
Holy shit! Actor Chris Penn found dead!

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Because these are people who command press attention and get it. That's why.

Still don't get why it matters. Are you mad that some people who see and/or listen to Sean Penn's actions in Iraq and in New Orleans won't be able to distinguish between his attempts for publicity, etc. and the reality of the situations?


These are guys who spout off shit off-the-cuff.

Umm....you do agree that out-spoken actors are not the only public figures guilty of this, right?

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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Are you mad that some people who see and/or listen to Sean Penn's actions in Iraq and in New Orleans won't be able to distinguish between his attempts for publicity, etc. and the reality of the situations?

Somewhat, yes. I'm also mad that he had that opportunity to have dinner with Saddam Hussein and - having the chance to prevent this war - didn't simply shove his fork through Saddam's neck.


you do agree that out-spoken actors are not the only public figures guilty of this, right?

Absolutely. Public officials grandstand all the time, but that's also part of their job descriptions.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I'm also mad that he had that opportunity to have dinner with Saddam Hussein and - having the chance to prevent this war - didn't simply shove his fork through Saddam's neck.

How would that have made any appreciable difference in terms of conditions within Iraq and U.S. casualties there?

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Not shocking - he never struck me as especially healthy because he always looked like he was going to pop, like his blood pressure was whacked out. Such a shame. I really hope he went easy. [:/]

RIP Chris Penn.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I'm also mad that he had that opportunity to have dinner with Saddam Hussein and - having the chance to prevent this war - didn't simply shove his fork through Saddam's neck.

How would that have made any appreciable difference in terms of conditions within Iraq and U.S. casualties there?

It wouldn't have ultimately made much of a difference.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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you do agree that out-spoken actors are not the only public figures guilty of this, right?

Absolutely. Public officials grandstand all the time, but that's also part of their job descriptions.

Well....I think there is a very fine line there. Public figures are public regardless of whether they are politicians (i.e. officials), actors, sports players, journalists, etc. As we are all aware, a handful of actors have held some sort of public office and were just simply actors before doing so (i.e. Ronald Regan, Schwartznegger, I use the term actor loosely for him.) These actors who became involved in politics used their leverage as celebrities to gain political power in this country. What makes what they did worse than what C. Penn, A. Baldwin, W. Beatty, J. Fonda did? At least the ladder didn't actually try take control of a political office (at least for the time being).

Additionally, I don't understand why everyone gets SO mad at the actions of C. Penn in New Orleans, who despite his obvious publicity attempts, was doing a somewhat noble thing in conjunction with the publicity attempt - even if didn't work as planned due to pure stupidity. Then you have these pro-football players and basketball players involved in murders, conspiracy, drugs, etc. I think the examples that those public figures provide to our nation and it's citizens is not only more despicable than what C. Penn, etc. did but also is often more influential over a much more impressionable group in this country (i.e. younger peeps).

I also wonder if you get SO mad at actors, and other unqualified public figures, if they are voicing an opinion or doing an action that you actually support? Are you chastizing those as just pure publicity stunts?

I guess I understand your anger but I think if you are going to have anger for that type of reason, it should be prioritized and directed at all public figures guilty of the same - regardless of whether they are voicing an opinion that you share or not. Otherwise it seem pretty hypocritical.

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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I've just gotta' ask: Why do you care so much WTF Sean Penn and Alec Baldwin do or say about anything?

Because unfortunately, we have idiots in the population who will make voting decisions based on what these moron elitists say, and those voting decisions can easily have an impact on how I get to live MY life, and the laws under which I'm forced to live.

(For example, they lie about guns and gun crime, they call for idiotic, do-nothing bans, they oppose licensed concealed carry, and then they get legions of knownothings to vote for reps who support such laws.)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Because these are people who command press attention and get it. That's why.

Still don't get why it matters. Are you mad that some people who see and/or listen to Sean Penn's actions in Iraq and in New Orleans won't be able to distinguish between his attempts for publicity, etc. and the reality of the situations?

That is EXACTLY what the problem is, yes.

Oh, you might add Rosie O'Donnell to the list of celebrity shit-brains to whom far too many millionsof voters turn for their daily dose of what-to-think.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Because unfortunately, we have idiots in the population who will make voting decisions based on what these moron elitists say, and those voting decisions can easily have an impact on how I get to live MY life, and the laws under which I'm forced to live.

