
Isreali Soldier Kidnapped

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I love how are media works.

One kidnapped Israeli solder is a huge deal. Israel killing hundreds of inocent Palestinian not even worth a mention and the sheep follow.

Bahhhhhhhhh Bahhhhhhhhh
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Darius I understrand your argument, but you must admit that kidanpping any Soldier anywhere is a VERY stupid move.

Kill him outright and the media will barely blink and eye, kidnap and they are all over it.

As for how the military of any country feels about kidnapping, well the kidnappers will usually wind up as a stain somewhere.

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I love how are media works.

One kidnapped Israeli solder is a huge deal. Israel killing hundreds of inocent Palestinian not even worth a mention and the sheep follow.

Bahhhhhhhhh Bahhhhhhhhh

I think the reason this is such big news is that, for once, Hamas is actually targeting Israel's military instead of children and other civilians. It's a big step for them.
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Maybe they can take another step and like Israel just kill anyone that gets in they’re way including woman and children.

After 50+ years of murder the Israelis must have become great teachers in the art of killing by now.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I love how are media works.

One kidnapped Israeli solder is a huge deal. Israel killing hundreds of inocent Palestinian not even worth a mention and the sheep follow.

Bahhhhhhhhh Bahhhhhhhhh

I think the reason this is such big news is that, for once, Hamas is actually targeting Israel's military instead of children and other civilians. It's a big step for them.

I wouldn't be too optimistic given the history of Hamas and the Palestinians. I'm sure bombing a bus or school isn't too far off.

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Maybe they can take another step and like Israel just kill anyone that gets in they’re way including woman and children.

After 50+ years of murder the Israelis must have become great teachers in the art of killing by now.

And their investigators are apparently as effective at telling the truth as our own congressional investigators are. Here's Israel's report on their investigation of the Rachael Corrie incident.
"However, the army said that military police investigating the incident found that Corrie was killed by earth and building rubble falling on her as she tried to climb on a pile of earth while the bulldozer was operating."

And the pictures of what actually happened. I wouldn't call a bulldozer blade "falling rubble". Fucking liars.

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I think the reason this is such big news is that, for once, Hamas is actually targeting Israel's military instead of children and other civilians. It's a big step for them.

based on the fact that there was also a civilian who was kidnapped and murdered in the west bank this week, i think your assumption is wrong
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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based on the fact that there was also a civilian who was kidnapped and murdered in the west bank this week, i think your assumption is wrong

Not to mention the fact that two other soldiers were killed in the original raid, we don't know what's happened to the first kidnapped soldier (Gilad Shalit, I think), and the fact the attack took place on a military base.

If someone were to come out and attack a military base of yours, that would be considered an act of war, without ambiguity. Thus, the Israelies have taken the steps they see fit to quell Hamas and it's different arms.

Al Aqsa has also claimed to have fired a chemical warhead into Israel; while Israel states that there was none.

It's been enlightening reading the ME news outlets, and seeing the arguments made for both sides. Frankly, the Palestinians have no footing here. Israel is allowed to protect herself from attack...and she is doing so.

To be sure, it will be bad. And to be sure, people will die. But so far, in the military strikes that Israel has made, there haven't been any casualties; they have bombed bridges, a power plant, an abandoned airport (iirc), and the Muslim university, but not one person has been killed; there have been arrests/detention of Hamas leadership and the Gaza mayor...but they haven't been murdered. The cold blooded murder of an 18 year old civilian who was kidnapped over the weekend has definitely occurred. And that is simply putting a match to an already fuel laden fire.
How come no one is mentioning that? Because Israel is acting with restraint...whereas Hamas is not.

And furthermore, Hamas says they're not holding Gilad, but are trying to negotiate a prisoner swap. How can they "swap" if they don't have Gilad in the first place? There is untruth being told here, and I don't know what it is; either they have him and will "swap" or they don't have him, and can't swap...and this is pissing into the wind. So which is it?



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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and you know for a fact what happened there?
you assume you know based on reports you read, you just chose the ones you like to believe to...

