
US solders rape 14 year old Irakian and kill her and her family

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Is it a big thing in the US Media?
Here in Europe, the media is writing a lot about it.
A witness (solder who was also with them) tell that they where bored, went over to a house where they knew that a 14 year old Irakian girl lives.
While some of the solders raped the girl, another one went upstairs and killed her family. Then he came back down, also raped the girl and killed her afterwards. After this they all went back and grilled chicken...
Fuckers! I know that these fucking mainicas don't represent the US Army but I hope they get punished for this.
And I hope that no one tries to justify what they did.

Edit to change title: it was an Irakian girl, not an Iranian...
Michi (#1068)

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Is it a big thing in the US Media?
Here in Europe, the media is writing a lot about it.
A witness (solder who was also with them) tell that they where bored, went over to a house where they knew that a 14 year old Iranian girl lives.
While some of the solders raped the girl, another one went upstairs and killed her family. Then he came back down, also raped the girl and killed her afterwards. After this they all went back and grilled chicken...
Fuckers! I know that these fucking mainicas don't represent the US Army but I hope they get punished for this.
And I hope that no one tries to justify what they did.

Edit to change title: it was an Irakian girl, not an Iranian...

I haven't read anything on it here in the U.S. and I stay on top of the news . Sure we'll see it shortly>:(
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Is it a big thing in the US Media?
Here in Europe, the media is writing a lot about it.
A witness (solder who was also with them) tell that they where bored, went over to a house where they knew that a 14 year old Iranian girl lives.
While some of the solders raped the girl, another one went upstairs and killed her family. Then he came back down, also raped the girl and killed her afterwards. After this they all went back and grilled chicken...
Fuckers! I know that these fucking mainicas don't represent the US Army but I hope they get punished for this.
And I hope that no one tries to justify what they did.

Edit to change title: it was an Irakian girl, not an Iranian...

I haven't read anything on it here in the U.S. and I stay on top of the news . Sure we'll see it shortly>:(

It's been making the news in the US for several weeks. Details are coming out, but it was reported several weeks ago (including in Times magazine).

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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And something else:

U.S. soldiers took turns raping Iraqi girl
Investigator details how troopers drank, played cards, shot the victim and family members, then grilled some chicken wings

Associated Press

BAGHDAD -- American soldiers took turns raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, and one of them put a bullet through her head after killing her parents and five-year-old sister, an army investigator testified yesterday.

The attack followed a session of whisky drinking and card playing during which five soldiers plotted the March 12 assault, criminal investigator Benjamin Bierce said.

He cited details from a sworn statement by Specialist James Barker in which the soldier told how he and his comrades practised hitting golf balls before heading to the Iraqi teen's home 230 metres from their post at a traffic checkpoint.

The soldiers then returned to their post, where Spc. Barker grilled up some chicken wings, Mr. Bierce testified.

The testimony came on the second day of a hearing to determine whether the soldiers should stand trial in the rape-slaying of Abeer Qassim al-Janabi and the killing of her father, Qassim Hamza, her mother, Fikhriya Taha, and her sister, Hadeel Qassim Hamza.

The killings took place in the town of Mahmoudiya.

The rape and killings are among the worst in a series of cases of alleged misconduct by U.S. service members that have tarnished the country's military.

Spc. Barker is accused along with Sergeant Paul Cortez, Private 1st Class Jesse Spielman and Private 1st Class Bryan Howard of rape and murder. Another soldier, Sergeant Anthony Yribe, is accused of failing to report the attack.

Former private Steven Green was discharged from the army for a "personality disorder" after the slayings and was arrested in North Carolina in June on rape and murder charges. He has pleaded not guilty in federal court and is being held without bond.

In his June 30 statement, Spc. Barker described playing cards and drinking Iraqi whisky mixed with an energy drink as the defendants plotted the attack.

Mr. Bierce said Spc. Barker's statement made it clear that Pte. Green was persistent about wanting to kill some Iraqis and kept bringing up the idea. At some point, they decided to go to the house of Abeer, whom they had seen passing their checkpoint.

Spc. Barker said the soldiers found the girl and her father outside their home. Pte. Spielman grabbed the girl while Pte. Green seized her father and took them into the house, Spc. Barker's statement said, and Sgt. Cortez and Spc. Barker followed them inside.

