
Nearly 9,000 U.S. troops dead?

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Something else I felt was worth forwarding.


The Bush Administration is lying on a scale of epic proportions when it comes to the true "dead" count of our soliders in Iraq. The problem is, and they know it well, is that no one ever gets all of the relatives together to counter their ridiculously low numbers. Well, this blog site is doing a virtual version of exactly that.
Forward this email to as many people as you possibly can and simply ask them to go to the link and look for the names of the soliders they know have died in this war. If it's not on the list, ADD IT to the list. Let's get a real count and confront this administration with the startling proof.


Independent Site Asks For Your Help To Get True Count Of Soliders Who Have Died In Iraq

Has the Bush administration drastically understated the U.S. military death count by redefining "death"? The following article suggests that it has, and it calls for a nationwide campaign to honor deceased service members by naming and counting them.
According to the article: "...DoD lists currently being very quietly circulated indicate almost 9,000 [U.S. military] dead"; this far exceeds the "official" death count of 1,831. How can this be? It's largely because "U.S. Military Personnel who died in German hospitals or en route to German hospitals have not previously been counted."

In other words, "death" has been redefined.


1. If you know (or know of) service members who've died in Bush()'s wars, look for their names on the full, alphabetized "official" Pentagon death list, at www.tbrnews.org/Archives/list.htm. IF THEIR NAMES ARE NOT INCLUDED, PLEASE SEND A REPORT TO: tbrnews (at) hotmail.com. You're also encouraged to notify your Congress members, your local newspaper, and other interested parties.

( Note that the alphabetized list is updated regularly at tbrnews.org. It currently includes deaths reported up through early June. )


3. Forward this web page to veterans' groups, other organizations, responsible journalists and respectable elected officials.

"The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 80 US Military Deaths in Iraq() from 1 through 21 May, 2005 – Official Total of 1,831 US Dead to date (and rising)"

( THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS FROM www.tbrnews.org/Archives/a1682.htm )

U.S. Military Personnel who died in German hospitals or en route to German hospitals have not previously been counted. They total about 6,210 as of 1 January, 2005. The ongoing, underreporting of the dead in Iraq, is not accurate. The DoD is deliberately reducing the figures. A review of many foreign news sites show that actual deaths are far higher than the newly reduced ones. Iraqi civilian casualties are never reported but International Red Cross, Red Crescent and UN figures indicate that as of 1 January 2005, the numbers are just under 100,000.

by Brian Harring, Domestic Intelligence Reporter

Note: There is excellent reason to believe that the Department of Defense is deliberately not reporting a significant number of the dead in Iraq. We have received copies of manifests from the MATS that show far more bodies shipped into Dover AFP than are reported officially. The educated rumor is that the actual death toll is in excess of 7,000. Given the officially acknowledged number of over 15,000 seriously wounded, this elevated death toll is far more realistic than the current 1,400+ now being officially published. When our research is complete, and watertight, we will publish the results along with the sources In addition to the evident falsification of the death rolls, at least 5,500 American military personnel have deserted, most in Ireland but more have escaped to Canada and other European countries, none of whom are inclined to cooperate with vengeful American authorities. (See TBR News of 18 February for full coverage on the mass desertions) This means that of the 158,000 U.S. military shipped to Iraq, 26,000 either deserted, were killed or seriously wounded. The DoD lists currently being very quietly circulated indicate almost 9,000 dead, over 16,000 seriously wounded* (See note below. This figure is now over 24,000 Ed) and a large number of suicides, forced hospitalization for ongoing drug usage and sales, murder of Iraqi civilians and fellow soldiers , rapes, courts martial and so on –

I have a copy of the official DoD casualty list. I am alphabetizing it with the reported date of death following. TBR will post this list in sections and when this is circulated widely by veteran groups and other concerned sites, if people who do not see their loved one’s names, are requested to inform their Congressman, their local paper, us and other concerned people as soon as possible.

The government gets away with these huge lies because they claim, falsely, that only soldiers actually killed on the ground in Iraq are reported. The dying and critically wounded are listed as en route to military hospitals outside of the country and not reported on the daily postings. Anyone who dies just as the transport takes off from the Baghdad airport is not listed and neither are those who die in the US military hospitals. Their families are certainly notified that their son, husband, brother or lover was dead and the bodies, or what is left of them (refrigeration is very bad in Iraq what with constant power outages) are shipped home, to Dover AFB. You ought to realize that President Bush personally ordered that no pictures be taken of the coffined and flag-draped dead under any circumstances. He claims that this is to comfort the bereaved relatives but is designed to keep the huge number of arriving bodies secret. Any civilian, or military personnel, taking pictures will be jailed at once and prosecuted.

...This listing program is finished so act accordingly. If there is an actual variance of, say, 10 names, that is acceptable. 50 would indicate sloppiness and anything over 100 a positive sign of lying. As of June 16, TBR has received 32 new, unlisted names

*The latest on the wounded: “Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, is a 150-bed hospital that's already seen over 24,000 wounded military patients from Iraq and Afghanistan since the commencement of hostilities “. Knight Ridder Newspapers June 6, 2005 (Note: The Pentagon refuses to publish accurate lists of any wounded. Ed)

LINK TO FULL, "OFFICIAL" ALPHABETICAL LIST: www.tbrnews.org/Archives/list.htm

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Conspiracy Corner

The Real Truth About the Kennedy Assassination!

