
DZ safety warning

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I think a better protection of personal safety would be to invest in a home security system, live in an area with lower crime rates, carry pepper spray, use common sense, don't do hard-core drugs like meth, don't sleep around with married people.. and exercise common sense.

A home security system doesn't save you - it just calls the cops, who then might take quite a long time to arrive. What are you going to do in the meantime if the intruder keeps coming at you? Good luck...

Many people can't afford home security systems. They can't afford to choose to live in a nice neighborhood. Besides, if everyone moved out of the bad neighborhoods, where do you think the criminals would go? To the good neighborhoods, to prey on people there, and turn them into bad neighborhoods.

Pepper spray is not as effective as a gun. Not even close. Common sense is only partially effective. Many people use it, and still become victims of crime. You can still have and do all those things, even while owning a gun. But when all else fails, a gun is the best tool to have as a final resort for personal protection.

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why did you not take the gun from him and rack it to remove any possible chambered round? i wouldn't have trusted the dude to even walk it back to it's "hiding place." (not to second guess you or anything...)

Unclear what their ages were (guessing 16-17), but I certainly wouldn't walk TOWARDS a guy with a chambered round, finger on the trigger, and pointing it towards me. Until it's away from his hands, running like hell is the best course of action.

at 25ft away, hiding behind a bush, odds are decent that the guy would miss even if he wanted to hit Bill.

but it seemed clear that the kid would listen to commands, such as put that down! step back! point that at the ground! remove your finger from the trigger!

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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trying to understand WHY someone would bring a gun at the DZ... Unless I had a safe to lock my guns in at the DZ, I wouldn't take the chance of getting my weapons stolen...

It's in the car because I want it for safety on the road, i.e. "road rage". Not because I'm worried about being attacked at the DZ. It's good for going to and from the DZ.

It's unlikely that someone will break into a locked vehicle in a busy public parking lot, in plain view of many people. I've never heard of that happening in the 10 years I've been jumping at my home DZ.

But at any rate, I'm not going to render myself defenseless to criminal attack, over fear of having a gun stolen from my car. Protecting my life, is more important than protecting my property.

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I think a better protection of personal safety would be to invest in a home security system, live in an area with lower crime rates, carry pepper spray, use common sense, don't do hard-core drugs like meth, don't sleep around with married people.. and exercise common sense.

A home security system doesn't save you - it just calls the cops, who then might take quite a long time to arrive. What are you going to do in the meantime if the intruder keeps coming at you? Good luck...

Many people can't afford home security systems. They can't afford to choose to live in a nice neighborhood. Besides, if everyone moved out of the bad neighborhoods, where do you think the criminals would go? To the good neighborhoods, to prey on people there, and turn them into bad neighborhoods.

Pepper spray is not as effective as a gun. Not even close. Common sense is only partially effective. Many people use it, and still become victims of crime. You can still have and do all those things, even while owning a gun. But when all else fails, a gun is the best tool to have as a final resort for personal protection.

speaking of calling the cops, either by a tripped alarm system (very long response), or by dialing 911, if you are harmed from the perp and you try to SUE the cops, you will LOSE! It's happened many times in this country... Courts have ruled that they DO NOT have a duty to protect private citizens. They have a duty to protect the public. Their failure to stop a violent crime from occurring on your property is not their fault. So, if you really want to protect yourself, buy a good firearm, LEARN how to safely use it, and don't be afraid to protect yourself.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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but it seemed clear that the kid would listen to commands, such as put that down! step back! point that at the ground! remove your finger from the trigger!

Would you gamble your life on that estimation?

that's why i'm asking the questions... i wasn't there... but letting the kid go back w/ the gun just seemed off to me.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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My rig is worth a lot more than any gun I own.

your rig will be less likely used to kill/injure people...

A stolen car is more likely to be used to kill someone, than a stolen gun.

Should we all ride horses to the DZ?

i think that's a bit of a stretch there john. not only that, but you may be held liable if a crime is committed w/ the gun if it is demonstrated by counsel that you were somehow "negligent" in your storage of the firearm in your vehicle.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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(Your answer assumes the worst in gun owners, do you treat everybody that way?)

