
Should our criminal in chief be impeached?

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> This thread is just proof that liberals aren't about peace, love
>and tolerance. I sense nothing but hate.

Read more carefully. Most of the liberals in this thread do NOT want Bush impeached. ...

I think impeachment is a waste of time and resources. I have no problem however with the idea of bringing the whole lot up to an international criminal court for war crimes and crimes against humanity. I think they could make those charges stick. In the long run, it would improve our tarnished international image and the US taxpayer wouldn't have to fund the retirement of convicted war criminals.

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This was a good move because it was recognized that people like to be somewhat tribal in their beliefs and tend to band together under certain shared ideology.

Well thats fine until one side decides that they have a moral and righteous domination over the other side and everything they believe in is the undisputed truth and no one can argue with them or prove them wrong in any way.

Hasn't this been an issue since about 1787? We've got Bush, Jr. doing it.

We had Clinton doing it, too - lest people forget, his unchecked exercise of moral and righteous domination was so strong after less than two years that the voters removed Dems from Congress en masse in 1994 - giving Repubs control of both chambers of Congress for the first time in 40 years. And still, Clinton ran the Presidency like a mob boss.

Some Predidents set models for how to go about doing things. Others refine the models into something of their own.

Let's look at a few presidents from the 20th century until now to see how much - and how little - has changed.

Teddy Roosevelt crusaded against trusts. He did many things, but among them was something that has close parallels to what we see today. As a show of American Navy Force, he acted as Commander-In-Chief, to send a tour of battleships ("The Great White Fleet") to head from the Atlantic out to the Pacific to demonstrate to the world - and the Japanese, in particular - that the US shouldn't be messed with because we could patrol the Pacific, too.

Congress didn't like the idea. While the recognized Teddy's ability to dispatch the fleet, they alleged that only they could fund it and would not do so. So Teddy, being a grand strategist, dispatched the fleet, anyway. This left Congress with two options: 1) give in and fund the journey; or 2) not fund it and leave the American ships and sailors stranded in Yokohama - whereupon teddy would blame Congress for hanging the sailors and ships out to dry.

Hmmm. Sound familiar? I recall reading some things in the news in the past few months that sound eerily similar.;) SHould Teddy have been impeached?

Let's look at Taft - who with Teddy created a schism for ideological control of the Republican Party. Sounds like recent times.

Or Woodrow - who approached his presidency idealistically with foreign relations with his 14 Points - only 4 of which were ever adopted. Some allege that his involvement with the Treaty of Versailles had implications with the start of WWII.

Or FDR - who greatly expanded the power of the Presidency through the start of a huge rhetorical campaign of villainization, laying blame on bankers, business owners, financiers and basically any capitalist for causing the Depression. (Sounds like the rhetoric of "terror" and IRaq, doesn't it?) Then he took steps to move in with federal oversight of activities previously off-limits and then rebuked by the courts as off-limits. Then he worked to stack the courts in his favor to reinterpret the Constitution in a way that worked for him (Google "switch in time saves nine.") Oh, and let us not forget villainization and internment of Japanese. Fundamentally, FDR's terms in office were campaigns for re-election.

What about Truman - who UnConstitutionally took control of the steel mills? Who faced the most severe calls for impeachment of any president since Johnson after sacking McArthur?

LBJ - the quintessential "Good Ol' Boy" southern political power - the guy was compared to MacBeth in his lust for power. But, he understood that getting there meant giving things out. Hence, he and Congress led the charge in federal giveaways. After FDR and LBJ, this country would never be the same. And he was a nasty SOB, too. And nobody messed with him - they had a name for what he did - "The Treatment."

Or Nixon - little needs to be said about a guy with an "Enemies List," conducted the Saturday Night Massacre, and whose chief crime was covering up the bad actions of his underlings.

Bush, Sr.? The model of Presidential warmaking.

Clinton, like Nixon, ran the presidency as would a mob boss. The key difference between Clinton and Nixon? Nixon lied to cover up his cronies while Clinton lied and got his cronies to lie to cover up for him. I'm trying to think of any public official who smeared Clinton that didn't result in the destruction of that person's political career. Nobody fucked with Clinton.

Bush, Jr. ain't too different.

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CLINTON BROKE THE LAW BASED ON A SEXIUAL HARRASMENT SUIT BROUGHT AGAINST HIM FOR HIS ACIONS BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT!!! He purgered himself and conspired to have others lie for him under oath. Did not have a fucking thing to do with a GD BJ.

Big dam difference

The difference is that the conservatives didn't focus on this. They did not focus on the readily apparent difference between two consenting adults and the head of government with an intern.