Pte. Green led the father, mother and younger sister into the bedroom and closed the door, while the teenage girl remained in the living room with the others, Spc. Barker's statement said.

Sgt. Cortez pushed the girl to the floor, lifted her dress and tore off her underwear while she struggled, Mr. Bierce said, citing Spc. Barker's statement. Sgt. Cortez appeared to rape her, then Spc. Barker tried to rape the girl, the statement said.

Suddenly, the group heard gunshots, and Pte. Green came out of the bedroom holding an AK-47 rifle and declared: "They're all dead. I just killed them,'' according to the statement.

Pte. Green then raped the girl while Sgt. Cortez held her down, Spc. Barker's statement said. Pte. Green picked up the AK-47 and shot the girl once, paused, then shot her several more times, Mr. Bierce said, quoting Spc. Barker's statement.

Spc. Barker said he poured fuel from a kerosene lamp on the girl's body but did not say who set it on fire. The soldier's statement did not say whether Pte. Howard or Pte. Spielman participated in the rape, Mr. Bierce said.

Another investigator, Gary Griesmyer, quoted Sgt. Cortez as telling him that the teenage girl was weeping and speaking in Arabic and that Spc. Barker told her to "shut up."

Also yesterday, another soldier, Private Justin Watt, testified that Pte. Howard told him before the incident that Pte. Green, Sgt. Cortez and Spc. Barker had planned to rape a girl, and Pte. Howard was to be the lookout.

"There's nothing I've read that says what to do if your buddies have raped and murdered a family," Pte. Watt said.

Another investigator, Michael Hood, told the hearing he interviewed Pte. Spielman, who denied shooting or having sex with anyone in the house. Pte. Spielman was given a lie-detector test and passed, Mr. Hood said.

Since the case became public last month, U.S. officials have said they were concerned it could strain relations with Iraq's new government if Iraqis perceive that the soldiers receive lenient treatment.

The case already has increased demands for changes in an agreement that exempts U.S. soldiers from prosecution in Iraqi courts, and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has demanded an independent investigation.
Michi (#1068)

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Is it a big thing in the US Media?

Is it "BIG", no, but it is in the news regularly. The Euro media seems to have a few details wrong, but the story is overall correct.

Those involved, facing charges, if convicted, will likely get the death penalty. Is that punishment enough?
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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It's also alleged at this point - not proven.

I would remind people that a lot of accusations have turned out to be bogus.

Will this be? Maybe, maybe not. That's what the court will find out.

These are very serious charges.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Is it a big thing in the US Media?

Is it "BIG", no, but it is in the news regularly. The Euro media seems to have a few details wrong, but the story is overall correct.

Those involved, facing charges, if convicted, will likely get the death penalty. Is that punishment enough?

Not enough for the america bashers

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I'm against death penalty, even (if it is true) for pigs like this.
I'm not religious but when I hear something like this I wish there would be something like hell where they can burn forever...
Michi (#1068)

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I think lethal injection as a punishment for such horrific crimes is suitable.

I also hope these allegations are false.

America bashers...

Too simplistic. Although some people/s may hate America and everything it stands for, I feel most foreign people (and plenty of Americans too) are more angered by certain US Govn. actions and policies throughout the world.

And not primarily from whats actually happened.

But also angered over whats not happened.

Either way, I'm sure deep down inside you'd find so many of your 'America bashers' are all for America.
America doing the right thing.
For the sake of everybody.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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It is a fairly good sized story here. A lot bigger in our neck of the US than others, but hey, the bozo's came from this post[:/].

Yes, it is still alleged but there is one confession already which is how the story got out and the investigation started.
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So, start being safe, first!!!

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Those involved, facing charges, if convicted, will likely get the death penalty. Is that punishment enough?


IF the military enquiry finds there is sufficient evidence, then "Those Involved" should be delivered to an Iraqi court and the US Military should co-operate in the trial.

If convicted, then those involved should serve their sentences in Iraq rather than being absorbed into the American Penal System with the possibility of Parole.