I think you need to realize that there are only a few things in this world you control, and the actions of another person are NOT one of those things. You can, however, control how you feel and act about something - and disgracing a dead man and his family after the news of his untimely demise speaks volumes about your character.

Arianna Frances

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there are only a few things in this world you control, and the actions of another person are NOT one of those things.

But...but.... That's not what the far left 10% AND the far right 10% of the population live by (and what 15% of the mid left and 15% of the mid right WISH were true).

How can half of the world population be wrong?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I've just gotta' ask: Why do you care so much WTF Sean Penn and Alec Baldwin do or say about anything?

Because unfortunately, we have idiots in the population who will make voting decisions based on what these moron elitists say, and those voting decisions can easily have an impact on how I get to live MY life, and the laws under which I'm forced to live.

So...what then? Should some entity of this country, the government, the media, etc., ban celebrities & other unqualified individuals from speaking their minds and expressing their opinions just because it effects how YOU live you life :S?

Heard of the pot calling the kettle black?

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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How can half of the world population be wrong?

Through the course of my life, I've been academically tested numerous times, as have many of you. According to the results, I am academically superior to ~96% of the tested population, give or take.

I'll suppose for the sake of argument that these results are valid enough to say I'm SMARTER than all but 4% of the world.

Then I think about some of the dumb shit I do and say and think sometimes.

The implications for the rest world are just terrifying.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I'll suppose for the sake of argument that these results are valid enough to say I'm SMARTER than all but 4% of the world.

I'm another 99er. But it really means you "test" better than 96% of the rest. "Smartness" in the generally accepted sense is something more than the scores on a test. The tests are more potential than ability.

And, in the entire scheme of things, the difference between a 10 person and a 90 person when put in the context of all life on the planet, is indistinguishable.

what's terrifying is that half the people in the world are below average :o

And even the smartest dog will sometimes roll in poop

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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What I find interesting is how stupid so many smart people can be. Then I extrapolate that to the people who are on the lower end (e.g. "test worse than 96%" but still functioning).

Then I remember that it's not all about how smart you are. Making a productive, self-sufficient life for yourself, and learning how to be happy go a long way.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Because unfortunately, we have idiots in the population who will make voting decisions based on what these moron elitists say, and those voting decisions can easily have an impact on how I get to live MY life, and the laws under which I'm forced to live.

I think you need to realize that there are only a few things in this world you control, and the actions of another person are NOT one of those things. You can, however, control how you feel and act about something - and disgracing a dead man and his family after the news of his untimely demise speaks volumes about your character.


I did not disgrace a dead man. I simply made comments about his brother, who I think is a jackass.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Through the course of my life, I've been academically tested numerous times, as have many of you. According to the results, I am academically superior to ~96% of the tested population, give or take.

And on the coolness factor, I place you in the 99.99 percentile.B|



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Now JC, since you are a lawyer, how can a person that has been jailed and charged with domestic violence, assault, battery, and a few other things still manages to have a concealed weapons permit?

(Any similarity to a person named in this thread is mere coincidence!:P)
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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yo man, you should change your name on this site. all you do is start shit bro ( no problem with that but peaceful doesn't fit your posts) and bitch and moan .

you need something more representative of who you really are inside . how about pissedoffjeffery... or motherfuckerjeff......maybe even jefftheundercoverhater..... or even piecefullofbulletsjeff anything but peacefuljeffery.

be who you really are bro, stop living a lie.......feeeeeelllll the hate!


people see me as a challenge to their balance

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Through the course of my life, I've been academically tested numerous times, as have many of you. According to the results, I am academically superior to ~96% of the tested population, give or take.

And on the coolness factor, I place you in the 99.99 percentile.B|


You sweet talker!! :$:$:$

Thanks Chris! As it takes one to know one, that's a VERY effective compliment!!

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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yo man, you should change your name on this site.

You've been on this site registered since 2003, and you're only coming up with this now?

What excuse do you have for not having seen the 73 other people who have had the same uninspired, wish-it-were-droll thing to say? :|

You really don't know jack-shit about "who I am inside." And it's not a far reach to construe your "suggestions" as a personal attack, either.

Go read it again.

Would you like it if I encouraged you to change your name to "intelligence-freeryde13" or something?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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muahahhahaa ROFLMAO you hit the nail on the head :ph34r:


I remember you, now.

Aren't you the one who started sending me yahoo messages about back in May about Misty? Talking all kinds of smack about her?

Seemed like a stalker then, too. :| And now you just can't stay away from me, still.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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