
$1bn Stolen through Corruption in Iraq

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According to BBC.co.uk:


Iraq's Finance Minister, Ali Allawi, tells the UK's Independent newspaper that large-scale corruption in Iraq's ministries, particularly the defence ministry, has led to the theft of more than $1bn.

All this is happening whilst civilians, local military and police and US and British troops are being killed and injured on a daily basis.

If anything good is happening in Iraq it is either taking a long time or it is getting over shadowed by BS like this?

How many hospitals or schools would $1bn have paid for in Iraq. How many lives would it have saved instead of what I assume are local fat cats lining their own pockets?

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I'm sure we'll investigate and get to the bottom of this.

Update - maybe we'll investigate later rather than sooner. The Office of Federal Procurement Policy's director (this is the office that handles handles procurement policy for the White House's Office of Management and Budget) just got arrested for lying and obstructing a criminal investigation. Apparently he's been taking bribes to parcel out government controlled property.

Oh well. We're still a little better than Saddam.

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How much did Saddam steal from his people to build his opulent palaces and lifestyle?

Yep I agree but whilst that was bad it is also nasty knowing that a new bunch of cronies have now taken over and have decided to make a quick buck whilst a lot of other people are suffering. I suppose that its human nature that someone will always try to make a personsal financial killing whenever an opportunity presents itself.

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Oh well. We're still a little better than Saddam.

I think we're a whole hell of a lot better than Saddam, I don't understand how you could suggest otherwise.

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Oh well. We're still a little better than Saddam.

I think we're a whole hell of a lot better than Saddam, I don't understand how you could suggest otherwise.


Not quite sure who "we" is. The Kurds are much better off. Iraqis who benefited from Saddam's regim obviously are not, and Irakis who opposed his regime are. But is the average Iraqi better off today? I don't know. I hope so. But I truly don't know.
Now, are "we" as Americans better off? I don't know either. I'm glad he's gone, but not quite sure whether I'm better off today than I was in 2002 or not.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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>I don't understand how you could suggest otherwise.

I'm not. But right-wingers seem to compare us to Saddam at every opportunity. Sure, we torture people - but Saddam tortured more. We kill Iraqis - but Saddam killed more. Our funds are wasted on corruption - but Saddam was more corrupt. We're just . . . well . . . better!

Time to start acting like the United States of America and not someone slightly better than Saddam. Enough lame excuses. No level of corruption is acceptable. No torture is OK. Period.

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>I don't understand how you could suggest otherwise.

I'm not. But right-wingers seem to compare us to Saddam at every opportunity. Sure, we torture people - but Saddam tortured more. We kill Iraqis - but Saddam killed more. Our funds are wasted on corruption - but Saddam was more corrupt. We're just . . . well . . . better!

Time to start acting like the United States of America and not someone slightly better than Saddam. Enough lame excuses. No level of corruption is acceptable. No torture is OK. Period.

Well ...damn, Bill. Well said!
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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