
Marijuana = USA's biggest cash crop.

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Like any market; good product increases demand, large demand increases competition, and competition increases quality and lowers cost.

according to:
(good we don't all believe what we read...)

....indoor-grow operations have become an enormous and lucrative illicit industry, producing a potent form of marijuana that has come to be known as "BC Bud." Canadian officials estimate that cannabis cultivation in British Columbia is a billion-dollar industry, and that traffickers smuggle a significant portion of the Canadian harvest into the United States.

....BC Bud sells for between $1,500 and $2,000 per pound in Vancouver; but when smuggled into the United States, it sells for between $5,000 and $8,000 per pound in major metropolitan areas.

eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

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>If, 'weed' was legalized, wouldn't this open the doors for crack, coke,
>meth, X and everything else?

If the "gateway" drug thing is real - then why haven't alcohol and tobacco done the same? They're as damaging overall (when you take out the crime aspect, which legalization would eliminate.)

I remember reading a report that stated that most people had used alcohol and or tobacco before using marijuana which would make alcohol and or tobacco the "gateway" drug(s).
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Our best can hold its own with the best from anywhere else in the world.

Like any market; good product increases demand, large demand increases competition, and competition increases quality and lowers cost.

according to:
(good we don't all believe what we read...)

....BC Bud sells for between $1,500 and $2,000 per pound in Vancouver; but when smuggled into the United States, it sells for between $5,000 and $8,000 per pound in major metropolitan areas.

The numbers don't seem unreasonable. $1500 - $2000 per pound wholesale (is that US$ or Can$) and $5000-$8000 (total) retail is in line with prices for locally grown high quality herb. Edit: The wholesale prices might be a little lower than normal here.
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Yup! I just don't know, how much we learned from the prohibition of booze. Folks still bought it, stole it, killed over it and made and sold lethal imitations of it, bad guys made lots of money off it. If, 'weed' was legalized, wouldn't this open the doors for crack, coke, meth, X and everything else? Not just good, honest intelligent people would buy it. The whole situation, is a head-scratcher.

I think if prohibition ended (not just legalization of pot) I think crack would virtually disappear, since high quality powder cocaine would be readily available at a reasonable price.

I also think that coke availability would also significantly reduce meth usage.

X gets a bad rap and is not as dangerous as many believe, assuming it is unadulterated. Don't get me wrong, it's not safe, but the risk can be reduced to a manageable level, much like skydiving.


That's what I am looking for... other's thoughts on the subject. I appreciate it.


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>If, 'weed' was legalized, wouldn't this open the doors for crack, coke,
>meth, X and everything else?

If the "gateway" drug thing is real - then why haven't alcohol and tobacco done the same? They're as damaging overall (when you take out the crime aspect, which legalization would eliminate.)


I see your point.


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If it were legalized, which I don't have a problem with for medical purposes, some employers whould have to have mandatory testing just for the saftey of all employees.



Why would anyone's safety be at risk?

There are jobs that require split second, decision making ability to keep other members of the team safe. There's no time to say, "wow man, what are we supposed to do next."

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There are jobs that require split second, decision making ability to keep other members of the team safe. There's no time to say, "wow man, what are we supposed to do next."

Cannabis users don't pose some huge threat to others just because they prefer a joint over a beer. Nor are they less likely be sober at work than their drinking counterparts.
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>There are jobs that require split second, decision making ability
>to keep other members of the team safe. There's no time to
>say, "wow man, what are we supposed to do next."

That's exactly right. No one should be drunk or stoned when doing such things. That also has nothing to do with its legality. Alcohol is legal; surely you don't think that that makes it OK for pilots to be drunk!

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>There are jobs that require split second, decision making ability
>to keep other members of the team safe. There's no time to
>say, "wow man, what are we supposed to do next."

That's exactly right. No one should be drunk or stoned when doing such things. That also has nothing to do with its legality. Alcohol is legal; surely you don't think that that makes it OK for pilots to be drunk!


Just ask one or two airline pilots... the one's who went to prison for flying drunk.


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If it were legalized, which I don't have a problem with for medical purposes, some employers whould have to have mandatory testing just for the saftey of all employees.



Why would anyone's safety be at risk?

There are jobs that require split second, decision making ability to keep other members of the team safe. There's no time to say, "wow man, what are we supposed to do next."

Then test them for impairment.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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You mean to tell me that, someone swacked-out on crack is less a danger than a drunk? Have you ever seen anyone on meth? Heroin? I don't know where you get your information but it sure differs from what I've 'seen' and read.

Yes, that is what I am saying. I've known and seen addiction from all kinds of drugs.

I would bet a dollar against a donut that I have been witness to far more drug use than you have, judging by your posts. I have also read quite a few scientific studies on the subject, although I admittedly avoid the propaganda, except to see ludicrous examples of how dangerous drugs are.:S


I've seen enough of it to where I just don't care to be around anyone using that shit. I 'survived' the 60's and lost a good friend to acid. I've seen some good folks totally screw-up their lives from booze and dope. How much do I have to 'see' to start thinking that there is good in any of it?


You musta had some LAME friends. I was taking the badass drugs in the 70' and 80's Hardcore LSD,;)] mushrooms Best pot. etc etc. I'm still here;):)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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You mean to tell me that, someone swacked-out on crack is less a danger than a drunk? Have you ever seen anyone on meth? Heroin? I don't know where you get your information but it sure differs from what I've 'seen' and read.

Yes, that is what I am saying. I've known and seen addiction from all kinds of drugs.

