
Gun-o-phobes Take Two to the Chest

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Nice irrelevant quoting on your part.

How on earth is Quade posting the content of the report you posted a link to irrelevant? If the content of the report is irrelevant...

It's not the report that is irrelevant, but his interpretation and application of the report. We were talking about the effect of the British gun ban on crime in England, and he went off on a tangent and started comparing British crime rates to American crime rates. That's another topic altogether, unrelated to the British gun ban and its efficacy at stopping armed criminals. You can't determine the effect of a gun ban in England by talking about America. You only have to compare crime rates in England both before and after the ban.

I was responding DIRECTLY to a very selective quote YOU had made;


"Crime rates as measured in victim surveys are all higher in England than the United States. Crime rates as measured in police statistics are higher in England for half of the measured crime types..."

Uh . . . kinda seems like you were "comparing British crime rates to American crime rates."

My quote came from the EXACT same source you had provided a web link to.

My quote is entirely relevant. For you to say otherwise is hypocritical in the purest sense of the word.

Pure hypocrisy, always the best kind.

Have you noticed how any comparison of crime rates that make the US look bad is the result of "culture", whereas if it makes the US look good it is due to the armed citizenry.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Chicago is in America, has a gun ban, and its homicide rate is decreasing.

You know the answer to that one, kallend. We've covered it before. You're proving once again that you aren't really interested in honest gun debate, even though you claim to be in favor of gun ownership. All you ever do is post on the anti-gun side of the issue, with deceit and misrepresentation like this one.

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Pure hypocrisy, always the best kind.

Wrong again. I hope that your ability to follow a topic is better for your student classroom instruction, then you are demonstrating here.

Here's a refresher for you.

The first anti-gun posting was stating that he was glad he lived in England, where he was less likely to be attacked than Americans, and therefore didn't feel any need to own a gun for self defense.

That quote which you call "hypocrisy" was to demonstrate that he was actually more likely to be attacked in England, and therefore his presumption about his need for gun ownership was incorrect.

The second anti-gun posting then took that message and went off on the tangent about how effective the gun ban was in England by comparing crime rates in America.

Do try and keep up.

Or spend some time researching our old posts if your recall of past discussions is weak.

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Nice irrelevant quoting on your part.

How on earth is Quade posting the content of the report you posted a link to irrelevant? If the content of the report is irrelevant...

It's not the report that is irrelevant, but his interpretation and application of the report. We were talking about the effect of the British gun ban on crime in England, and he went off on a tangent and started comparing British crime rates to American crime rates. That's another topic altogether, unrelated to the British gun ban and its efficacy at stopping armed criminals. You can't determine the effect of a gun ban in England by talking about America. You only have to compare crime ratess in England both before and after the ban.

OK, Chicago is in America, has a gun ban, and its homicide rate is decreasing.

gee it really had the creeper effect didn't it?:S

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Maybe you should try reading the story underneath the title.

Maybe you should make titles that don't make you look like a violent guy looking to shoot someone?

My point was that your choice of titles gives the impression that people who are pro gun like violence. And you proved my point by becoming defensive.

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Maybe you should make titles that don't make you look like a violent guy looking to shoot someone?

I've tried and tried to understand what you mean by this, and I just can't get it.

The thread title is just a colorful way to describe the fact that gun proponents gained some ground, and in no way seems to refer to "a violent guy looking to shoot someone".

. . =(_8^(1)

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OK, Chicago is in America, has a gun ban, and its homicide rate is decreasing.

I would also like to point out that that fact may change, like the blowing wind that carries the stench of chicagos sewage system.

Given that it remains the worst of the big cities in the country, I hope it continues to decline.

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OK, Chicago is in America, has a gun ban, and its homicide rate is decreasing.

I would also like to point out that that fact may change, like the blowing wind that carries the stench of chicagos sewage system.

Given that it remains the worst of the big cities in the country, I hope it continues to decline.

Me too, since I work there.

But I don't think my carrying a gun would help me or the city.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Couldn't hurt.

Well, it could.


Coroner Discussing Gun Safety Shoots Self

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) - Monroe County Coroner David Toumey was hospitalized with a leg wound after accidentally shooting himself while trying to demonstrate gun safety.

Toumey told The Herald-Times for a story published Saturday that he was demonstrating gun safety to some people at a Lake Monroe boat ramp about 11 p.m. Wednesday when he accidentally shot himself.

He said that as he checked to make sure his weapon was unloaded, the gun discharged, and a bullet struck him in his left leg.

"It's an unfortunate accident,'' Toumey said. ``I've always been very, very safe."


Chippewa Falls [WI] firearms instructor shoots himself in the leg
WFRV.COM ^ | 07/26/2005 | AP

CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis. (AP) A firearms instructor and gun collector shot himself in the leg after he thought his new pistol was in the locked position.

Martin Brill, 55, of Chippewa Falls, was treated at St. Joseph's Hospital Sunday for an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound to his thigh he suffered while practicing his ``quick draw'' technique.

According the Chippewa County sheriff's department, Brill was practicing on a private range in the town of Tilden. He was using a .22-caliber revolver made in Germany.

Brill said he did not lock the hammer fully, which allowed it to spring forward, activate the firing pin and discharge the firearm.

The gun was still pointed down, and the bullet went through the holster into his thigh, lodging just above the knee cap.