The move on Clinton was focused on the moral - not the legal. On that basis, the conservatives blew it, no pun intended.

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>Agnew was not VP when Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment, Ford was.

Right. I'm making an analogy to today's situation. It's not a given that Cheney will become president if/when Bush is impeached, since it's not a given that he will still be VP.

That is a fair point.

My original point was that impeaching Bush, while I may feel he deserves it, may not be best for the nation. Congress checking Executive power might be a better option.

And impeaching Clinton over a BJ and subs lie is a good thing? Welcome to this fucked up world in 2000.

It wasn't the BJ Lucky, it was lying under oath that powered the request for Clinton's impeachment.

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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Sir, I never tire of your fire side delusional history lessons.

yes the problem started with Adams and Jefferson...odd that they should die on the same day cursing and admiring each other at the same time.

As for Clinton, he certainly squandered any Moral capital that the dems so desperately need these days, We're still paying for his swollen ego bullshit (a psychological function of any presidency).
He massacred any trust that Americans had in the democratic party and it's admittedly why so many of us now argue about this partisan crap so much.

What person can handle a presidency? Maybe the constitution is flawed in its presidential job description..
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D S #3.1415

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We had Clinton doing it, too - lest people forget, his unchecked exercise of moral and righteous domination was so strong after less than two years that the voters removed Dems from Congress en masse in 1994 - giving Repubs control of both chambers of Congress for the first time in 40 years.

You don't think the more obvious causes - the tax hikes, along with the recession in 1994, didn't lead to this result? It wasn't until the next election cycle where the dropping deficit and growing economy made that move look better.

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Obviously it started at the founding of the US and really took its foothold with the federalist/antifederalist. Check out what folks like Madison and Jefferson thought about Alexander Hamilton's plans for centralizing the government debt and establishing national credit.

Jefferson and MAdison were allies against Hamilton and good friends - opponents with huge mutual respect.


What person can handle a presidency? Maybe the constitution is flawed in its presidential job description..

Anyone over the age of 35 can be president. How's THAT for a flaw?

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What person can handle a presidency? Maybe the constitution is flawed in its presidential job description..

Anyone over the age of 35 can be president. How's THAT for a flaw?

Correction, anyone over the age of 35 who can raise at least a quarter of a billion dollars might have a chance to be president if they agree to put (D) or (R) after their name. All others need not apply.

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> Correction, anyone over the age of 35 who can raise at least a quarter of a billion dollars might have a chance to be president if they agree to put (D) or (R) after their name. All others need not apply.

I read somewhere AP or Washington Times that the cost for the Presidency is going to come in around 1 BILLION in 2008.

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[replyI read somewhere AP or Washington Times that the cost for the Presidency is going to come in around 1 BILLION in 2008.

Just a point of reference to which everyone can relate: that's roughly the gross domestic product of Leichtenstein.

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The Republicans seem to have taken up a sort of teflon shield with which no scrutiny can penetrate.

Not true at all. The Dems have done the SAME things they claim the repubs are doing yet they do nothing.

Case in point: Patrick Kennedy crashed his car while high in DC...Yet the dems jump all over Rush.

William Jefferson was caught on tape taking a 100,000 bribe. He was found with 90,000 in a freezer. Yet he was just appointed by Pelosi to a big commitee.

Even the hint of a republican doing something wrong is front page news and the dems scream for them to be put to death. Yet they over look their own problems and even promote the people involved.

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>Even the hint of a republican doing something wrong is front page news
>and the dems scream for them to be put to death. Yet they over look their
>own problems and even promote the people involved.

Quite right. In other words, overlooking some philosophical differences, they are quite similar to republicans. They just haven't had as much opportunity to get themselves in trouble since they've been out of power.

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The teflon shield to which I refer is what is perceived by most voters as morally correct political character.(which is total bullshit to begin with)
The dems can scream all they want for blood but nothing sticks to republicans in the voters mind because the Republicans own the market on moral correctness and have for some time since Bill Clintons stupid and unfortunate lack of good judgment.

The reason we argue so much about this crap is because it does have a bearing on who gets to make the policy we all have to live by after the next election.

Speaking of characters- Hamilton was a military hell cat who had an affair during his tenure and his reputation DID suffer(The teflon shield was not yet developed) he regularly bled himself in the white house to try to heal the bullet wounds he got from a number of pistol duels -Imagine trying to censure that mo fo.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Quite right. In other words, overlooking some philosophical differences, they are quite similar to republicans. They just haven't had as much opportunity to get themselves in trouble since they've been out of power.

I think they have had the opportunity, but since they were not in power it just didn't make great news.

