
baby seal hunts in Canada

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Here is the referenced study by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. A couple of key points:

On the being skinned alive bit:

One issue of contention has been the “swimming reflex.” When killed by acute trauma to the brain, harp seals, like other animals, often undergo a period of tremors or convulsions. These consist of strong lateral movements of the caudal portion of the body, described as “swimming reflex” (hereafter referred to as “reflex movements”), which have been interpreted by some animal welfare advocates as implying persistence of conscious life.

Regarding Narcimund's comparison with treatment of cows:

A welfare audit of 41 beef slaughter plants in the United States in 1999 revealed that the percentages of cattle stunned with 1 shot from a captive bolt stunner were 100% at 5 (12%) plants, 99% at 10 (24%) plants, 95 to 98% at 22 (54%) plants, 90 to 94% at 2 (5%) plants, and < 90% at 2 (5%) plants.

The conclusion of the article:

The conclusion is that the large majority of seals taken during this hunt (at best, 98% in work reported here) are killed in an acceptably humane manner. However, the small proportion of animals that are not killed effectively justifies continued attention to this hunt on the part of the veterinary profession.

So, all in all it seems that Narcimund was making a fair comparison. As for the humaneness of seal hunting... well, it seems that humanity has taken it upon itself to regulate Nature. If we accept this for deer, I see no problem with accepting it for seals. I don't know the percentage of only wounded deer from hunting, though.
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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Seal flippers are a Newfoundland delicacy, FLipper pie we call it and I can even get you the recipe.


We argued this same arguement year after year, I am not going to re-write the same posts over and over again, you can link it here:

and here:


and that's the reality of the seal hunt - WE KILL ANIMALS FOR FOOD

millions of them every day

get used to it


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I'm going to save TK the effort - here's a recipe for Flipper Pie from Joyce's Fine Cooking!


Newfoundland Flipper Pie

2 seal flippers
1 small turnip, cubed
3 carrots , sliced
2 onions, sliced
1 parsnip, sliced
2 ½ cups water
1 ½ oz screech
½ fat back pork
2 tbsp vinegar

1 ½ cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
small pat of butter

Cut all fat and slag from flippers, place them in a deep dish
and add enough boiling water to cover, add vinegar and set
aside to cool, then wipe dry with a paper towel and place
in baking pan or large casserole dish. Add pepper and salt
to taste, cover with sliced onions and sliced fat pork,
dribble the screech over the contents. Cover and cook for 2
hours in a pre heated oven , 375 degrees. Boil turnip,
carrots and parsnip in 2 ½ cups of water for 20 minutes.
When ready place in baking dish along with flipper. Use
vegetable water for gravy... thickened with flour. Make
dumpling pastry and pat over flippers and vegetables. Cover
and bake gently until pastry is done (about 15 minutes).

Come to Canada and enjoy something unique.
The people of Newfoundland and Labrador need the tourist income!
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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According to a petition website:

"The largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals on the planet is set to begin again in Canada next month.

By the end of the hunt, more than 300,000 seals are expected to be clubbed or shot to death by fishermen who hunt seals off-season to pick up extra cash by selling their skins. Almost all of their victims will be babies -- some as young as 12 days old.

During a recent hunt, veterinarians who examined dead seals concluded that 42% of the seals examined had most likely been skinned while they were alive and still conscious."

A truly proud tradition.


Q: "What do Newfoundlanders drink during seal hunts?"

A: "Canadian Club."

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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You forgot the other couple ounces of screech that you drink while waiting for the pie to bake.

Not directed at any poster in particular, But, same BS arguments about the seal hunt year after year after year.
Usually from the same groups of special intrest people who are quite frankly Very biased in thier opinions (and yes so am I) and very good at twisting facts into BS that supports thier very stupid arguments.
Watch my video Fat Women

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