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Maybe you should make titles that don't make you look like a violent guy looking to shoot someone?

If you derived that conclusion from the thread title, then the problem is not with me being violent, but with your interpretive abilities.


you proved my point by becoming defensive.

See my above comment.

I find it quite amusing to watch the illogical workings of anti-gun minds. And this response of yours was a highly entertaining example of the breed.

And don't you dare try to defend yourself from my comments, or you'll just prove me correct. If your illogic is good for the goose, then it's good for the gander too.

Oh, I changed the subject title for this message to help you out. Was that clear enough for you?

It's probably a good thing that your profile information is blank. If I expressed ideas like yours as seen in this example, I wouldn't want anyone to know who I was, either.

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But I don't think my carrying a gun would help me or the city.

Go to this website and search for "Chicago" and "IL". Having a gun available seems to have helped quite a few citizens of the Chicago area.

I would think that someone capable of flying airplanes, skydiving and handling dangerous model rockets, would be capable of operating a simple handgun correctly.

Are you less competent than the folks in the above examples at taking care of yourself?

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>Was referring to Kallend, not some of the people on the lower end of the bell curve.

Murphy does not respect bell curves. If he did, Rob Harris, Chris Martin and Patrick DeGayardon would still be with us,

Carrying a gun may well make one safer; it also may put one at more risk for injury or death. Whether it's a net benefit is up to each person. But the quickest way to end up as a news story is to think that they can't hurt you.

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But I don't think my carrying a gun would help me or the city.

Go to this website and search for "Chicago" and "IL". Having a gun available seems to have helped quite a few citizens of the Chicago area.

I would think that someone capable of flying airplanes, skydiving and handling dangerous model rockets, would be capable of operating a simple handgun correctly.

Are you less competent than the folks in the above examples at taking care of yourself?

Competence has nothing to do with it. I'm quite competent at riding a horse too, but I don't think riding one to work would help me or the city.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Competence has nothing to do with it. I'm quite competent at riding a horse too, but I don't think riding one to work would help me or the city.

Hey, it worked for Marshall McCloud!!!!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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But I don't think my carrying a gun would help me or the city.

Go to this website and search for "Chicago" and "IL". Having a gun available seems to have helped quite a few citizens of the Chicago area.

I would think that someone capable of flying airplanes, skydiving and handling dangerous model rockets, would be capable of operating a simple handgun correctly.

Are you less competent than the folks in the above examples at taking care of yourself?

Competence has nothing to do with it. I'm quite competent at riding a horse too, but I don't think riding one to work would help me or the city.

So, then you believe that in all those stories of armed self defense in Chicago, that having a gun really didn't help those people at all?

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Carrying a gun may well make one safer; it also may put one at more risk for injury or death. Whether it's a net benefit is up to each person. But the quickest way to end up as a news story is to think that they can't hurt you.

If you're going to take that step in life, you must practice. No other way around it.

I didn't even realize Kallend could ride a horse, much less shoot a gun :P
We are all engines of karma

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>If you're going to take that step in life, you must practice.

Of course. And if you practice it a lot, you may become quite proficient. You may even become a gun safety instructor at some point. History has shown that even they can sometimes injure or kill themselves with their guns.

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sometimes injure or kill themselves with their guns.

So, the essence of this debate, IMO, is -
How Do You Defend Yourself and Family?

How would you do that Bill? Granted, we all agree use the tennis shoe approach first, if possible (i.e, RUN). But, if it ever comes to that point where you can't because your 5 year old daughter is there, and the shit is hitting the fan, what would YOU do?
We are all engines of karma

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>Was referring to Kallend, not some of the people on the lower end of the bell curve.

Murphy does not respect bell curves. If he did, Rob Harris, Chris Martin and Patrick DeGayardon would still be with us,

That's true, but it's also true that to match Chris Martin, John would have to be standing backwards on a Hayabusa motorcycle going 100 trying to shoot a bad guy he just saw mug some old lady.

It's funny you should bring up skydivers on this thread - the accident rate for gun owners is well below that of jumpers. Deaths happen somewhere on order of 50 times less frequently (annual basis)

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>How Do You Defend Yourself and Family?

By purchasing smoke alarms, fire extinguishers and having solid electrical work done on our house. By getting good medical plans. By keeping our gear in good repair. By getting safe vehicles.

Amy and I are thousands of times more likely to be killed by a drunk driver, a skydiving accident or a house fire than by being knifed by an assailant we could not defend ourselves against. If we're going to spend money and time on safety, the former things are the wiser ones to concentrate on.

Now, that may not be true for everyone. Someone may have a job where they carry a lot of money, or live in an area where armed assailants are commonplace. For those people, a gun may be a good idea. But it's also a potential danger, and users should carefully evaluate its utility vs. its risk.

The equivalent in skydiving would be something like a tertiary reserve. A second reserve can only be good, right? You'd have to be nuts not to have one, at least from a whuffo's point of view. But history has shown that the number of people who died because they didn't have enough parachutes is incredibly small. They do not outweigh the risks of having to deal with a three-out. But in some specific jumps (i.e. intentional cutaways, rig testing, some CRW) they may be a good idea.

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John would have to be standing backwards on a Hayabusa motorcycle going 100 trying to shoot a bad guy he just saw mug some old lady.

I'm sorry but that had me laughing my ass off.

And now, back to the regular humor free SC programming......:P
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It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer

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