
Brokeback Mountain gets the recognition it deserves.

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Oh for sure, none of these would be MY nominees. But the big names are always the shoe-ins.

Some of the best films I have seen are considered horror. But if you make a horror film, you might as well be making porn, in the eyes of the Academy.

Silence of the Lambs?

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and a comment I heard this morning......

"No Oscar! That means Jake Gyllenhall and Heath Ledger made out for no good reason!"

Except for the couple of million they got paid for the movie. I would make out with peacefuljeffrey for a couple of million bucks ;)

now that's really :oing
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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Oscar winners: Homosexuals, Trans-sexuals, Pimps, and America-haters.

I think they've grown a bit out of touch with mainstream America...

And in the process, are making themselves irrelevant.

Oh, John - did we forget our senthativty training today?:D

Irrelevant - never . . .

less important - a little more every day, thank God.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Oscar winners: Homosexuals, Trans-sexuals, Pimps, and America-haters.

I think they've grown a bit out of touch with mainstream America...

And in the process, are making themselves irrelevant.

That's because it's the *entertainment* industry. Mainstream America, while good and all, just isn't that entertaining. Who wants to watch a movie all about soccer moms and their car salesman husbands?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Ok, that is one film. Your point?

I don't think one film makes a great argument that the Academy views horror films with the same respect.

And Jaws, as another example. Many others of the genres have been nominated - not the majority, of course but I doubt (I don't really know) the majority of films ever made were of the genre. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 6th Sense, Clockwork Orange, Psycho were all nominated. No point really beyond the idea of the Academy having this blanket attitude or preconception that horror films are not worthy of recognition - there are exceptions. I think what it comes down to is, no one really has a clue about what specifically the Academy respects or disrespects - the same contention could be made for comedies. Inferences can be made, sure. Based on all the hype that was going on about Brokeback Mountain, there were certainly inferences that the Academy just had to be gunning for that film but I think many people's expectations as to how well the film would do at the awards had more to do with the political bullshit surrounding the film as opposed to its subjective artistic merit, which affects individuals individually. Sometimes I make a point to remind myself, they're only movies.

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Oscar winners: Homosexuals, Trans-sexuals, Pimps, and America-haters.

I think they've grown a bit out of touch with mainstream America...


Gee John, are you trying to say that's a bad thing? Let's have no media and or any checks and balances of any kind. I have an idea, lets just give everybody a gun and tell them to "handle it". Whattaya think? :S

America haters? How do you get that? I take it you love everything about america?

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Don't think they "screwed up." I just didn't think it was THAT good of a movie. Certainly not the way it was hyped and nominated.

This will be my last post to this thread. Apparently this was turned into a debate about something other than whether it was a an Oscar worth film, and I don't feel like getting involved in a SC debate.

Thanks for the discussion up til then.

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Oscar winners: Homosexuals, Trans-sexuals, Pimps, and America-haters.

I think they've grown a bit out of touch with mainstream America...

And in the process, are making themselves irrelevant.

Oh, c'mon John - Have you seen any of these Homosexual, Trans-sexual, Pimp, and America-hating flims? I haven't so maybe I'm talking out of my hat. I predicted that whichever won or lost, the "Out of Touch" mantra would be resplendant. The truth is, unless you're a film-maker or otherwise in the industry angling for awards or a member of the academy, the awards have always been irrelevant. Unless the academy somehow provides some sort of personal vindication towards your own personal preferences - in other words, that they agree with you. Perspective - film is an art-form - and nothing more. There was a school of thought that the impressionists were out of touch but this is not to say that such art was without merit. Van Gough couldn't sell shit but (to me) some of his stuff is absolutely beautiful, though I prefer Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Holbein, and others because I get off on realism. Similar angst has been expressed over music as well. Jazz into Big Band into Blues, R&B, Doo-Wop, Rock to Rap, with a little country and bluegrass on the side? Pick your poison. There's always been some that prefer something else than what others might prefer. Remember "The Last Temptation of Christ?" Beautiful film in my opinion. There were some who hated it. Remember "The Passion of the Christ?" Another beautiful film. There were also some who hated it. The point is, those (and the camps they might or might not be a part of) that like or dislike the film does not change the film. It is its own entity and it will stand or fall on what it is - specifically on what it is to the individual - not upon what it might represent to society at large. Just my opinion - that's all.

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>Yep. That movie got what it deserved. Not a damn thing.

It won Best Director (see above.)

Meh, a minor league Oscar. Kinda like best...sound editing or some shit.

Best Director is only 2nd to best movie in their minds

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Yep. That movie got what it deserved. Not a damn thing.

Just so we're all perfectly clear, are these negative reviews based on:

A) Your cinemagraphic judgements of the directing, lighting, acting, and set design

B) or are we all engaging in a little barely-obscured gaybashing again?

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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