seeing 100 fighter/bombers headed at your coastline must be a bit of a 'convincer'.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I gree with Darius on this one.

Its possible, if not pretty likely, that the brits were in Iranian waters again. If so, Iran are within their rights to make an issue of it. The idea that they can provide GPS evidence to prove they were not is laughable.

There would be outrage if a foriegn navy started doing exercises off the coast of the UK or USA, yet Iran is just expected to put up with what is a blatant provocation.

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