
9-11 loose change

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Ok. I believe you. Just show me the video from the 4 cameras recording that area. Oh wait. They won't release it. Doesn't that seem a little odd? Why wouldn't they show it?

No really, why?

Why whould they do that? I'm not specifally asking you, but people in general. Why is that OK with the general public? That's the question people should ask. Are you satisfied with the answers we've been given. I think it's ok ot keep asking why, when there has been no answer.

And if the answer is an Airliner... it should be SUPER EASY to prove beyond a reasonable doubt and shut me up. Video. Part numbers. That's all.

"What What.....

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So someone took the wings off the plane before it hit I guess? Where is the damage where the wings and engines should have been. The photo of the entry point on the site you linked to shows no visible damage where the wings should have hit the building.

Go read the thread - there are pics that show impact points on the curtain wall from the leading edges of the wings.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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>So someone took the wings off the plane before it hit I guess?

You've found a conspiracy! Here are some more very questionable pictures:

First one is a commuter plane crash in a cornfield. Government agents have clearly stolen the entire rest of the fuselage (or alternatively just planted that fragment in the cornfield, and then blew the cornfield up.)

Second one is even more suspicious. Government agents have stolen nearly all of the rudder!

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Ok. I believe you. Just show me the video from the 4 cameras recording that area. Oh wait. They won't release it. Doesn't that seem a little odd? Why wouldn't they show it?

No really, why?

Why whould they do that? I'm not specifally asking you, but people in general. Why is that OK with the general public? That's the question people should ask. Are you satisfied with the answers we've been given. I think it's ok ot keep asking why, when there has been no answer.

And if the answer is an Airliner... it should be SUPER EASY to prove beyond a reasonable doubt and shut me up. Video. Part numbers. That's all.

First you claim there's no debris on the ground outside the Pentagon. Then when shown there was plenty of debris even though the plane mostly disentegrated and the debris was inside the Pentagon, which common sense dictates it would be, you want there to be parts large enough to contain part numbers. Have you ever heard of a crash where they released part numbers? That's why it's so difficult dealing with you consiracy "theorists", there is no amount of evidence that will convince you. Why not just accept the preponderence of the evidence?


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Wanna buy some beach front property in South Dakota??? I bet the gov't will sell it to ya!

So THAT'S why our government has secretly been conspiring to contribute to global warming... so they can raise the ocean levels and sell their holdings in South Dakota as beachfront property!! I KNEW IT!

I'm making a website about it so all the ignorant lemmings can SEE how we're totally fucked!
Oh, hello again!

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Explain to me how a cruise missle 21" in diameter with an 8.5' wingspan could make a 24' wide hole on the Pentagon

How big a hole does a .357" bullet make in a human torso?

A bit more than a third of an inch where it enters, exit is another story tho....

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Ok. I believe you. Just show me the video from the 4 cameras recording that area. Oh wait. They won't release it. Doesn't that seem a little odd? Why wouldn't they show it?

I want to hear more cockpit voice recorders of people screaming in terror during the last moments of their lives, particularly of the planes I saw crash into the WTC towers on live television. Just to make sure they weren't remote controlled planes.

Also, they should recover every molecule of all four aircraft (or should I say if there actually were four aircraft) and lay them out in a hanger and make sure any and all serial numbers match both United and American Airlines service logs and any end-item data packages compiled by Boeing when the planes were first delivered.

I'd also like degrees in Material Sciences, Civil, and Aerospace Engineering so I can make sure all those people who are trying to explain to me that aircraft design, building design, fuel load, building contents, and aircraft speed/attitude at impact all have to be considered when deciding what should be expected aren't lying through their teeth to me.

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LOL .. Really, that made me laugh. Funny writing;)

We could listen to the tapes if 1, the boxes were recovered, and 2 if the last 3 minutes were mysteriously "Gone". Funny how that all works.

Remeber, this country was founded by people who ask questions, hold people accountable and have individual ideas. If you want to believe whatever the King says, your family should've stayed in England.

"What What.....

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LOL .. Really, that made me laugh. Funny writing;)

We could listen to the tapes if 1, the boxes were recovered, and 2 if the last 3 minutes were mysteriously "Gone". Funny how that all works.

Remember, this country was founded by people who ask questions, hold people accountable and have individual ideas. If you want to believe whatever the King says, your family should've stayed in England.

Loose Change was interesting for me to watch because I'm neither a politician, a businessman, nor a stock broker, and some curiosities were raised regarding transactions and deals leading up to and following 9/11. This guy may or may not know more about these topics than I do, so I'm happy to listen to what he's got to say, even if I take it with a grain of salt.

On the other hand, Loose Change was frustrating for me to watch because I am an engineer, and the guy overtly has no idea what he's talking about. There isn't enough salt in the ocean for me to rub my chin while he goes about building his house of cards.

Witnessing the ignorance with which this guy makes technical arguments is like hearing a clock striking 13, not only do you know it's not 13 o'clock, but it makes you question all the information you've ever gotten from it.

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>I'd also like degrees in Material Sciences, Civil, and Aerospace Engineering . . .

They will just brainwash you if you try to gio to school to get them. That's why aerospace, civil and materials engineers don't believe in these excellent theories. It's all those liberal college professors trying to prevent you from seeing the truth about . . . .

Wait, I take that back. It's all those _government_ college professors working for the administration trying to prevent you from seeing the truth about the Bush administration. That's what I meant.