Bingo! That's one of the things that bugs me about this attitude. If he assumes that no one with a gun can be trusted, then why does he trust most people with cars, or parachutes, or other objects which can kill people?

The attitude presumes that no one should be trusted with anything potentially dangerous. And I don't want to live in a place where everyone is treated like an idiot, because of the small minority of people that actually are. I think that the large majority of normal, reasonable people should be given the respect that they deserve, to do the right thing. Without this attitude, there would be no skydiving.

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or by dialing 911, if you are harmed from the perp and you try to SUE the cops, you will LOSE!

Very true. There was a woman raped and murdered in Philadelphia by a serial rapist. Neighbors heard screaming and called the police. The police came, knocked on the door and didn't get an answer. Then left. It was later determined via autopsy that she wasn't killed until well after the police came. Her parents sued the cops....that was thrown out. Then they sued the city, that went to jury and they lost.

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The tendency to play show and tell needs to be tempered with a certain amount of good judgment and caution. Playing with (showing off) firearms in the parking lot doesn't fall into that category.

So says you.

There is nothing incompatible about showing someone else a gun in a DZ parking lot, and using good judgement and caution. They can occur together, despite your personal belief to the contrary.

My personal belief to the contrary is the result of having suffered the consequences--in a second-hand, but nonetheless painful sort of way.

I'm telling you that what you're doing isn't smart, even if you think you have no worries. But you get to choose, and I never said you didn't. It is simply my opinion that your choice is foolhardy and ill-advised.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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John....I'm on your side with this...but are you going to respond to every post individually? Just curious.

No, just the ones that I think I need to address.

I usually read ahead before responding, so that I don't duplicate what others have already said. Often, others make a response that is better than what I would have said. But this thread surged ahead so far since yesterday, that I didn't take the time to do that first. So I apologize if I'm repetitive.

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A stolen car is more likely to be used to kill someone, than a stolen gun.

i think that's a bit of a stretch there john. not only that, but you may be held liable if a crime is committed w/ the gun if it is demonstrated by counsel that you were somehow "negligent" in your storage of the firearm in your vehicle.

The number of people killed last year in car accidents: 42,000
The number of people murdered last year with guns: 10,000

I would hope that a reasonable jury would not hold me responsible for a crime I didn't commit, done with a gun stolen from a locked car. I'll take my chances on that one. I don't live in a state where those kind of whacko court decisions occur.

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A stolen car is more likely to be used to kill someone, than a stolen gun.

i think that's a bit of a stretch there john. not only that, but you may be held liable if a crime is committed w/ the gun if it is demonstrated by counsel that you were somehow "negligent" in your storage of the firearm in your vehicle.

In some situations, you can be held liable for a crime committed with your stolen car also.

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A stolen car is more likely to be used to kill someone, than a stolen gun.

i think that's a bit of a stretch there john. not only that, but you may be held liable if a crime is committed w/ the gun if it is demonstrated by counsel that you were somehow "negligent" in your storage of the firearm in your vehicle.

The number of people killed last year in car accidents: 42,000
The number of people murdered last year with guns: 10,000

I would hope that a reasonable jury would not hold me responsible for a crime I didn't commit, done with a gun stolen from a locked car. I'll take my chances on that one. I don't live in a state where those kind of whacko court decisions occur.

the key words in your post are "reasonable jury".... in many places today those words can't be used in the same sentence.

and descriptive stats to describe what causes more deaths can be deceiving... at any given time, more cars are "in play" than guns so it isn't surprising there will be a greater likelihood that they will be instrumental in killing more people.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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There are up to 2 million people per year in the U.S. who use a gun in self defense. "Use" does not necessarily mean fired. Simply displaying a gun most often sends attackers scurrying away.

I can't help but wonder how many of these situations could have been handled without a gun, say, with a swift kick to the bollocks of a jab in the eye with a stick. :D

May Contain Nut traces......

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even if that means taking the life of someone who has chosen an evil path.

Jesus: But I say unto you, Love your enemies
Sinker: *click* *BOOM* I love you, motherfucker!!!

More like... *click* do you believe in Jesus? Well do ya? Punk? B/c I'd like to introduce you to Him... *BOOM*

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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