
Dianna car crash

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So the guy who owned the car that Dianna died in now wants it back so h can sell it as a souviner. Now I was no fan of Dianna, I thought she was a bit of a fruit loop if the truth be told. However I think this is pretty sick. So what do you think should it be given back to him or should he just be told no. Oh, and would YOU buy it? (If you then had to keep it)

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I agree. I think it's quite morbid. But it is his car. I would hope though that he would develop some maturity and respect, not just for her, but also for her sons, her family and friends ... and if that didn't happen I hope that no one would buy a souvenir of her death.

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Unless it's still relevant as legal evidence, it's private property and should be returned to its rightful owner. If the govt wants to preserve it for historical posterity (much like the bed in which Abraham Lincoln died after he was shot), then he should be compensated for its enhanced value. Morbid or not (and yes, it is...), many things like that have historical value far beyond their actual physical worth. In a free country like the UK, the owner should be free to dispose of his property as he deems fit. If the property is a collectible because of its historical significance, so be it. If it gains value in the collectibles market each time its ownership is transferred, so be it.

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did he get some money from the insurance after the car was crashed ?
If yes.. The car belongs to the insurance.

You're correct, but my educated guess is he didn't, simply because otherwise this wouldn't be an issue (now) in the first place.

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did he get some money from the insurance after the car was crashed ?
If yes.. The car belongs to the insurance.

The article says that he turned down the offer from his insurance Co. In that sense the car is still his though the police are saying he waited too long before trying to claim it back from them.

I say it's his property so he can do whatever he wants with it.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I say rebuild it, exhume Diana's corps and install her, drive it along the same underpass and use it for crass test dummy purposes.

I was pissed when Ernhardt's pics were eliminated from public record. I liked the guy, but as a dead person, you really have no rights. I realize they enacted the families rights.

Hey, if you go public for fortune and fame, then cry when you can't go buy rubbers or milk in privacy cause the popperotzi, I say.... FUCK OFF.

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I say rebuild it, exhume Diana's corps and install her, drive it along the same underpass and use it for crass test dummy purposes.

I was pissed when Ernhardt's pics were eliminated from public record. I liked the guy, but as a dead person, you really have no rights. I realize they enacted the families rights.

Hey, if you go public for fortune and fame, then cry when you can't go buy rubbers or milk in privacy cause the popperotzi, I say.... FUCK OFF.

I just read half of the latest bio on her. Her private life was quite sordid. Public life was all a front if the bio was accurate. Pretty much says she was a slut and a bitch to any employees etc. etc. And a moneygrubber.

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I say rebuild it, exhume Diana's corps and install her, drive it along the same underpass and use it for crass test dummy purposes.

I was pissed when Ernhardt's pics were eliminated from public record. I liked the guy, but as a dead person, you really have no rights. I realize they enacted the families rights.

Hey, if you go public for fortune and fame, then cry when you can't go buy rubbers or milk in privacy cause the popperotzi, I say.... FUCK OFF.

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I just read half of the latest bio on her. Her private life was quite sordid. Public life was all a front if the bio was accurate. Pretty much says she was a slut and a bitch to any employees etc. etc. And a moneygrubber.

The history of royalty has always been to marry your kids to whoever has the best title, position, and wealth. No news there.

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I suppose you've got to ask yourself this:

If it was your car and some crank offered you a million dollars for it..would ya?

No I wouldn't. I belive that somethings are more important than money.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I suppose you've got to ask yourself this:

If it was your car and some crank offered you a million dollars for it..would ya?

No I wouldn't. I belive that somethings are more important than money.

Well, honorably, that's the view of countries in Europe and elsewhere. You get provided healthcare and social services, here it's a ratrace, so it's money before people. You truley have a better system.

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I say rebuild it, exhume Diana's corps and install her, drive it along the same underpass and use it for crass test dummy purposes.

I was pissed when Ernhardt's pics were eliminated from public record. I liked the guy, but as a dead person, you really have no rights. I realize they enacted the families rights.

Hey, if you go public for fortune and fame, then cry when you can't go buy rubbers or milk in privacy cause the popperotzi, I say.... FUCK OFF.


Well we already know what lucky is like.:S

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I just read half of the latest bio on her. Her private life was quite sordid. Public life was all a front if the bio was accurate. Pretty much says she was a slut and a bitch to any employees etc. etc. And a moneygrubber.

Well, she was a MacDonald. and they wanted so badly to hitch their wagon to the royals that they basically sold off their daughter, right? What a frustrating path for anyone.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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I just read half of the latest bio on her. Her private life was quite sordid. Public life was all a front if the bio was accurate. Pretty much says she was a slut and a bitch to any employees etc. etc. And a moneygrubber.

Well, she was a MacDonald. and they wanted so badly to hitch their wagon to the royals that they basically sold off their daughter, right? What a frustrating path for anyone.

She may have been a couple of pickles short of a Big Mac but she was a Spenser not a MacDonald.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I suppose you've got to ask yourself this:

If it was your car and some crank offered you a million dollars for it..would ya?


No I wouldn't. I belive that somethings are more important than money.


Well, honorably, that's the view of countries in Europe and elsewhere. You get provided healthcare and social services, here it's a ratrace, so it's money before people. You truley have a better system.

Agreed, there are things more important than money and I like to think I would do the right thing and just scrap the car to.
To the other response: Im interested to read among the threads here that americans think the UK is a more moral place, putting people before money.

Unfortunately I feel that romantic view is basically wrong. The UK is as a capitalist a rat race as the US. We in the UK have been repressing our own people using power and money for centuries.

Sure you dont have to tip your cap to the lord of the manor anymore. But, did you read about the FAREPAK scandal? Thousands of people clearly robbed, yes robbed of their christmas savings. No morals there Im afraid.

Back to the car
So heres what I might do with the car; sell it to the crank for some insane price, then give all the cash to one of Dianas favourite charities....the removal of landmines maybe.

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I'd sell the car and use the money to help finance the on-going police investigation into her death. Are Scotland Yard being influenced by conspiracy theorists??

Whilst on the subject, David Shayler, the ex-MI5 whistle blower, was on Sky news last night giving his opinion on the Litvinenko 'murder'. He was adamant that it was carried out by the all powerful oligarchs but ended up going off on a tangent about building 7 at the WTC coming down by controlled explosions, the lack of aircraft accident investigations required by law, how 9 of the hijackers have been found alive(!), the shipping of the suphur tainted debris to China, and the news footage of the airliners 'melting' into the buildings. But the best was his claim that it was a missile which was fired into the Pentagon, for yada yada reasons.
Why were there no eye-witness reports??

The science authour and fellow interviewee sat beside him then piped up and mentioned how his close friend had witnessed the event. Brilliant!

Now that was entertainment. Because it's all true!:)

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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