Sorry, but I'm not sure which post you're replying to. If it's the one about the girl being killed then you don't really need to read the story. Just looking at the pictures shows that the official result of the Israeli Army investigation is crap. She was run over. And I know that both sides embellish or discount. And that's what I'm pointing out. Both sides are acting poorly.
Also, what's going on right now is really unfortunate. This is going to destroy any hope for peace talks any time soon. But I guess we know one thing. Ehud Olmert obviously isn't going to let the hardliners down.

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Not to mention the fact that two other soldiers were killed in the original raid, we don't know what's happened to the first kidnapped soldier (Gilad Shalit, I think), and the fact the attack took place on a military base.

If someone were to come out and attack a military base of yours, that would be considered an act of war, without ambiguity. Thus, the Israelies have taken the steps they see fit to quell Hamas and it's different arms.

This whole thing comes down to the chicken and egg question...who attacked who first? Cause both sides are contsantly claiming retaliation.

So, since we have many here on the side of Israel and some on the side of palestine....who was the first to attack?

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So, since we have many here on the side of Israel and some on the side of palestine....who was the first to attack?


I think we should just pump a bunch of Valium into the water supply down there for the next year or so.
Speed Racer

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I love how are media works.

One kidnapped Israeli solder is a huge deal. Israel killing hundreds of inocent Palestinian not even worth a mention and the sheep follow.

Bahhhhhhhhh Bahhhhhhhhh

the palestian children should have learned by now... don't throw rocks at tanks. you will get shot at.

and what about the hundreds of civilians killed by palestians with suicide bombings. I guess the darius sheep didn't hear about those. bahhhhhhhhhhh

MB 3528, RB 1182

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I love how are media works.

One kidnapped Israeli solder is a huge deal. Israel killing hundreds of inocent Palestinian not even worth a mention and the sheep follow.

Bahhhhhhhhh Bahhhhhhhhh

the palestian children should have learned by now... don't throw rocks at tanks. you will get shot at.

and what about the hundreds of civilians killed by palestians with suicide bombings. I guess the darius sheep didn't hear about those. bahhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah, but they started it.

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I love how are media works.

One kidnapped Israeli solder is a huge deal. Israel killing hundreds of inocent Palestinian not even worth a mention and the sheep follow.

Darius, that's because the moment Israel gives an inch of territory to the Palestinians, the Palestinians immediately start launching rocket salvos into the nearest Israeli town that is now in range. You got any excuses to offer about that ?

They're always pulling this kind of crap, especially with Hamas at the helm now. It's somehow okay for Hamas to send suicide bombers into Israel ? It's somehow okay for Palestinians to make a urinal out of the Church of the Nativity ? It's somehow okay for them to pull crap after crap and then talk about "international law" and the "deaths of innocents" ? Fuck 'em.

The Palestinians elected Hamas, they can live with the government they elected. If they think they're going to get the world's sympathy for behaving like assholes, they're sadly mistaken.

I used to be a real peace & brown rice hippie about how mistreated I thought the Palestinians were. Until I saw those assholes dancing in the street and firing their fucking AK-47s in the air on 9/11/01.

They want a war, they've got one. Their main complaint is they can't seem to live with the consequencxes of their own actions. So fuck 'em, kill 'em all. That's what we think here in America Darius, we're out of patience and just want to kill 'em all. So tell your friends 'cuz that's the way it is.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Problem is.. tarring all of the Palestinians with the same brush and hitting their power/water/sewage hurts all of the innocents as well as the criminals
What the criminals in Palestine are doing is wrong but so is what Israel is up to...

If there is a crack house somewhere in your down... you'd be mighty pissed off if the FBI shut off your essential services and kept you awake night after night.

Or... it would be like bombing a whole country back to the stone age so that they could be free and to get a couple of people out of power..... but noone would ever do that... they'd have to be criminally isane.



Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I used to be a real peace & brown rice hippie about how mistreated I thought the Palestinians were. Until I saw those assholes dancing in the street and firing their fucking AK-47s in the air on 9/11/01.

I'm glad to see a conversion to common sense by a dose of reality.

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Problem is.. tarring all of the Palestinians with the same brush and hitting their power/water/sewage hurts all of the innocents as well as the criminals
What the criminals in Palestine are doing is wrong but so is what Israel is up to...

Actions have consequenses. The people put Hamas in charge knowing fully well what they were all about.

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