The thing which will rankle with Iraqis is that the perpetrators of this (alleged) crime get to "go home". The attendant analysis will no doubt point out their relative comfort in jail and the minimum term they COULD serve!>:(

Life Imprisonment, without parole, in the country the crime was committed in, seems the most appropriate punishment... And sentence most likely to send the appropriate messages to all parties.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Those involved, facing charges, if convicted, will likely get the death penalty. Is that punishment enough?


IF the military enquiry finds there is sufficient evidence, then "Those Involved" should be delivered to an Iraqi court and the US Military should co-operate in the trial.

If convicted, then those involved should serve their sentences in Iraq rather than being absorbed into the American Penal System with the possibility of Parole.

The thing which will rankle with Iraqis is that the perpetrators of this (alleged) crime get to "go home". The attendant analysis will no doubt point out their relative comfort in jail and the minimum term they COULD serve!>:(

Life Imprisonment, without parole, in the country the crime was committed in, seems the most appropriate punishment... And sentence most likely to send the appropriate messages to all parties.


Nice to hear that execution isn't good enough for you.

Justice is Justice, no matter where it is carried out.

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I think Mike's choice of punishment is worse than lethal injection.

In fact, now I've thought about it a bit more, if the soldiers are found guilty, then perhaps they should receive life imprisonment in an Iraqi jail.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Nice to hear that execution isn't good enough for you.

My reasons for being against The Death-Penalty are well enough known. Suppose you find out these soldiers were in fact innocent AFTER they've been killed!!?[:/]


Justice is Justice, no matter where it is carried out.

Suppose (purely hypothetically) that while Iwas in America, I raped a 14-year-old child and killed her and her family!!:o

Should I then be tried & convicted in Britain? Should I serve my sentence in Britain? Should I be released on parole in accordance with British Law?

Or should I face American Justice for a crime committed against Americans IN AMERICA?

If you think about it, the answer in principle is well established.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Nice to hear that execution isn't good enough for you.

My reasons for being against The Death-Penalty are well enough known. Suppose you find out these soldiers were in fact innocent AFTER they've been killed!!?[:/]


Justice is Justice, no matter where it is carried out.

Suppose (purely hypothetically) that while Iwas in America, I raped a 14-year-old child and killed her and her family!!:o

Should I then be tried & convicted in Britain? Should I serve my sentence in Britain? Should I be released on parole in accordance with British Law?

Or should I face American Justice for a crime committed against Americans IN AMERICA?

If you think about it, the answer in principle is well established.


That would all depend on the rule of law and extradition treaties.

If it were my loved one who was killed, there would be no trial so the point is mute.

I am not saying that my feelings about retribution are right or just, I am just saying that is how it is.:|

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Life in solitary in Levinworth isn't a picnic.

There won't be any HBO or conjugal visits, just hard labor and constant punishment.

That prison scares lifetime criminals.

I am not disputing that. But why would they spend a lifetime in Levinworth, I thought you were convinced they were going to be executed?

I am pretty sure that life in an Iraqi prison is slightly more scary than life in Levinworth....

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If it were my loved one who was killed, there would be no trial so the point is mute.

So basically you sympathize and agree with Iraqi resistance killing US soldiers in Iraq?




'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Justice is Justice, no matter where it is carried out.

... should I face American Justice for a crime committed against Americans IN AMERICA?

That would all depend on the rule of law and extradition treaties.

The whole point of extradition treaties is for an accused person to be brought back to the country (& justice) where the crime was committed.

Take the most recent high-profile example: The (alleged) NatWest insider Trading on Enron; While those involved were British & actually acted in Britain, they have broken American Law and have thus been taken to America (Houston, isn't it?) to face trial under American Law. What's being proposed with these soldiers is in fact the exact opposite of extradition!

The first thing someone wants to do when faced with prosecution in a foreign land is to "Get Home"! Usually because they believe they'd face worse punishment where they are - there's nothing like a few thousand miles of distance to take the "immediacy" out of a crime & open doors to "combat-Stress", & "Temporary-Insanity" pleas. "Cruel & Unusual Punishment" is the common excuse, but Fear-of-Abandonment &,being Left-Among-Strangers is a big factor. It's like a child wanting to "Go-Home" when upset or scared, a craving for some degree of familiarity.

Had this been a civilian or in almost any other country, then The American State Department would leave them there without a second's hesitation. Why should it be different because of the job an accused person does?


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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