
The Media Untold Truths in Iraq (op ed)

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Despite the media wanting a civil war in Iraq it did not happen. What did happen.


Wonderful news. If it's true our boys can come home next week. If it's not true I expect they will be forced to stay a bit longer.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Why is it that any good news is meet with a subtle or not so subtle jab?

Why is any bad news the truth and others are a dummy if they question it?

Normally this occures when you are close minded.

Just a thought.

Congrads on the POP's Fla record though.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Why is it that any good news is meet with a subtle or not so subtle jab?

Why is any bad news the truth and others are a dummy if they question it?

Normally this occures when you are close minded.

Just a thought.

Congrads on the POP's Fla record though.

If the Iraqi military is in control of the situation as claimed, why do our boys need to stay there?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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There was supposedly an article from a Dutch news outlet that went to GITMO and they did a comparison to their own prisons. (again, I have been looking for the article can anyone help)

They stated that the civilan prisons over there were worse than GITMO

If this was reported, why didn't the US media pick it up?

Remember, my original post was more aimed at the media....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Despite the media wanting a civil war in Iraq it did not happen. What did happen.


this article doesn't say there is no civil war.

It says that the Iraqi army is coming along nicely, and responded to the recent troubles (that aforementioned civil uprising type stuff).

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Once again, we have right wingers in the government more concerned over winning the media war than in making any real change in Iraq. Who cares if over a thousand bodies showed up in Iraqi morgues over the past week? What's important is that we can get some sound bites to bolster the administration's claims that the war is going swell - and perhaps compare the 'liberal press' to Al Qaeda in the process.

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If the Iraqi military is in control of the situation as claimed, why do our boys need to stay there?

That means we can start a "better" pullout sooner if stuff like this hold true more and more. His reaction may have been pointed at this comment:


If it's true our boys can come home next week

Kallend, even you should know that we can't just knee jerk out of there in a week or two. It's gonna take time as we all know (or should know). But yes, if this success continues, then we can start pulling out more. Good on some of these Iraqis for actually taking a stand.

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Once again, we have right left wingers in the government/media more concerned over winning the media war destroying Bush's credibility than in making any real change in Iraq , or America for that matter. Who cares if over a thousand bodies showed up in Iraqi morgues Iraqis gained new jobs over the past week? What's important is that we can get some sound bites to bolster the administration's our claims that the war is going swell horribly and Bush is falling on his face


Remember Bill, there's two sides (or more! :P) to every story. Don't think only "right wingers" play the media game. Sometimes its the other side that forces one to do so.

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destroying Bush's credibility

to easy.. he has none.. he is almost completely unaware of key decisions being made by his administration..

but still your hero somehow i imagine..

care to follow him into a minefield? take his orders in a fire fight?

i'll bet not.. people tend to pick more competent leaders when their lives are directly at stake....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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There was supposedly an article from a Dutch news outlet that went to GITMO and they did a comparison to their own prisons. (again, I have been looking for the article can anyone help)

They stated that the civilan prisons over there were worse than GITMO

If this was reported, why didn't the US media pick it up?

Remember, my original post was more aimed at the media....

I don't think its the conditions as much as the incarceration without trial which is the issue in GITMO. Even Tim McVeigh was caught and put on trial within a two year period. I used Mc Veigh as an example of a terrorist who attacked the USA directly and who was dealt with quickly. Many detainees in GITMO have been held without charge let alone trial for 4 years. If the US is serious about holding and dealing with these guys within international expectations and if it is so sure that these guys are threats to the US or other countries then it should have nothing to fear about putting them on trial.

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destroying Bush's credibility

to easy.. he has none.. he is almost completely unaware of key decisions being made by his administration..

but still your hero somehow i imagine..

care to follow him into a minefield? take his orders in a fire fight?

i'll bet not.. people tend to pick more competent leaders when their lives are directly at stake....

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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There was supposedly an article from a Dutch news outlet that went to GITMO and they did a comparison to their own prisons. (again, I have been looking for the article can anyone help)

They stated that the civilan prisons over there were worse than GITMO

If this was reported, why didn't the US media pick it up?

Remember, my original post was more aimed at the media....

I don't think its the conditions as much as the incarceration without trial which is the issue in GITMO. Even Tim McVeigh was caught and put on trial within a two year period. I used Mc Veigh as an example of a terrorist who attacked the USA directly and who was dealt with quickly. Many detainees in GITMO have been held without charge let alone trial for 4 years. If the US is serious about holding and dealing with these guys within international expectations and if it is so sure that these guys are threats to the US or other countries then it should have nothing to fear about putting them on trial.

Not the same.....I don't agree
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Once again, we have right wingers in the government more concerned over winning the media war than in making any real change in Iraq. Who cares if over a thousand bodies showed up in Iraqi morgues over the past week? What's important is that we can get some sound bites to bolster the administration's claims that the war is going swell - and perhaps compare the 'liberal press' to Al Qaeda in the process.