July 20, 2005
by Lisa E. Pease
Foundation for Eternal Truths

At first we were told that Lee Oswald killed Kennedy and then that Ruby killed Oswald. I have written and spoken on this often to rapt audiences who truly understand my interest in Real Truth. Yes, others have attempted to give us alternative theories and for years I have wrestled with all of the incongruities in the many books published since that day in November of 1963.

One day, I suddenly realized that I was approaching my quest for Real Truth the wrong way and that to become enlightened, I would have to search in other areas for enlightenment.

I traveled to India with my co-worker, Wally Sheets, and we went to Nepal in search of a man whom I will call here, the Perfect Master. He lives high up in the mighty Himalayas, a plain and simple guru of great Internal Insight and Power. Wally gave up the Quest and returned to Pomona but I remained and finally was granted a Blessed Audience with the Perfect Master.

It was hard to actually look at him, so powerful was His Radiance but I overcame my fears and realized that he could see directly into my heart. He asked me what I wished and I told him that I wanted to know the Real Truth about the Kennedy Assassination.

He closed his eyes and meditated for nearly an hour before speaking.

I cannot begin to tell my readers the intense thrill I felt when I heard His words!

Suddenly, like a bolt of lightening, the Real Truth was before me!

I felt humbled yet proud in my new knowledge which I am now ready to reveal to the entire world!

In our world today, there are great men called the Adjudicators who move among mankind to guide us on the Right Path. They are sworn enemies of the Disharmonic Vibrations that come from evil sources seeking eternal control over mankind to enslave their Inner Fire. These Great Ones move silently among us, unseen but seeing all. They deflect the Disharmonic Vibrations and protect us from their evil and allow us to find True Peace and Understanding.

From the Perfect Master, it was revealed to me that it was the Adjudicators who killed Kennedy with a ray of Inner Cleansing. They killed him because he was a true Imp of Satan and was leading us straight into the jaws of Hell on Earth! Yes, Kennedy was revealed to me as the Black One whom those who project the Disharmonic Vibrations into our infantile minds had set up as one of their Controllers.

Viewed in this light of the Real Truth, the killing in Dallas at once becomes Revealed Truth from the Consciousness of the Perfect Master!

I have made a video and a tape of my Revelations and these will soon be available through my website now being constructed for me at The Foundations for Eternal Truths and as part of my New Awakening, I will be giving lectures across the United States in 2006 to reveal everything to the people for the first time!

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How much will your video and tapes cost? I want to insure I get my copy and several for family and friends...Christmas gifts.

Please tell me oh Great One do you except Master Card and or Visa?

Hey, oh Greater one, you do know that in this context "except" means exclude, the opposite of "accept", don't you?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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This comment is in no way an attempt to give credability to the statements above but....

Didnt it turn out that the original Gulf war fatality count was somewhat out of whack with the eventual reality?

As far as hiding a bodycount? I agree that 9k seems excessive, but I can see a count quite easily hidden if you're only reporting to a parent the death of their son/daughter.

From what I recall the low death toll was more to do with advances in medical science rather than a lack of the enemy trying. The number of previously life ending injuries vs life impacting injuries and their ratio isnt something I've seen discussed (or put into english: the number of amputees/severely injured returning rather than dying hasn't been quantified).

It's more interesting than claiming 9000 phantom people have died, admit it.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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the number of people who would have to remain quiet to conceal 80% of the casualties is proof that this is bullshit.

I disagree.

If you were in charge of this coverup, how would you do it? Lists of the 1800 fatal casualties are maintained by many, esp those opposed to the fighting. How do you prevent 7000 sets of friends and family from noticing their soldier isn't on the list? As soon as more than a handful notice, you're cooked.

Beyond them, you have other soldiers in the platoons that would know, as well as those that would be transporting the bodies and hiding the paperwork. Burn all the evidence, including the soldier?! Think of the shitstorn that would erupt if that got discovered.

It's totally implausible. If we can't find (or manufacturer) WMDs in Iraq, how can we hide 7000 deaths?

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If you were in charge of this coverup

I don't see it as a coverup. I see it as smart politics. You hear in the news (4 soldiers died in Afghanistan today) but you don't hear about the ones that died in Germany from wounds. Or in a hospital in Quwait. (spelling?)

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I don't need to prove anything. I live in a city where rabid anti war protesters would be all over a descrepency like that. I've already covered why it would be impossible to pull off.

If you want to believe it, or that Apollo 11 was done on a soundstage, feel free. It's nearly impossible to disprove such lunacy.

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That number would nearly be a division sized elemant of the Army.

Do you think loosing a whole Division would raise an eye brow or two?

I call BS.

Maybe by 2009 if we are still in Iraq and "The Stan", we might be to that count.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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So, all of a sudden, all the mechanisms that report war dead are turned off, like a light switch, and a lone barker gathers this attention? I think not. For those who serve, as I have, there's no way you can turn off that faucet. War dead must be reported by law. Any order to change this would leak nationally. It would destroy any presidency. Interesting notion, but completely without basis. Just find ONE unreported American KIA in Iraq. Won't happen.

You're always the starter in your own life!

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