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First you have to clear the 30' fire circle, then you need to get a canopy up to cover the area. Then you need to get a fire going and build a shelter.. then we can talk about food:D

Fine, why don't you just kick me in the nuts while you're at it!:P You win...geez!:D

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Well there's mulitple pictures of parts of landing gear, engines, body, etc. Plus after reading all about the structural integrity of that building, why is it so surprising that the wings didn't do that much damage? With the speed the a/c was traveling at, a lot is going to be gone. It's not like in a crash like this, the a/c's just gonna fall apart like legos being smashed and you'll have a wing there, an engine laying here, etc. That's not going to happen in an incident like this.

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Remeber, this country was founded by people who ask questions, hold people accountable and have individual ideas. If you want to believe whatever the King says, your family should've stayed in England.

This is definitely true, but it doesn't in any way certify endorse or make any conspiracy questions significant. Questions, acountability and individualism is what every person in the U. S. has, but not all have the veneration or respect from peers to use the above quote.

I believe that, initially, those said questions are appropriate and have legitimate weight. It's when an answer that is unsatisfying to certain people and is claimed as a cover-up or gov't conspiracy; does the original question become silly.

When Popular Science; Popular Science for christ's sake; actually makes practical sense in their debunking, it's time to hang up the hat.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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sorry for the long read...

I completely and totally believe our government is capable and willing to do anything to preserve itself and its current function of expanding the empire to preserve the dollar as the #1 currency in the world for oil exchange as well as everything else. All discenters will be silenced, individuals and countries. We currently have troops in over 100 countries, and influence (meddle in) the affairs of countries not currently in our favor like Venezuala. (or anyone internationally who calls out GW for being the fool he is- anyone watch some of his speeches? took too many prozacks sometimes I think, or too many bong hits)

But, today is Day 1 of M3 no longer being reported, which means the Federal Reserve can print as many dollars as they want without having to report it how much is in circulation. This means the more they print, the less it will buy and the less it will be worth. The less it is worth, the less other countries will want more of them. (something like 85-90% of the $100 bills are not in the US?). Sooo...

The banking industry is behind it all! Did you know that banks have the ability to create money out of thin air??? By law, when you deposit $1000 into your bank, they can lend out $9000! All of a sudden the mortgage industry makes ALOT more sense... Hmm. Maybe that is why they want 10% down unless they loan out less than the property is valued at.

Did you know that the majority of economic growth that took place the past few years was not due to people making more money, it was from refinancing.

I firmly believe there are a number of issues and clues that surround 9-11, that are simply not being investigated properly.
A CRIME SCENE WAS DISTURBED AND EVIDENCE REMOVED WITH LITTLE TO NO INVESTIGATION TO ANY OF IT?!?! Not to mention carted of to forien countries to recycle?!?! While everyone is in shock and reeling, trying to process it all.

Those of us who stayed glued to Fox, CBS, ABC, etc (or any of the print media owned by the same corporations who owns CBS, ABC, FOX, etc read about a propaganda theory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_Model concerning our media outlets, since they are primarily owned by the ultra large corporations like GE, Westinghouse, etc who are able to influence what the public sees and hears) likely believ the spouted versions. What about all the mentions of the wierd things about it. Eerie similarities mentioned by reporters how they looked like demolitions. What about the squibs (horizontal dust clouds that shoot out 30feet before the floor hits? what about near freefall speed the bldg collapsed at? logic dictates there should be some sort of resistance from one floor falling to the next as the beam bends and breaks each of many beams (and concrete) that comprise each floor. Anyone who has seen a controlled demolition has seen the squibs and near freefall speeds. And now if you were a terrorist that was going to take out a building and all the folks in it, wouldn't you want it to fall over, to kill the folks in the streets too? Why put it in a nice neat pile for the cleanup crews? Kill lots of people is thier goal I hear. (which they certainly did, but why limit themselves like that?)

Media coverage today generally lacks any sort of real investigative reporting, and any true investigative reporting results in getting blackballed, ridiculed, thrown in jail, (plume CIA agent leak stuff, Abu prison tortures, etc) BBC news is much better than US news but still are not where independent news sites are

It is all about money, it is all about corporate greed and profits. Corporations are truly evil if you think about it. They exploit ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for thier profit, not yours and my gain or betterment. They even exploit our labor and are probably the modern day equivelent of Southern plantations... They need an ignorant and stupid, yet happy and content workforce (don't question what we say, just do it) to generate profit for those select few at the top.

What do you think would happen if they found a real cure for cancer all of a sudden?? A many billion dollar a year industry would disappear. They would rather ID and treat diseases than cure them. They have to to keep a profit.

We are slowly being poisioned by the food industry with their quest for profit. They have been able to add many different chemicals to our foods to make them 'taste better' and not spoil. Some actually make them addictive. Don't believe me? Why the heck would the Fed allow corporations to peddle tobbaco sticks laced with countless chemicals to spur addiction and not have to list anything as fas as ingredients go on the package? If they are willing to allow corporations to market those poisions to us, why not others? Have you all heard of Aspartame? Nutrasweet? read here to discover what the mass media ignores... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame
New Mexico is considering banning Aspartame as a carcinogen additive. We'll see if they get bought off...

There are many more things that go on at a much deeper level, but I don't have the time to get into it. It seems that some folks want to believe that we are the center of the universe and everything ervolves around us, yet others prefer to learn, ask questions, ask more questions, and then a few more just to be absolutely sure. Thats what I do as a young skydiver.

*climbs down off my soap box*

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