You do like to mischaracterize don't you.
The point (and I am trying to be very clear and not sneaky clever like you) It that the pluses in Iraq are greater than the minuses. The left however, can not, will not admit that because it does not fit the world view they must hold to stay angry about not being in power.....

I told my father in 1976 after I watched a 60 Minutes broadcast that was nearly fiction, that the biggest problem we have in this country is the media. I still believe that if the people got "news" that is less slanted, the American people will make good decisions. Well, now the alternative media is taking away the monoply of the big media and they are making better decisions every election cycle. I think that trend will continue
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>It that the pluses in Iraq are greater than the minuses.

This is sounding more and more like the Iraqi Information Minister every day. "Sure, tens of thousands died under Saddam/the US - but the water is working in more than half of the outer provinces! Let's be positive about these things!"

Let's take the news from today and rewrite it as, say, Cheney (or the late Iraqi Information Minister) would like to see it:


Happy Iraqis celebrate prosperity

Wednesday, March 8, 2006; Posted: 11:16 a.m. EST (16:16 GMT)

Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) - Enterpreneurs in masks assisted private security personnel in relocating to an alternative working environment today, in the latest boon to Iraqi prosperity since US troops liberated them three years ago.

"These masked buisnessmen no doubt saw a better work opportunity for these fifty security guards, and helped them move themselves, their weapons and their money to a new location," said an unnamed Halliburton official. "It is sad that they have to hide their faces so that the liberal media does not have them shot."

Police also found the bodies of 18 Arabs in a minibus. They had been bound and strangled by freedom-loving Iraqis intent on a better life. The dead were described as Iraqi extremists by a US spokesperson, who described them as both Iraqi and "extremely dead."

Six other people died in the capital for unknown reasons; one apparently lost his head. Civil authorities are reminding Iraqis to not misplace body parts. US authorities were quick to point out that this is a small death toll compared to 9/11.

Iraqis celebrated in the streets and ran about in happiness when they heard four demolition charges clear the roads of errant cars in Baghdad and Fallujah. Unfortunately, those bombs killed five workers who carelessly remained too close to them when they detonated. The Iraqi government reminded its citizens last night to avoid demolition sites.

Donald Rumsfeld continued to remind people that everything in Iraq is great except for the lying liberal press. "They are the true enemy. These liberal news reports are not just mistakes." he said in a speech Wednesday. "It isn't as though there simply have been a series of random errors on both sides of issues. On the contrary, the steady stream of errors all seem to be of a nature to inflame the situation and to give heart to the terrorists and to discourage those who hope for success in Iraq."

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Ya, I guess I am saying all is good in Iraq:S

How do you say it? Oh ya WHOSH
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Ya, I guess I am saying all is good in Iraq

Nope, you're saying the good outweighs the bad. From a previous post of yours: "the pluses in Iraq are greater than the minuses." (You may still be able to edit that if you have since changed your mind.)

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Ya, I guess I am saying all is good in Iraq:S

How do you say it? Oh ya WHOSH

Actually that is NOT how you say it. Or spell it. Or whatever.


And it is overused epidemic in SC of late.


Now, who wants a crumpet?
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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If the Iraqi military is in control of the situation as claimed, why do our boys need to stay there?

Because the process of robust Vietnamization Iraqi-ization is not yet complete, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Makes one feel nostalgic, doesn't it?

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>Ya, I guess I am saying all is good in Iraq

Nope, you're saying the good outweighs the bad. From a previous post of yours: "the pluses in Iraq are greater than the minuses." (You may still be able to edit that if you have since changed your mind.)

While I do believe that, that is NOT what I am trying to saying in this thread.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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If the Iraqi military is in control of the situation as claimed, why do our boys need to stay there?

Because the process of robust Vietnamization Iraqi-ization is not yet complete, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Makes one feel nostalgic, doesn't it?

I love this comparision, it looks so smart:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Ya, I guess I am saying all is good in Iraq:S

How do you say it? Oh ya WHOSH

Actually that is NOT how you say it. Or spell it. Or whatever.


And it is overused epidemic in SC of late.


Now, who wants a crumpet?

Did you get the point or not??:o
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I still believe that if the people got "news" that is less slanted, the American people will make good decisions.

Pretty much *everything* that you post here is from slanted news sources. So by your definition, any news source that presents news cooked to your liking is unslanted.

And of course, any news source that presents objective FACTS that this administration would rather hide, is a :o LIBERAL :o news source.

NY Post (of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., big coincidence that you would offer us this gem of an article, eh?) is a tabloid rag of the lowest form, and the best use for it is something for the bird to plop on.

Don't you find that it insults your intelligence when news is cooked to your liking? Wouldn't you rather form your own opinion?

Ever give BBC News a try?


Well, now the alternative media is taking away the monoply of the big media and they are making better decisions every election cycle. I think that trend will continue

Yes, according to your Orwellian definition of "unslanted," which clearly reflects the Orwellian logic of Fox's "Fair and Balanced" and "We Report, You Decide," the above statement makes complete sense.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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