
US bans Vegemite!!!!

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Vegemite sucks balls. Marmites where it's at.

Seconded. Vegemite is but a poor relation to the king of all yeast extract spreads, my mate, your mate, mar fuckin mite !!
(though it dont taste so good out of the squeezy jars:()
but what do I know

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Good story, even if not true. :D

I've had cashew butter, almond butter, and all sorts of other natural food products including meat substitutes, but vegemite is absolutely the worst stuff I've ever tried. Even wheatgrass juice tastes better than vegemite. >:(
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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We have been trying to buy Vegemite for the past week or so, and all of the places that usually sell it say that they are out of stock. One website that sells it says that they will not be selling any more until an issue with the FDA is cleared up.

I don't know if the ban or the airport searches are true, but we don't seem to be able to buy any right now.

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We have been trying to buy Vegemite for the past week or so, and all of the places that usually sell it say that they are out of stock...I don't know if the ban or the airport searches are true, but we don't seem to be able to buy any right now.

Hmmm. So there is information about the possible banning of a product. This is also accompanied by a scarcity of the product.

Is it possible that vegemite lovers have stocked up on supplies, causing a shortage? Is it possible that this is but a great method of viral advertising?

If so, cheers to Kraft.;)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Yeast without beer? What the hell good is that?

....down under it's yeast extract after beer:P.

Vegimite was invented by a bunch of drunks.
Historically the brew residue was scraped or licked out of the barrel, then the cons drank salt water to kill the taste and chewed the nearest shrub to try and further improve it ...
It only took two hundred years for someone with some money sense to arrive and ...viola .. we're all happy little vegemites.

You yanks'll be missin' out on one of the best cures for beer induced vitamin deficiencies.... tried and tested by generations

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You yanks'll be missin' out on one of the best cures for beer induced vitamin deficiencies.... tried and tested by generations

Too bad it looks like baby shit and tastes accordingly...

How would you know what baby shit tastes like?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You yanks'll be missin' out on one of the best cures for beer induced vitamin deficiencies.... tried and tested by generations

Too bad it looks like baby shit and tastes accordingly...

How would you know what baby shit tastes like?

I only have the visual frame of reference. I fortunately do not have the taste reference, but I can guess based on the stench...
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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I only have the visual frame of reference. I fortunately do not have the taste reference, but I can guess based on the stench...

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it....the Vegemite that is, not the baby shit!

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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