
Iraqi Civilian Dead Count

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show me the numbers from Irag during Saddams reign that more than 1000 civilians died every month - from ANYTHING other than natural causes....

To say we have no responsibility for this is the most ignorant point of view I could possibly imagine.


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show me the numbers from Irag during Saddams reign that more than 1000 civilians died every month - from ANYTHING other than natural causes....

Here's where somebody brings up the gassing of Kurds in 1988 and conveniently skips the facts that it occurred 15 years prior to our invasion, we were on Saddam's side at the time, and our government did nothing but verbally condemn the use of gas.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Oh, my acking butt:S

WWII Japan war dead in the Pacific was roughly 1,300,000+ with about a 1,000,000 civilian deaths, which by the way a fixed number is not truely known but a hell of alot for sure. The US suffered about 90,000+ combat deaths on top of all these numbers. Civilian death in Europe where well over these numbers with Dresdin (Spelling is possibly wrong) Germany suffering more than 50,000 civilian deaths from fire bombings.

We did'nt have a bunch of know it all's running around trying to make political points with the number of dead. Our fathers and grandparents were busy with trying to win freedom by conducting all out war.

By the way people good and bad die on all sides when two armies or terroriest are thowing bombs.

> no wonder they are so thrilled that we 'freed' them from the tyranny....

maybe you should be asking why their own countrymen are killing one another by the thousands, or Muslim on Muslim violence that occurs on a daily bases. It sure in hell is not the US military deliberatly targeting these people, but a group of fine men and women putting their asses on the line that they may if they are willing to fight for it, have peace.

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Well, one before breakfast, two babies for breakfast, a little afternoon hanging..... Oh and one late night nutting..... Errr that makes five a day! :P
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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maybe you should be asking why their own countrymen are killing one another by the thousands, or Muslim on Muslim violence that occurs on a daily bases.

That's a question bush and his admin should've asked themselves before starting this war. I love this country to death, but sometimes we are so f-ing ignorant. We want to spread democracy to the mid east and in all honesty I could care less. If they want it they have to fight for it. We cannot shove it down their throats and expect them to love us in return. Maybe Iraq needed an SOB like SH to keep Shiites and Sunnis from killing themselves. Now to add to this cluster f&^k of a genius idea to start a war we have Iran. It sure would be nice to have SH in power so we could throw him at that problem.

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This is the sectarian violence that was not prevalent in the country prior to our intervention?

Your right, the deaths prior were nearly 3/4 of a million from Sadam because his party and religion were the only ones with any power.

But we all know that doesn't count. Neither does the fact that the insurgents fight (and hide) among civilians to raise the body count so they can win the war with mis-founded public sentiment in they country.

You and yours are helping them very well and you are to be congratulated.....by Al queda
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Not codoning the loss of life, or denying some US reponsibility, but how do you know what the death toll was while Saddam was in power? I doubt it was published.

Check websites for the Iraqi government. They just found the 200th mass grave. The 198 is estimated to have over 100,000 bodies in it.

I will not post any source any more to fuel flaming fires on this site. Find it yourself as it is out there.....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You and yours are helping them very well and you are to be congratulated.....by Al queda

Yes there are radical Islamists who are engaging in terrorism around the world. But there is no global network of sleeper cells controlled by a central Al Queda command. The notion of Al Queda was created by the neo-cons in order to stir up fear in the American public and rally the masses into waging war in the Middle East. And guess what? The neo-cons have succeed in getting the war(s) they so desperately wanted. When will Americans wake up and realize that their beloved Republican government (guided and blessed by the Christian God) is a very dangerous regime when it comes to world peace. >:(

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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show me the numbers from Irag during Saddams reign that more than 1000 civilians died every month - from ANYTHING other than natural causes....

Here's where somebody brings up the gassing of Kurds in 1988 and conveniently skips the facts that it occurred 15 years prior to our invasion, we were on Saddam's side at the time, and our government did nothing but verbally condemn the use of gas.


I had mentioned that before. The US practices situational ethics, just like every other government on Earth. All nations will make friends with anybody if the payoff is right.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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You and yours are helping them very well and you are to be congratulated.....by Al queda

Yes there are radical Islamists who are engaging in terrorism around the world. But there is no global network of sleeper cells controlled by a central Al Queda command. The notion of Al Queda was created by the neo-cons in order to stir up fear in the American public and rally the masses into waging war in the Middle East. And guess what? The neo-cons have succeed in getting the war(s) they so desperately wanted. When will Americans wake up and realize that their beloved Republican government (guided and blessed by the Christian God) is a very dangerous regime when it comes to world peace. >:(


Look, a black helocopter

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Your right, the deaths prior were nearly 3/4 of a million from Sadam
>because his party and religion were the only ones with any power.

So let's see -

When Saddam was in power, every single death was due to the government. Everyone killed was an innocent peace-loving civilian.

When we're in power (or more accurately the government we installed is in power) none of the deaths are due to the government. Government death squads don't exist. Only terrorists are killing people - and the only people we kill are terrorists.

That the latest angle?

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>Your right, the deaths prior were nearly 3/4 of a million from Sadam
>because his party and religion were the only ones with any power.

So let's see -

When Saddam was in power, every single death was due to the government. Everyone killed was an innocent peace-loving civilian.

When we're in power (or more accurately the government we installed is in power) none of the deaths are due to the government. Government death squads don't exist. Only terrorists are killing people - and the only people we kill are terrorists.

That the latest angle?

Is your nickname "The Spinmister"?

If you are not trying to spin then you are comparing apples and oranges.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>If you are not trying to spin then you are comparing apples and oranges.

You're right. Dead Iraqis prior to 2003 were all innocent victims of a ruthless government, and dead Iraqis after 2003 were all terrorists killed by a just government (or the US) or innocent victims killed by said terrorists.

I was worried there for a second that it wasn't black and white!

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