
Can a Christian make jokes about his own religion?

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Well i'm sure heaven with your God is going to be a laugh a minute.

I hear it’s all Mormons building crafts projects from egg cartons, magic markers and glitter. Should be an eternal hoot, not that I'll get to find out since all lawyers are assigned to a special place in the afterlife (oh why didn't they tell me that until _after_ my tuition checks cleared).

Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!

Hey don't knock the egg cartons, magic markers and glitter, fun can be had with those, they are coming to hell with me! :D:D

May Contain Nut traces......

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do you hear that?

that's the sound of no one clapping.

Hmmm...Hey, Mr. 38 Jump Wonder, was someone replying to one of your posts, were you being addresed, or are you just being a dick? Johnny Carson is dead, there's no help for you. The auditioning of stand-up comedians is dissapating very quickly.

You don't know me, i don't know you. Let's keep it that way.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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Mr. 38 Jump Wonder... hmmm... sounds like a PA here... who was talking about skydiving? YOU, old man, were pontificating on what an incredible religious zealot you were (and that you like to take your progeny to high-dollar restaurants... oooh... touch you!)

are you just being a dick?... hmmm and perhaps another PA... good thing I'm no Greenie, or you'd be banned with a bad anal experience.

was someone replying to one of your posts, were you being addresed?... last time I checked, this was a public forum. Don't like it? Don't read it. If you want it kept private, there are these wonderful things called "Private Messages." Another old man taught me that once.

You don't know me, i don't know you. Let's keep it that way. ... old man, you'll get no argument from me there... but as long as you're being a , you can count on me to be a thorn in your side. :)
"38 jump wonder" Did you think that up all by yourself? :D

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Yes you can...but look further, who is making fun of you and...WHY? Can you make fun of someone else without losing your job? You are a minority religion without a Political STATE. Wonder why? Just keep doing on to jews and Arabs as they would have done onto you! Then you might learn to shoot a gun. IMO Christians should die due to their weakness.

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Absolutely! If we believe God is our creator, then we can assume He gave us our sense of humor. It depends on the context. Yes, jokes can be blasphemous; but they can also be done in good taste. I believe God knows what is in a person's heart and what their intention is.



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Absolutely! If we believe God is our creator, then we can assume He gave us our sense of humor. It depends on the context. Yes, jokes can be blasphemous; but they can also be done in good taste. I believe God knows what is in a person's heart and what their intention is.


you've been faking the head injury thing all along haven't you. that post was perfectly stated.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Mr. 38 Jump Wonder... hmmm... sounds like a PA here... who was talking about skydiving? YOU, old man, were pontificating on what an incredible religious zealot you were (and that you like to take your progeny to high-dollar restaurants... oooh... touch you!)

are you just being a dick?... hmmm and perhaps another PA... good thing I'm no Greenie, or you'd be banned with a bad anal experience.

was someone replying to one of your posts, were you being addresed?... last time I checked, this was a public forum. Don't like it? Don't read it. If you want it kept private, there are these wonderful things called "Private Messages." Another old man taught me that once.

You don't know me, i don't know you. Let's keep it that way. ... old man, you'll get no argument from me there... but as long as you're being a , you can count on me to be a thorn in your side. :)
"38 jump wonder" Did you think that up all by yourself? :D

Yeah, you 38 jump hack.

After all, eveyone knows that your total life experience, knowledge AND opinions about ANYTHING (even those things which have nothing to do with skydiving) only comes when you obtain the correct amount of jumps.

And just for anyone who decides to take this serious (I know you won't micro)....

Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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are you just being a dick?... hmmm and perhaps another PA... good thing I'm no Greenie, or you'd be banned with a bad anal experience.

Hahaha, if only they had the powers.

Greeny: "You've read the forum rules, no personal attacks. I'm banning you from the forum for 2 weeks and sending a good bumming so you learn your lesson!"


May Contain Nut traces......

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and therefore the place no self restrictions on their "jokes" thinking that they are funny and won't be held accountable for their blaspheous remarks.

WOW....are they in for a big surprise.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap

Oh please do tell, I love a good surprise.

Will it be anything like the consequences suffered so far by non-believers? Which is what? Please be specific, I'd like the name and fate of a blasphemous person and how you have come to know about such things in detail.

And sorry to inform you, but God is mocked. At least a few times each day.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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