But I really wonder why the dems have ignored what Jefferson did? I mean he was caught on video and he was found with 90 grand in the freezer?

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On what charge?

This thread is inane - just as the political headlines have been over the last few months.

I agree - You could impeach him, but on what charge? Goofing up Iraq? Being in a League with the Oil Barrons? Sounding Stupid?
Sheesh - at least when they Impeached Clinton, they had something concrete against him, like lying under oath. You got nothing on Bushy other than the fact you don't like him.

Usurpation of power, lying to Congress, just need a Dem version of a Ken Starr and go fishing. See, with these investigations, that's what they are doing, but Bush has learned to not go under oath at first, let the lies hit and see what doesn't wash; change those.

If the Dems can go fishing as the Repubs did, theywill find plenty. But doing ti the way our criminal in chief wants insulates him from that and makes him only liable for teh things we can independently proove.

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Using WMDs as a reason to invade Iraq was based on faulty intell, the same intell that other countries had and that members of congress had access to.

Not according to Ken Mehlman, RNC chair. He said n Meet the press that Congress had teh exact same intel...... a bit of Russert's evidecne...... Congress had basically the same intel..... Under oath, we could finish breaking that myth.


Remember, Hillary herself said we could not stand by and do nothing if we had reasonable cause to believe Iraq did have those WMDs and she subsequently voted to go to war.

After she received, "basically the same intel." Uh, I think if they investigate and draw all of teh intel that was then available and cherry-picked, I think we would see that turn to no where near all of teh intel and establish he suppressed intel.


You would be hard pressed to prove Bush intentionally misled congress about WMDs, and though he has made a lot of bonehead decisions that in itself is nothing near an impeachable offense.

I think Mehlman has spliied the beans. We knew CLinton was a liar about the sex scandals and we know Bush is a liar about the WMD's. We knew Reagan-Bush traded arms for hostages. We also know that OJ killed his wife and friend, as Blake killed his wife. All we have to do is grill the Bushies and get our fish.....


If anything, "censure and move on" would be the best course if congress wants to do something.

The world, other than US neo-cons felt the same about Clinton and the sex scandals, but the neo-con Congressmen decided to press on. Can't bitch when your party set the tone.

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I keep wondering how this "goofball" "too stupid to tie his shoes" succeeded in fooling most all of congress who has some of the brightest minds in history (Hilary :S) that Iraq had WMD when he "knew" the intel was faulty.

Was he stupid or smart? You can't have it both ways. :S

The country was under this mass dose of temp patriotism after 911. Then Bush came in and lied to Congress by suppressing intel and only showing the data that supported this silly notion that Iraq had WMD's. Does it take a genius to not reveal all of the intel? I think not.

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A recent AOL poll just showed that 62% said yes he sould if he keeps the Iraq idiocy going.

This is the problem I have with these things. The poll is suggesting that he wasn't wrong in doing it, but just keeping it going is impeachable.

Huh? Is it a high crime or misdemeanor? Or is it just a policy for which 62 percent of the public are unhappy?

There may be other reasons for impeachment, but not if he "keeps" his Iraq policy.:S That's a political question - not a criminal one.

----> There may be other reasons for impeachment, but not if he "keeps" his Iraq policy. That's a political question - not a criminal one.

Good, impeachment is a political process, not a judicial one; fits perfectly.

As for the poll, it denotes a bit of a mob mentality, I agree. It misses teh obviosu point that Bush lied to Congress to get them agree to go to war and fund it. Perhaps a tit for tat from the Lewinsy idiocy.

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Probably has to do with lieing to congress about WMD's.

Well, who can tell? You can poll people on an incorrect question, but the results only prove GIGO. If the polling is accurate, more people are in favor of impeachment than who actually voted in the last election.

Apples/oranges, who knows what percentage of the last election voters voted in this poll. This poll is remotely scientific, but I bet if you took the same poll from a cross-section of AMerica the results would be similar.

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The difference is that the conservatives didn't focus on this. They did not focus on the readily apparent difference between two consenting adults and the head of government with an intern.

The move on Clinton was focused on the moral - not the legal. On that basis, the conservatives blew it, no pun intended.

:D:D:D:D:DROTFLMAO, Lawrocket!
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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No, it would just waste a huge amount of congessional time and taxpayers' money, like the GOP did with Clinton.

Best way to deal with him is to render him incapable of doing further damage by the use of the pursestrings.

Yep, oh well, Cogress would just be arguing over something else anyway. One benefit of an impeachment and failed removal would be that of healing relationships with the rest of the world. We would show that the voters elected Reps who were sick of this assfuck criminal, so they tried to remove him. The world would realize the idiocy is just a remote part of America and not the entirety.

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