
religion and science - what an odd thought I had...

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Religion and Science are very similar entities in my eyes. Both are systems that have been created to explain the world around us. While science is based on skepticism, religion is rooted in faith.

I've just completed a second review of a paper submitted to a journal that has a multitude of problems (still after the second time around). I told the editor that the author is missing the point, but he had some good ideas. I recommended it not be published, however, if it is - I have faith the scientific process will put this paper to rest down the road.

I have faith in science...
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I have faith in science...

And editors referees like you who actually read the papers closely and speak up when it is not good enough help me keep mine.
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- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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I have faith in science...

Yeah, but if they publish it, you can start the lambasting (well, at least you can talk to someone so they can start it, if having reviewed the paper makes it inappropriate).

Kind of like being able to tell God "Dude -- you missed that one there" :o:)

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I was watching a great program about religion/science/morals on tv last night and there was a great quote at the end.


With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

Edit: Quote was by Steven Weinberg a US Physicist.

He said this after speaking to a priest who was good friends with the guy who murdered a doctor who carried out abortions and the priest condoned his actions. After speaking to him he found him a pleasant person but yet obviousy didn't agree with his beliefs. Quote kinda suits.

May Contain Nut traces......

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Was that the Richard Dawkins programme?
I like RD's writing and i pretty much agree with him, but i think he did himself a disservice because he was a little too anti, especially with some of the "moderates" who were trying to be a bit more balanced than the Christians who were condoning murder and making 12 year old kids watch sensationalist plays about abortion, homosexuality and the like.

Having said that, anyone who is blind enough to think that evolution cannot produce complex organs and organisms should read his book "The Blind Watchmaker" for a very clear, well thought out and scientific explanation.
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Yeah was on TV last night. I agree, it's the first i've heard from him. I'll be sure to check out the book. I only saw the second episode, just downloading the first one now.

Yeah he came across a bit kind of arrogant, but then again, no more than your average person. Good program though with some good points made.

May Contain Nut traces......

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Can I quote you on that one???

It's on the internet. Just like the guy in Bonfire with his sexual (mis)escapades, and the girls talking about stuck tampons in the Women's forum.

You have my solemn permission to quote :ph34r:

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I have faith in science...

I have faith in magic rocks.

I thought about that some more - 'magic' was never defined...:)

Well, if you consider the origin of my magic rocks--the one I told you about and the two I just received--you should be able to figure out the meaning of magic.


P.S. The rocks my daughter put in her mouth weren't magic. The rocks I gave to her were.
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Having said that, anyone who is blind enough to think that evolution cannot produce complex organs and organisms should read his book "The Blind Watchmaker" for a very clear, well thought out and scientific explanation.

Yesiree bop. The arguements for irreducible complexity have more holes than a congressional spending limit bill and have been throughly debunked. Every example thrown out by Mr. Behe and The Discovery Institute folks has been shot down down like a low-flying blimp at an RPG party. It's just a God of the Gaps variation anyway.

I get a kick out of that oxymoron; they are not out to "discover" anything. They perform no experiments or research whatsoever. They have a politicized agenda and their "institute" has already decided they have all the answers, regardless of any evidence that is presented (or ever will be presented).
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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"one pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small"

or more accurately each side of the catapillers throne.... one of the great literary analogies in Alice in Wonderland is the mushroom the catapiller sits on.. often interpreted as the duality of science and religion there is a good debate in which side is which..

does science make man 'larger' by giving him control of his environment and evolution, or 'smaller' by illustrating the brief flash of his existence in the enormity of the universe..

does religion make man 'larger' by its focus on the individual and his choices and decisions as the center point and purpose of creation, or is he simply one more mortal entity, a functioning piece in the Divine plan?
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..... illustrating the brief flash of his existence in the enormity of the universe..
..... is he simply one more mortal entity, a functioning piece in the Divine plan?

kinda like marriage, huh?

Now I feel like a small cog in a giant machine. I want to lie down and just watch squirrels outside my window, eating Cheetos, drinking 'almost' old milk straight from the jug...

But what's the point [:/][:/]

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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