I would bet a dollar against a donut that I have been witness to far more drug use than you have, judging by your posts. I have also read quite a few scientific studies on the subject, although I admittedly avoid the propaganda, except to see ludicrous examples of how dangerous drugs are.:S


I've seen enough of it to where I just don't care to be around anyone using that shit. I 'survived' the 60's and lost a good friend to acid. I've seen some good folks totally screw-up their lives from booze and dope. How much do I have to 'see' to start thinking that there is good in any of it?


You musta had some LAME friends. I was taking the badass drugs in the 70' and 80's Hardcore LSD,;)] mushrooms Best pot. etc etc. I'm still here;):)


I guess, that shit just effects some folks different than others.


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You musta had some LAME friends. I was taking the badass drugs in the 70' and 80's Hardcore LSD,;)] mushrooms Best pot. etc etc. I'm still here;):)

This is supposed to be something to brag about? [:/]
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You musta had some LAME friends. I was taking the badass drugs in the 70' and 80's Hardcore LSD,;)] mushrooms Best pot. etc etc. I'm still here;):)

maybe you're the lame one because you were told it was the best hardcore whatever drugs, and it was just aspirin, grass, Champignons de Paris :D
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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This is supposed to be something to brag about?

I'm not sure it is so much about bragging, as sharing first hand information. One of the effects of the War On Drugs is that there is not much open discussion about the effects of illegal drugs, except among users.

There are a lot of misconceptions out there, in part because of this lack of discussion.

Some common myths:

Try crack and you will be addicted from the first hit. (In actuality, crack is no more addictive than powder cocaine [second hand info since I've never tried crack --jcd11235].)

Heroin is extremely dangerous. (Cutting agents for heroin are dangerous, and often toxic. Shooting up can be dangerous. However, in and of itself, heroin is a relatively safe substance, though highly addictive.)

Pot makes people stupid. (Coherent thought processes do not go away when under the influence of cannabis. Thought processes are perhaps changed, but not diminished. Some might argue they are even enhanced slightly.)

My point is that people who have first hand information are among the best informed when it comes to drugs. We should learn from the experiences of users, and not ridicule them for sharing that information. Legality notwithstanding, there is nothing inherently wrong with druggies.
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I guess, that shit just effects some folks different than others.

Yes, it does.


I guess, what folks want to do in the privacy of their own home, is up to them. I've lived long enough to realize that, no good comes from dope, booze... any of it.


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Legality notwithstanding, there is nothing inherently wrong with druggies.

When you refer to someone as a "druggie," it does not sound like you are referring to a casual user, just as referring to someone as a "drunk" does not imply someone who has the occasional social drink. And, in my opinion, being a "druggie" (coke, heroin, meth, etc. addict) is not exactly a good thing. (And my opinion is not based on hearsay.)

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Legality notwithstanding, there is nothing inherently wrong with druggies.

When you refer to someone as a "druggie," it does not sound like you are referring to a casual user, just as referring to someone as a "drunk" does not imply someone who has the occasional social drink. And, in my opinion, being a "druggie" (coke, heroin, meth, etc. addict) is not exactly a good thing. (And my opinion is not based on hearsay.)

You're reading too much into my use of the term druggie. All I meant is one who chooses to use drugs instead of choosing not to use drugs. I did not mean to imply how much or how often.
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>I 'survived' the 60's and lost a good friend to acid. I've seen some good
>folks totally screw-up their lives from booze and dope.

Well, to be fair, I've had a dozen friends killed skydiving, and twice that number really screw up their lives (paralyzed, permanent skeletal damage, brain damage etc.) To me, though, the risk is worth it, and the risks inherent in drug use are not.

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Legality notwithstanding, there is nothing inherently wrong with druggies.

When you refer to someone as a "druggie," it does not sound like you are referring to a casual user, just as referring to someone as a "drunk" does not imply someone who has the occasional social drink. And, in my opinion, being a "druggie" (coke, heroin, meth, etc. addict) is not exactly a good thing. (And my opinion is not based on hearsay.)

You're reading too much into my use of the term druggie. All I meant is one who chooses to use drugs instead of choosing not to use drugs. I did not mean to imply how much or how often.

Ok. Well, in that case then I guess I agree with you.

Hmm, but I consider alcohol to be a drug, so with that loose of a definition then I guess anyone who drinks alcohol would be a druggie. :P

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I guess, that shit just effects some folks different than others.

Yes, it does.


I guess, what folks want to do in the privacy of their own home, is up to them. I've lived long enough to realize that, no good comes from dope, booze... any of it.


I have been clean for a year and a half now and I would agree with you....nothing good comes from it when used for amusement purposes only. You wouldn't truly believe how clouded your judgment is while stoned on pot.

I was a daily user for years and when I finally started weening myself off of it, it could take 3-5 days of not using before my head cleared up and I could think straight. Most daily users will deny that their judgment is clouded, which is expected, because they really don't remember what its like to be clear headed.

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You wouldn't truly believe how clouded your judgment is while stoned on pot.

I was a daily user for years and when I finally started weening myself off of it, it could take 3-5 days of not using before my head cleared up and I could think straight. Most daily users will deny that their judgment is clouded, which is expected, because they really don't remember what its like to be clear headed.

I have a ton of anecdotal observations contrary to your view, including personal experience of long periods of uninterrupted sobriety, as well as other people make similar changes.

However, the only objective evidence I have is that of all the papers I have written at university, the ones written under the influence of ganga almost universally received A grades, while those written while completely sober almost universally received B grades. I should point out that grading such papers is in itself a very subjective process.
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